Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 71 The Real Ghost Palace?

Finally, the sound of breaking the wooden pillar stopped. For a moment, it was silent again, and only the slight heavy gasp of everyone could be heard.

Fat Ma shouted at me behind another pillar, "Sun, are you all right?"


It's been half a quarter of an hour.

I dared to slowly look out and look at the martial arts arena. Everything was calm, and everything in the martial arts arena stood quietly in the lamppost.

I took a step out, and then my whole body went out.

After about half a minute, I saw that there was nothing wrong, so I let the rest of the people come out.

At this time, the martial arts arena is no longer murderous.

Fat Ma covered his thighs and came out from behind the pillar and said, "Grandma, I'm scared to death."

The clay figurine and five followers stood in a muffled voice.

Zhang Tong stood there and had no voice, and so did I.

After a few minutes, we recovered. We just fell into a state of death and now we are born again. This is a reincarnation.

I wiped the sweat stains on my forehead and turned to look behind me.

Suddenly, what I am facing at this moment is a glory.

I slowly looked up from the lintel, covered with a plaque and carved with three large characters. At a glance, I saw it.

The three big words 'Ghost Palace' suddenly appeared.

I suddenly seemed to understand something. Maybe everything before had nothing to do with 'Ghost Palace', but now the building in front of me is the real 'Ghost Palace'.

I took a deep breath and felt a little depressed in my chest.

Zhang Tong asked me, "What words are written on it?" She knows that I know Ghost Fangwen.

I didn't hide it and blurted out the meaning of the words on this plaque.

Zhang Tong was a little surprised and even surprised.

I didn't stop and pushed the door directly. The tall wooden door slowly leaked out a gap. Fatty Ma saw me pushing the door.

Even if my thigh was injured, he helped me push the door like a 'damaged'.

The wooden door was quickly opened with the help of Fat Ma.

When the wooden door was opened, I was a little uneasy. This door was too easy to be pushed open. Will there be a trap?

At the moment I thought, Fatty Ma put one hand on the door lin, and the other foot had stepped in. Fatty Ma's life creed is that everyone should seize the opportunity.

And the injured foot was about to step in when suddenly, someone pulled Fat Ma.

Fat Ma turned around and looked at it. He happened to meet a clay figurine. The distance between the two was less than ten centimeters, and his eyes were almost eye-to-to-eye.

Fat Ma was shocked and then stepped in with both feet. Fatty Ma shook his head and scolded, "Duddy man, why are you scaring me?"

This roar pulled me back from my thoughts.

I looked at the position where the fat man stood, but I still didn't react. The clay fig man quickly rushed over, crushed the fat horse on the ground and rolled a few laps.

This action occurred between lightning and thunder, just as the clay figurine and Fatty Ma rolled aside. Suddenly, a black object passed by my sight.

At this moment, I felt like I was unconscious. I saw the object falling in front of my heel, and there was a loud 'dong' sound, and I felt that the ground trembled.

When I reacted, I looked at the front, and a piece of black square metal fell to the ground.

I suddenly woke up and quickly took a step back.

Fat Ma was about to scold the clay figurine in the shock. However, after the loud noise, Fatty Ma's fat face was completely scared and scared.

"If your mother is one step later, you must be smashed into meat sauce." Fatty Ma said with lingering lingering thoughts afterwards.

I stood in a stunned way and felt that my back was soaked with sweat.

The clay figurine and Fatty Ma slowly got up from the ground and stood up. We looked at each other and read from each other's eyes in surprise.

"Go in!" After a while, I broke the silence.

The two people inside did not object.

We stepped in one after another, and after stepping in, we were quickly far away from the linhes.

After entering, I took a look at the linden. A thick wood on it had moved, and the ground had been smashed out and sank in.

"Fortunately, it's okay." Zhang Tong said.

We all closed our emotions and began to look elsewhere.

When we look elsewhere, a 'black pool' appears in our sight.

It is ten meters wide and three meters long, and it is full of black water. It is located in the middle of the palace. The water is dead and quiet and makes people feel delic.

It doesn't take much time to experience it. At that moment, this strange feeling came to my mind.

"How long has it been before the water can be black like this?" Fatty Ma couldn't help sighing.

I think so. How long will it take for this pool of water to become black? Although this surprised me, what surprised me most was why a pool was built in this palace.

According to the conventional idea, it may be a pool built by someone to enjoy. But at this time, it's going down to the ground. If you think so, there must be a problem.

"Nan alone," I suggested.

The rest of the people also agreed with this suggestion and looked elsewhere.

The main hall of this palace has nothing but this black pool, and there is only a black opening to the other space of this palace.

We no longer hesitated and walked forward, but as soon as we walked a few steps, the clay man shouted, "Don't move yet. There is a sound of water." After saying that, we all turned our eyes to the black pool.

But the next second, Fatty Ma asked, "Mai man, are you hallucinating?" He pointed to the black pool and said, "How can there be a sound in such a calm water!"

The clay figurine looked rigorous and listened attentively.

After a minute, there was still no response. I also doubted and said, "Cute man, did you hear it wrong?"

The clay figurine's face changed and said, "Did I really hear it wrong!" As soon as the words fell to the ground, he immediately shouted, "No, there must be a sound of water."

Seeing that the clay figurine was so sure, we didn't refute him.

But after a few minutes, there was still no response.

At this time, Fatty Ma's patience has been almost exhausted.

"There is movement," Zhang Tong suddenly pointed to the black pool and shouted.

I quickly looked into the water and saw bubbles on the surface of the water, and some small sounds sounded, a little like when the water was about to boil. If I didn't listen carefully, I couldn't hear the subtle bubbling sound.