Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 72 Black Pool

There was a 'bubble' sound, and I stared at it with wide eyes, and suddenly...

"Avoid quickly"

With the sound of splashing like cloth being torn apart, the water surface burst, and a figure emerged from the surface.

"Daunt, it's a water ghost" Fatty Ma shouted.

In the process of retreating, I looked at the black pool. After the water splashed down, the figure quickly climbed to the shore of the black pool. I thought it was wrong. It should not be a water ghost, but a person. I was slightly surprised but quickly adjusted my emotions. I hurriedly stopped and wanted to come forward.

After I rushed forward a few steps and the light took the picture clearly, I was immediately stunned!

"Hills, it's you!" My voice became a little yant.

The figure in front of me was squeezing out the water on his clothes and ignored me.

I took a few more steps and shouted: "Hills"

At this time, she slowly raised her head, with wet hair, a clean face and a pair of clear eyes, which still didn't seem to change: "Are you calling me?"

I couldn't help but be a little surprised to hear the hilly answer. But before I could speak, she continued to say, "Sir, you should have recognized the wrong person. I'm not a hill. I'm Song Ran."

"Soong Ran? How can it be?"

"I said you are really strange. How can my father give me a wrong name!"

"Are you really not a hill?" I still asked in disbelief.

"No." She answered categorically.

There are two people who look so similar. Looking at the familiar face in front of me, I still can't believe it.

At this time, Fatty Ma came up with a cripple and shouted, "Lao Sun, hold on! The fat man came to help you clean up the water ghosts.

Although Fatty Ma was injured, he still rushed forward and showed domineering on his face.

"Old Sun, where is the water ghost?"

"Water ghost, you dead head!"

Fat Ma was stunned by this abrupt voice, but then opened his mouth and fought back, "What son of a bitch, secretly scolding the fat man."

"Big fat man, I scold you!"

Fat Ma suddenly burned his anger and looked over with a murderous spirit, but then the murderous spirit disappeared and changed into a smiling face: "No wonder, it turned out to be a hilly girl!" Fatty Ma shouted happily.

"Who is your big sister? Big fat man, listen to me, my name is Song Ran."

Fatty Ma was also stunned by what she said and asked me in turn, "Sun, what the hell is going on?"

At this time, my mind was in a mess.

When Fatty Ma saw me not talking, he said to the girl in front of him, "Hill girl, don't joke."

"Big fat man, how many times do you want me to say? I'm not a hill." As she spoke, she twisted her wet clothes.

"Are you really not a hill?"

She seemed to be a little angry when asked, and said angrily, "I'm too lazy to explain to you." He still muttered in a low voice, "I'm really unlucky. How can I meet such two weirdos!"

Zhang Tong, a clay figurine, heard the noise here and came over.

They looked at the stunned expression and Fatty Ma and asked what had happened to us.

Zhang Tong looked at the girl standing in front of her and asked, "Who is she?"

"I don't know." I replied.

"I'm Song Ran, beautiful sister." Saying that, she called Zhang Tong her sister well.

"She is the figure that came out of this water!" The clay figurine said.

I nodded.

"Impossible! Isn't she really a hilly girl!"

Fat Ma stared and said, "That's right! This girl looks in her early 20s at most, and the hilly girl is not so young now!"

Zhang Tong was obviously surprised by this beautiful sister, but she immediately reacted and asked her, "How did she appear here?"

Song Ran came forward with a smile and said to Zhang Tong, "Sister, I'm here with my father."

"What are you doing here?" After Zhang Tong asked this question, she felt a little stupid.

Unexpectedly, Song Ran replied directly, "My father said to get me some dowry!"

This answer makes us a little speechless.

I listened to everything she said and looked at her eyebrows and speech. The hills basically couldn't speak. Maybe she was really not hills. I chose to believe that she was a stranger who looked like the hills.

"Lao Sun, do you want to say something? Is she a hilly girl?" After a period of entanglement, Fat Ma asked me.

"She's not." I answered decisively this time.

Fat Ma believed me and turned around and changed his face: "Little girl film, why are you here?"

"Big fat man, why are you so fierce? This is not your place. I want to come."

Fat Ma was choked by Song Ran and couldn't answer. He muttered, but he didn't know what to say, so he had to give up in the end.

"Good men don't fight with women"

Song Ran made a grimace at Fatty Ma.

"Let's go and have a look," Fatty Ma urged in the atmosphere.

I hummed, turned around and left.

When the clay figurine turned around, he looked at Song Ran again.

Song Ran was chatting with Zhang Tong. I took a few steps and turned around and looked back at Song Ran.

"Where's your father?" Zhang Tong asked.

"I don't know. I came in alone. He came in first than me."

The two girls chatted all the way, with crisp laughter from time to time.

Fat Ma has a black face and a bad mouth, which makes him a little unhappy.

We passed through the opening and walked to another space. After that, there was only one stairway. The dark corridor and the old stairs appeared in my sight. The stairway was covered with dust and endless spider silk.

It makes me feel like no one has set foot, but my intuition tells me that someone must have been here.

"Song Ran, why did you hide in that black pool?"

"Sister Zhang, that's because many people came in here before, and I want to avoid them."

"Then why don't you avoid us?"

"I really can't hold it in the water. It's so uncomfortable." Song Ran said aggrievedly.

The message of their conversation affirmed my idea. There were already people above, maybe the mysterious man and the fish head. Thinking about it, I took a step, followed by Fatty Ma, followed by the clay figurine, then Zhang Tong and Song Ran, and then five tremly people.

I stepped up without any pause. If there is danger, I should be flattened by my predecessors.

But as soon as I went up the four or five steps, I saw a large area of blood.