burial day

[0122]Creation, God

The earth in those years is now dead.

The surface covered with volcanic ash can bring a large amount of dust with a light foot. A large amount of toxic gas fills the air, and ** bones can be seen everywhere - those bones have become shiny and shiny after countless years of grinding, and some of them have become potholes, which look extremely bleak.

A string of footprints was left behind Yi He. He walked speechlessly in this desolation... It's desolate here. What else is left?

This is his real hometown, but there is nothing here!

Black clouds rolled in the sky, and lightning fell capriciously, but the gloomy sky never rained. It just released lightning. Yi He looked at the sky blankly with an indescribable feeling in his heart - whether he had experienced the vicissitudes of life after the vicissitudes of life, or a Species......

Or is it a different kind of separation?

"How did it become like this here?"

There seems to be an unbelievable in Yihe's voice.

When the king of Tibet left, he gave him the coordinates of the earth, but when he came back and saw all this, he was so confused and speechless!

This is the earth, a desolate and dead earth - wandering here is an inanimate hell. I don't know how long the black clouds in the sky have been rolling for tens of thousands of years? After taking a long breath, Yi closed his eyes... "This is my hometown... Why do you want to revive here!"

Yi He raised his palm and slid in front of his chest according to a mysterious trajectory. The thunder and lightning in the sky seemed to cut the black clouds into countless pieces.

The volcanic ash on the ground was held up by a mysterious force and flew into the sky one after another into the black clouds. The water droplets that they refused to fall began to become heavy after the volcanic ash was added. After one or two points of rain fell, it was followed by pouring rain.


In the wind and rain, Yihe laughed in the turbid rain.

This rain is an opportunity for everything to recover.

Yihe doesn't need to do anything more. He just needs a rain, a heavy rain! The steamed and dry sea water falls back to the ground, and the lightning nurtures primitive life with supreme power. Then in millions of years, the earth will become vibrant again. This is the magic of creation!

This itself should be a process of natural creation, but Yihe artificially made a pusher, which advanced the process.

The sky is dark and the lightning roars endlessly.

Lightning is like a manic dragon snake swimming in the sky. Huge, white, blue and red cracks appeared in the sky, and the lightning shocked the world trembled. The high rocks collapsed in the heavy rain and were swept into the torrent.

Yihe let the rain hit his body and slowly closed his eyes.

The scene at this moment is like a groundbreaking one.

He thought of those ancient religious scriptures and some of the words in it.

It keeps raining heavily.

Yihe stopped on a strong rock like a wooden pile. Although it was all turned into water, it could not shake it at all. The turbid water flows towards the former ocean through the already dry and blurred river, and the sound of the waves going east of the river is so pleasant!

Listening to the waves patting the shore, this is the supreme power——

This is the power of a world.



is irreversible.

The rumble of thunder lasted for decades, and the high waves could almost hit the clouds in the sky. The long lightning also penetrated into the water. A large amount of oxygen and hydrogen were electrolyzed out, and gradually, the dark clouds in the sky became thinner and thinner.

The dark clouds turned into a lead gray.

After several years of gloomy and gloomy, a skylight lit up. Some simple single-celled organisms in the sea gradually appeared, and some seemingly natural insects also began to appear. A kind of crustacean life with many feet swimming happily in the sea.

That kind of bug was seen when Yihe was in the countryside - after every rain, this kind of bug almost appeared, and now, it has once again surprised Yihe!

What a group of powerful little guys.

Yi He shook his head and sighed.

After leaving a detector here, Yihe stepped on the flying saucer and left. What should be remembered has been remembered, what should be done has been done, and now is the time for him to leave.

Outside the earth.

Dozens of dark dragon-shaped aircraft blocked Yihe's way. Yihe frowned, and a fierce and aggressive consciousness suddenly swept out... "Who are you waiting for? Why did you stop me?" Over the years, some of Yihe's speaking habits have been wiped out.

A loud voice in the dark dragon-shaped aircraft!

"This is the forbidden place of Qin, don't you know?"

Yi He frowned and said, "What is the forbidden place of Qin? Why didn't you say it when I came? Leave now, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Yi He's mind moved, and his flying saucer turned into a fighting posture. It turned out to be a round and lost sphere--

Only three shapes in nature are the most perfect.

Sphere, cube and triangular.

The hazy blood wrapped the easy flying saucer. After he entered the combat state, the flying saucer has automatically controlled the three dimensions of this space and is ready to launch its own attack. The ten dragon-shaped aircraft hesitated for a moment and resolutely rushed up to Yihe.

Two golden flames rushed out of the dragon's mouth and sprayed fiercely like Yihe.

Yihe controlled his flying saucer and directly opened the defense and bounced back the golden flame, followed by a violent choking in the space. The ten spaceships seemed to have entered the mud and could not move at all. The spherical flying saucer gently hit these aircrafts like a flexible marble.

Then, Yihe gently broke through a black hole and disappeared without a trace. After about dozens of breaths, these ten aircraft dismembered and directly turned into nothingness.

The strength gap between the two sides is too much, which can't be made up by quantity - Yihe's scientific and technological level is combined with the peak of countless golden immortals in the demon world, and even people with higher cultivation, combined with high-level technology of cultivation, among which space The technology is even more powerful.

A bunch of stars passed in front of him, and Yihe released a burst of powerful music. He shook his head and closed his eyes in the flying saucer and twisted. Travel between universes is lonely. According to the technology of mortals, they can't break through the speed of light at all, and they can only achieve such an effect through successive shifts--

However, scientific means have cracked some secrets of cosmic dimensions, giving their spacecraft an advantage unmatched by other scientific and technological forces and cultivation forces.

Deep rules.

Mastering the deep rules of power, crossing galaxies and the universe does not need to be so complicated to penetrate any wormholes and make space jumps again and again. It is enough to fly according to some special trajectories - who makes the universe not actually flat?

Sometimes, the straight line looks actually a curve.

Sometimes, the distance of the curve is the shortest.

In the boundless starry sky, a bright streamer flashed away. Although he didn't see how far he had run, in fact, he had crossed many galaxies and flew in an unknown direction.

Easy to merge doesn't want to go back to your nest now.

When he goes back, he can't help. It's better to walk around here more. It's the best way to have a good understanding of this mortal world. After wandering in the universe for nearly a hundred years, Yihe finally found a mortal planet. This planet seems to be a little different from the earth.

As soon as Yi He dropped the spacecraft, a red light rushed to him.

Yi He casually blocked the red light grid. At a glance, it was actually a three-eyed monster attacking him, which suddenly reminded him of the word super civilization - once there were four civilizations on the earth, and super civilization was one of them, and people in this civilization had three eyes.

The eyes on the forehead are very powerful.

Here, women do not have the power given by heaven, but they are the messengers of heaven. They can communicate with the gods and decide whether to have children - well, according to the Mayan records, it is really like this.

But this is not the case in the reality that Yihe saw!

Because the person who attacked him is a three-eyed female monster, Yihe waved his hand to block the other party's attack, and felt that the other party's energy did not seem to be weak. If it was a true person met, or even the earth fairy, there would be no way to be subdued by the other party, but Yihe's realm was a little cheated. .

At the peak of immortals, how tricky is such a realm? It's unreasonable to come here.

There are no conditions for fighting between them.

The three-eyed woman finally turned around and ran away. Before Yihe could figure out what was going on, the other party came over with a large three-eyed weirdo. He kowtowed at Yihe and chanted something he couldn't understand for a long time.

But Yihe intuitively feels that this should be praising him!

A group of three-eyed weirdos who were close to the savage welcomed Yi He grandly back to their tribe. Yi He may feel that these three-eyed weirdos have a special ability and is also a powerful help. They actually agreed to live here for more than a year and talk for minutes.

The leader of the three-eyed man came to ask Yihe for countermeasures. Their tribe is going to fight with other tribes, and they need the guidance of the gods - they think that only their third eye can't hurt the gods.

So, Yihe is the god.

Yi He held his hand, shook his neck comfortably and said, "For the sake of justice and glorious battle, you will not be afraid of sacrifice. They are all evil, so they will definitely fail. You are my subjects. You will prosper. One day, you will eventually walk out of this bullet and walk all over the world!"

"God, your brilliance has eclipsed the world, your..."

It's easy to close the corners of your mouth and choke. This kind of flattery is too fleshy, but this feeling of praise is really fucking comfortable. He waved his hand contentedly to let the leader go out. Yi He casually refined some crude magic weapons that could protect himself with the jade here and sent them out. He, a god, could not do nothing.

Refinery should be regarded as an old-fashioned business, not to mention refining the simplest protective weapon with this kind of inferior jade, and most of them are disposable consumables!

As long as the head is not cut off at once, what other injuries can't be recovered?

Yihe's slender fingers gently stroked a piece of jade twice, with a strange smile on the corners of his mouth... "Interesting and interesting, there are even ancient fairy caves and relics here. These three-eyed people also seem to be indigenous. Interesting, interesting. What does this mean?

The divine light flashed in Yihe's eyes.

His divine mind has already explored the planet. There are only three places on the planet that he can't see through, one is the South Pole and the North Pole, and the other is the center of the earth. But it was the place that he saw through, but let these indigenous people find something that ancient immortals had!

Yi He can't figure out why his divine thoughts don't respond at all. Is it the gap in the realm? Or, what's the reason why it's difficult to say?

After cleaning up his thoughts, Yi fit together and disappeared into his room. The next moment, Yi He had been far away from those indigenous people. The purpose of their war with another tribe this time was very simple, because Yi He took a fancy to the other party's cave.

Because that is the cave of the ancient fairy.

Since you want to be abused by these barbarians, it's better to be valued by yourself. With such a thought, Yihe can't care about the face of a master.

In addition, this person has always been shameless, and it is not surprising that he has done anything!

Shasha... Shasha...

There was a strange sound in the dense forest, and the sound of bone flutes, and the snakes and insects seduced by notes crawled in one direction. It turned out to be an extremely strange way to control beasts and insects. Yihe frowned. Obviously, this was not his own person, and Yihe quietly pinched a formula.

These poisonous snakes and scorpions naturally can't hurt Yihe, but the three-eyed people who provided him with thoughtful services are not necessarily. Anyway, it is also a soft mouth and short hands. Yihe should be worthy of the benefits given to him by three-eyed people, right? The almost transparent true original marks flashed away on those people.

The viper and beast turned a blind eye to these people and crawled directly in the direction of the sound.

Yi He curled his lips and whispered, "What a pity, we are not biased. Who let them improve my food and accommodation? We can't eat and drink for nothing, can we? And that is also a small spell to avoid snakes and insects. It seems that I didn't kill anyone, and I don't have anything... Gaga, yes, I didn't do anything!"

He rolled his eyes fiercely, and Yihe accelerated the direct speed and disappeared in a blink of an eye. In the ancient fairy cave deep in the dense forest, a group of savages howled and their weapons were ready, but these savages were not three eyes, but more in line with the easy-to-understand aesthetic.

But everything is late!

Because the purpose of Yi Helai is to seize their caves. How can you move your nest if you don't die?

With a ferocious smile, the blood in Yihe's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth smiled strangely and cruelly. He muttered, "Oh, forget it, I won't kill you. Anyway, you will die later. I am too compassionate and soft-hearted. How can I do such a bloody thing as killing people? Especially, it's a group of mortals!"

"But maybe I should change the weather!"

Yihe shamelessly glanced at the white clouds in the sky, and an invisible mana fluctuation concentrated the Zhoutian white clouds together. The sky over the dense forest was soon covered with clouds, and his face was dark and gloomy. A stream of lightning broke through the void and hit the ground directly...

Some trees burned, and some places were shaken by the thunder and caused landslides. Yihe looked at the sky with a smile. The rain was good, the rain was wonderful, it was simply wonderful!

A rain, just enough to make these people get drenched, and then there are naturally many colds and fevers. There are no medical conditions. How many people will die this time? A group of sick guys, when they wait for the three-eyed people to find here, how much combat effectiveness do they have?

A shameless smile.

A thunderbolt in the sky crossed Yihe's head, causing Yihe to curse secretly. The thumb-sized hail fell like pouring beans, little by little like a loaded bullet, smashing a little pit on the tree and on the ground. As the three-eyed people marched, their bodies were lit up with a little fluorescence.

A group of soldiers roared:

"God bless us!"

"H Long live the gods!"

They moved forward in the rain, but their bodies were not contaminated with even a little rain. Such a miracle convinced them more and more that this is the blessing given to them by the true God!

After walking all the way for more than ten days, the rain kept falling, and major mudslides occurred in many places, but they all passed safely. All the way to the tribe they were going to fight, these three-eyed people were still energetic, and when they looked at the other's soldiers, they were already damaged.

They all died of disease!

Yihe, who was hidden in the dark, opened his eyes, looked at both sides, and muttered to himself, "Are they all here? Well, let's start the show. I should also go back, have a good sleep, and wait for the good news here. Well, I'm going to decide on this ancient fairy cave. No one can rob me!"

After he said a word, he suddenly disappeared, as if Yihe had never been here.

After Yi He returned to his residence, he began to retreat - he didn't see anyone. He had to adjust his state. As soon as the good news came, he would go to explore the cave of the ancient fairy. The caves of those ancient immortals are forbidden, and he must be prepared.

That's the reason why you are prepared.