Burial Dragon Cave

Chapter 75 Sun Youwei

The fat man stared straight at me and spread his hands. With a gunshot, I fell from above. Fatty Ma just caught me, but due to gravity, Fatty Ma's feet were unstable and whined on the ground. I also fell out of his hand and rolled to the ground. Zhang Tong quickly came forward to help my feet. The iron cable on the wrist has been untied.

A mouth of about two centimeters appeared on my ankle. Zhang Tong washed the wound for me with water, and then wrapped it with a bandage.

I tried to stand up, but the pain in my ankle made me stagger and almost stump.

The new injury has not yet healed, and now the old injury has been added, which is a disaster.

At this time, the clay figurine looked at the body on the beam and avoided it. When the three people under the beam shot at the same time, three bullets shuttled away, all of which hit the body, but did not hit its forehead.

The body was impacted and fell from the beam. The head in the mouth was bitten missing by it. The other part fell to the ground, and the brain pulp burst out, and a fishy smell permeated everywhere.

After seeing the body fall, the three of them caught up with pistols and continued to pull the trigger. Finally, the body stopped moving.

At this time, the clay figurine came down from the beam.

But before it had time to settle down, the bats were crazy and curled up wildly.

"Go back to the stairs," Song Ran suddenly shouted.

We just took a few steps back and found that the bat was not coming towards us, but towards the corpse.

"What the hell is going on?"

"The smell of blood there is heavier."

The clay figurine and three sly men ran towards us.

Soon, from the location of the body, there was a scream: "If I'm a ghost, I won't let you go..." The voice is terrible.

Our faces changed at the same time, and it became a little strange.

Isn't he dead, and his body has become like that? He hasn't died yet. It's impossible to think about it.

After the bat rushed up, five minutes later, the bat left again, the light shone, and the previous head had turned into a skull.

And the body is even more unsightly, completely without human form.

"His fingers moved just now," Song Ran said with a surprised face.

I followed the sound, and sure that his fingers were still moving.

"Everyone be careful." I can't help reminding.

"Help me..." The vague body actually made such a sound.

"Save me..."

"Grass! Don't die like this." Fatty Ma sighed.

We are also even more surprised. If we don't die like this, I'm afraid we can't even compare with Xiaoqiang!

"Are you still conscious?" I asked.

"Help me..." This is still the word that answered me.

"Sun, leave him alone. In this way, even the immortals can't be saved."

"Help me... I can tell you a secret that none of you know..." His voice has completely lost its human flavor, like a trembling ghost sound from under Jiuyou.

"I can't save you."

"You have"

His answer made me lose my mind.

"What can I do?" I can't help asking back.

"Come on, Sun, don't talk and let him tell the secret before he talks about it." Fatty Ma stopped me and said.

The body lay on the ground and did not move at all, only the sound was heard intermittently. The clay figurine and four derisons stood aside.

Zhang Tong and Song Ran stood behind me holding hands. Fatty Ma asked with great interest, "What secret are you going to tell us?"

I looked at the shapeless body lying on the ground, and there was really no way to connect him with the previous Wang Lao.

Fat Ma stared at the motionless body and waited for his answer.

But after a while, he was not talking.

"It won't be dead!" Zhang Tong couldn't help saying something.

We didn't know what to do. Fatty Ma walked forward carelessly, but was pulled by me: "Don't underestimate the enemy."

Fat Ma stopped: "It's all like this. He must be dead. I thought he could hear him say something about the secret of the treasure!"

"Big fat man, you are such a greedy!"

Fat Ma immediately blackened his face and became interested.

"You girl..."

"How's it going, big fat man?"

Fat Ma turned around and stopped talking.

"It should be dead" after another meeting, and the clay figurine also made a decision.

I think so, it's probably dead.

"Let's go!" I propose. Just as we stepped up, he spoke again: "Help me... Let me tell you a secret..."

I stopped as if I had been touched by electricity. This time, I was no longer vague and asked directly, "What secret? You said."

The body lying on the ground said, "I know your father is Sun Youwei..."

"What?" Hearing his father's name, I became emotionally excited: "What's wrong with my father?"

Then he made a scalp laugh: "Your father..."

"Bum.. Bang..." Several shots sounded and hit the body in the forehead.

"Soong Ran, what are you doing?" Zhang Tong scolded.

Song Ran shook off Zhang Tong's hand like a reindeer and quickly ran to the stairs. We had not reacted and hesitated for a few seconds.

The clay figurine quickly caught up with him, and the four sly people followed him like shadows.

I also pulled out and was ready to catch up, but as soon as I took the step, the pain came from my ankles, so I had to give up. Now Fatty Ma and I are both defeated.

Fat Ma and Zhang Tong and I stayed in place.

Fat Ma complained, "There was something wrong with that girl's film, but I didn't expect it to be full of bad water."

I quickly stepped forward and checked the body. It should have been completely dead. The bullet just hit the central position and almost killed me.

"Are you still angry?"

I shook my head and said, "It's dead."

But he left a huge pimple in my heart about my father, and what happened to the escaped Song Ran, whether she had anything to do with the hills, and why he killed "the body", and she may have some kind of connection with my father.

These things have happened, making the problem more complicated.

"How did Song Ran shoot?" I asked.

"I didn't see it clearly, and suddenly she shot!" Zhang Tong replied.

Fat Ma was indignant: "Thanks to me, I still regarded her as a hilly girl!"

"Who is the hill?" Zhang Tong suddenly asked.

Fat Ma hit a haha, saying that it was his distant cousin.

Zhang Tong did not delve into this answer when he heard Fatty Ma's answer.