Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 74 Crisis

"You have gone too much," the clay figurine said anxiously.

The four people did not speak in their calm voices.

Fat Ma touched all his pockets, and a lot of messy things fell out. There was everything: "Sun, look for it. There is no black donkey's hoof yet. The previous black donkey's hoofs have been ruined by the ten-thousand-year-old rice dumplings."

Fat Ma mentioned the ten-thousand-year-old rice dumplings, and the picture of the ten-thousand-year-old rice dumplings chewing black donkey's hoofs came to my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a little scared. Shaking my head, I closed my heart, squatted down and began to find the black donkey's hooves from the messy things of Fatty Ma. Soon, I found the black donkey's hooves, but they were incomplete.

I picked up the black donkey's hoof. When Fatty Ma saw it, he patted his forehead and said, "Mom, this is the leftover of the rice dumplings. Fortunately, I was witty and pulled it out."

Hearing this sentence, I couldn't help but look sideways and silently gave a thumbs up to Fatty Ma.

Fat Ma smiled shyly.

After getting the black donkey's hoof, I stood up again. The body of the fraudulent corpse just now has disappeared, and the dark beam is still stained with dry blood.

And there is bright red blood on the ground.

Suddenly, the scream approached again.

"Oh, stay away from that blood stain." I shouted.

After hearing my news, the clay figurine and the four trembling people quickly evacuated. I called Zhang Tong and Song Ranma Fatty to quickly retreat to a corner.

Sure enough, a group of bats soon flew up the stairs, and the harsh screams were filled with a bloodthirsty smell.

Soon the pool of blood on the floor covered the bats. After sucking the blood, the bats flew in and disappeared in an instant.

We all breathed a sigh of relief.

The four long lights suddenly lit up in the four corners were still not extinguished. Under its light, some spaces became darker and darker, and we walked towards the four bright lights. We have seen the Everbright Lantern before, so I have a vague feeling of a bad feeling.

I looked at the beam, and the visible distance could no longer see any trace of the body that had been turned into zongzi, and everything seemed to have returned to calm.

Fat Ma took out a spare flashlight because the searchlight was broken. He grabbed the flashlight and lit it everywhere in this space. He quickly cursed: "Mom, there is nothing!"

Song Ran said, "Big fat man, what are you looking for?"

"Jang, what is the fat master looking for? I don't want to tell you."

"Hmm! If you don't say it, I don't want to hear it."

Fat Ma sneered at her and ignored her.

We continued to walk forward without stopping for half a step. Our eyes were empty without any obstacles, but I still didn't dare to be careless. I was very careful at every step.

After walking about 100 meters, suddenly came: "Ah!" A scream.

"In the front!" The clay figurine quickly judged.

Then he pulled up and ran forward, and the darkness was constantly illuminated under the impact of light.

Suddenly, I felt that my feet were tripped, and a strong sense of uneasiness surged up when my heart was neutral. I looked around.

"Grandson, what's wrong with you?" Fat Ma asked me. Just as he said, with a "whiss", I was pulled up to the beam and half suspended in the air.

My feet, I feel that my feet have oozed blood, mother, it hurts to be strangled.

This scene was caught off guard, which made everyone become a little Zhang Huang. The clay figurine hurriedly turned around, looked at a pillar, asked people to take the rope, shook it hard, and firmly covered the beam. The clay figurine tried to pull it, and then climbed up, divided it into two, and then went up the beam.

Zhang Tong rushed forward anxiously and asked about my situation.

I told her not to worry, it's okay.

After saying that, a feeling of heart-scratching pain came, and blood had dripped from my ankles and dripped to my face.

And it's getting more and more painful, and it feels like it has been gog out of the bone.

I cursed "Grandma's" in a low voice.

"Fatty, what the hell tied me up?" I gritted my teeth and asked.

Fat Ma grabbed the flashlight and looked up. A small iron wire ate my ankle and pulled me into mid-air, and the wire seemed to 'eat' in the meat.

Sweat beads oozed from my forehead.

"It's a iron rope, Lao Sun, you shed a lot of blood. You have to hold on! Don't hang up!"

"Fat man, don't talk nonsense."

I looked at the dripping blood beads and suddenly thought of the group of bats.

I hurriedly reminded them: "Bat..." With the two words, everyone realized the seriousness of the problem, and the clay figurine who had climbed up the beam accelerated their movements.

Just as the clay figurine was about to approach me, a head suddenly appeared. The clay figurine was so scared that he almost fell off the beam. The clay figurine stabilized his body and his breathing unconsciously became heavy.

The clay man looked up with a rigorous face, and suddenly a withered claw grabbed the mud. The clay figurine dodged and waited to see the dead claws clearly.

The clay figurine was shocked again, "Mom, what a pervert!"

I saw the rice dumplings with a head in his mouth, which was the head of the previous devious man, and it was bloody. It was really disgusting to look at!

The clay figurine set his mind. He shouted down, "Come up from the pillar over there and save Lao Sun quickly."

Fat Ma has basically lost the ability to climb, while Zhang Tong and Song Ran's female people have difficulty moving.

Some of the last four depressing people began to take action.

The rope went up to the beam, and he quickly climbed up and moved towards me.

At this moment, I still hold the black donkey's hoof in my hand. I called the horse fat man and asked him to give the black donkey's hoof to the clay man.

Fat Ma answered, took over the black donkey's hoof, and shouted to the clay man, "The clay man, give you the black donkey's hoof."

The clay figurine looked down and dared not be too distracted.

The zongzi with a man's head in his mouth stared at the clay figurine.

"Throw it up!"

After Fatty Ma got the order, he threw it hard, and the black donkey's hoof was properly caught by the mud man.

"I'm going to shoot, you avoid it," a devious person below reminded.

The clay figurine replied, "Hap it on the forehead!"

At this time, the man who was going to help me loosen the iron rope was approaching. He took out the dagger and wanted to cut the iron rope, but when the dagger touched the iron rope, it was a heartbreaking pain. I couldn't help screaming in pain. It seems that this leg is going to be useless.

After Ma Fatty Zhang Tong heard my screams, they came one after another.

"Fat, you picked him up!" The dewd person above reminded him.

Fat Ma answered.