Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 70 Breaking the Array

I simply told the mud man about the situation.

"You mean these stone pillars are a formation?"

I nodded.

Fat Ma said, "Sun, didn't you say there was a solution?" After Fatty Ma said this, everyone looked at me.

"I have a clue, but I'm still in the stage of conjecture."

This kind of array in the tomb is very complicated. It may be a wrong step and the whole thing is lost.

"What can you do?" The clay figurine asked.

"This array may be related to bronze fish, and with my understanding of bronze fish, we should probably follow the direction of 'fish scales'."

As the saying goes, dragons have reverse scales, and the similarities between fish and dragons are exactly the same.

After I said this, they didn't react for a moment and didn't understand the meaning of my sentence.

Zhang Tong asked, "What 'fish scales'"

"The fish scales I'm talking about refer to the patterns on the stone pillars, and there are some complicated patterns on each stone pillars." I explained.

After saying that, I led them to the nearest stone pillar, and the complicated patterns on it appeared under my eyelids. At this time, if you look carefully, you will find that these complicated patterns are still somewhat recupied.

If you observe carefully, you will see that the lines are flowing like scales, in the middle of these complex patterns, and they still look very vivid.

After Zhang Tong saw these carvings, she was a little surprised. Occupational diseases inevitably made her want to touch them. When her hands were about to touch, I quickly stopped them.

"This touch may take half your life."

Zhang Tong was scared by my words and hurriedly withdrew his hand. However, his eyes still stared at the pattern, and his mouth burst out: "Some ancient handicrafts are really beautiful."

This kind of words is that the archaeology department graduated from her class can make this kind of emotion. For Fat Ma, these bullshit patterns are worthless, grandma.

"Have you all seen it clearly?"

They nodded almost at the same time, and even the four or five trembling people who suddenly appeared before nodded subconsciously.

"Go back first and discuss it."

People walked two or three meters away from the martial arts arena one after another.

I'll let them eat some dry food first without charging their physical strength.

Although I see some clues, I dare not be 100% sure. Judging from the danger that Fatty Ma and I encountered before, if I make a mistake in judgment after entering, someone will definitely have an accident.

Here, I want to explain this point.

Fat Ma has been waiting for a long time. One leg that had just been injured was supported by the other leg.

"Are you ready?"

"All right."

"Let's go."

Fat Ma was unable to move because he had just suffered a leg injury, and finally let a talkless and sly person help him walk at the end.

Fat Ma kept talking in the man's ear from the beginning.

And I was naturally the pathist this time. The clay figurine followed me closely, followed by the other four people between Zhang Tong.

We still continued on the road where Fatty Ma and I retreated before. This time, I paid special attention to the fish scales mixed with the complicated patterns.

I looked all the way to the area where we stopped last time, and I finally dared to be sure that there should be no big problem with my speculation.

This is the direction of those fish scales.

I have a foundation in my heart, and my courage has changed.

After taking a step, I turned around and said, "I haven't taken the road below. You all be careful." After saying that, I continued to move forward.

I stared at the pattern of the stone pillar and dared not take it lightly, so I bypassed four or five stone pillars.

When I looked up, I could see the opposite scene, and the opposite building gradually became clearer in my eyes.

I found that my heartbeat couldn't help but get faster.

I walked forward again, and the people behind me followed my pace and didn't dare to make a mistake.

Everyone is extremely careful.

Finally, I came to the last stone pillar.

The building in front of us can be seen clearly. This is a brick and wood structure house with a height of seven or eight meters, and another part has been higher than the height of the martial arts arena. It has been covered and the upper part cannot be seen.

Standing here at this time, you can't see the whole face of the building at a glance.

I was shocked that such a building could rise from the ground.

When the clay figurine saw me stop, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay."

I came to my senses and stepped over the last stone pillar. Just when I thought I could finally breathe a sigh of relief, I didn't expect that my foot had just landed on the land beside the martial arts arena, and suddenly there was a loud noise.

"Mom, something's going to happen!"

I hurriedly jumped up, followed by the clay figurine. Then came Zhang Tong.

I shouted to the people behind me to hurry up.

The stone pillar in the field rotated quickly. When Zhang Tong came up, the four people followed him quickly and suddenly left the martial arts arena, followed by Fatty Ma.

At this time, a scene that surprised me appeared. The person who was holding Fatty Ma before actually carried Fatty Ma up.

The comparison of the two bodies really surprised me a little.

I shook my mind and stopped my mind.

I quickly took the crowd to run in the direction of the building, but before I ran two steps, and there was a loud noise behind me. I couldn't help looking back and saw that the martial arts arena behind me collapsed.

The result is full of bright knives, which is really frightening.


"Run!" I shouted eagerly.

The sharp blades on all the stone pillars are running in our direction.

Fee the chill behind, all the people looked back and suddenly scared the seven souls to go to the six souls.

It seemed that you could feel the sound of the sharp blade tearing the air behind, and a murderous atmosphere suddenly came.

I didn't recover from my previous injury, so I ran and fell down quickly. Seeing this, the clay man pulled me up.

Fat Ma also ran fast with the help of that man, not to mention the four.

And Zhang Tong also ran hard.

The sound of the sharp blade falling on the ground came from behind, and there was a close pursuit, almost in a few seconds. Fortunately, the building we are not very far away.

at a distance of a few meters.

Finally, I saw a few thick pillars and reminded them to hide behind.

As soon as he hid behind the pillar, several sharp blades pricked the pillar and made a crisp sound.

Just hide behind two thick pillars separately from others.

All the people gasped, and the crisp and dry sound of the sharp blade stuck on the pillar kept ringing.

I breathe and still have lingering palpitations. If these things stick to us, they will definitely be tied into a sieve, and these sharp blades will be poisoned.