burial day

[0123]No gain

The body of Yihe is empty, and the true air of Tianluo Qiankun lock seems to be woven into half of the world, which makes people not know what saturation is at all. Each true element is like a thin line, which constitutes the elements of the world. Now the elements of the world are complete, but it is very monotonous.

Twelve serious scriptures, eight strange meridians, fifteen collaterals... True qi is like a tsunami hitting half of the meridians, penetrating the upper, middle and lower Dantian and secret * acupuncture points all over the body. The pure Tianluo Qiankun locks are born in the body, and if there is nothing, it raises the easy mental state of mindless. In the realm of thoughtlessness——

It's like an old monk meditation!

What is the state of the old monk's entry? That is to say, your shallow consciousness has been completely destroyed, and there is only a wonderful state in which deep consciousness is active. This state is like the computer changing from the operating system of Windows to the operating system of Dos, which has entered the essence from the surface.

In such a state, the mystery is very mysterious, and people can see through more essence!

When it's quiet to the depths, isn't that magic power unprepared?

The mysterious scenes unfold slowly like the scroll opened up by heaven and earth, just like the memory of inheritance. In Yihe's mind, little by little, those scenes became clear and real, and Yihe seemed to become a groundbreaking witness and saw the mysterious state.

How does a universe change from nothing to one-dimensional, then two-dimensional, then three-dimensional, and then...

Like a flash of lightning, Yi He's heart suddenly remembered the words in the Tao Te Ching: Taoism one, two, two, three, three. Everything bears the yin and embraces the sun. I think it's peaceful. What people hate is only lonely, widowed, and not slouch. And the prince is in his own name. The benefits of things or losses, and the benefits and losses. What the old man taught is also taught by me. Therefore, those who are strong will not die, and I will think of them as my father.

An unspeakable understanding in his heart made Yi He experience a kind of pleasure of cultivation for the first time. He used to practice, either bravely and diligently, or forcibly broke through, or hit a realm with his strength. Such a mysterious understanding was the first time to have such a mysterious understanding.

In Laozi's Tao Te Ching, every sentence is bead, and Yihe feels that he seems to understand this sentence - it is a spiritual thing. If you understand it, you understand it. If you understand it, you understand it. Non-verbal can express it.

In the past, Yi He would have had a grudge because the scriptures were Laozi, but now he won't. After listening to the teachings of the King of Earth, he can understand that knowledge and wisdom are not good or evil. Everything in heaven and earth has spirituality, and only people can become the spiritual leader of all things because people have wisdom!

vertical and horizontal connection, the text in the Tao Te Ching, specific images, various mathematical formulas, physical formulas, and various virtual models of Atlantis' study of the universe filled the easy-to-use mind and gradually formed a whole. This whole was initially unified into a framework and described it in different ways. The same thing--


What is Tao?

Tao is the most basic thing that can't be seen but can't be separated from this universe. It nurtures the universe and is the mother of heaven and earth. It evolves everything and is born from heaven and earth. This is Tao. All the rules between heaven and earth are also born from Tao. Tao is just a title, and more often, Tao is a verb. .

What he means is to open up a way to seek——

What are you looking for?

is the mystery, rules and everything between heaven and earth.

The emergence of words comes from witches. Witches are a group of people who are obsessed with the truth of the world, so their understanding of this Taoism is to open up a way to find here. Then, with the passage of time, Tao became the current Tao, but isn't Tao still Tao?

In this three-eyed tribe, Yi He is the first time to play such a role as a witch. Everything is so quiet. Although he does not know what the witch looked like in ancient times, his behavior seems to be cared for by fate and is gradually developing in that direction-

A clear understanding, bit by bit, came to my mind.

The trajectory of Zhenyuan in Yihe's body was pulled by a mysterious force, and there was a small change, a little more mysterious, which made his whole temperament change a little. It seems that he suddenly became tall and burly, with a little more charm of the wild beasts and a little less the feeling of fine skin and tender meat!

The true element in the body operates again and again, and Yihe's mind is immersed in the perception. With the passage of time, the perception becomes deeper and deeper, and the trajectory of his true element offset is also getting larger and larger, and the Tianluo Qiankun locks the tension of true qi. But no matter how deep the silence is, there is also a time to wake up. Three days later, Yi He woke up.

Feeling the operation trajectory of Zhenyuan, which is several times more wonderful in his body, Yihe has an unspeakable joy in his heart - this is the realm. Now his understanding makes Zhenyuan much purer and more powerful. Yihe opened his mouth and released his baby pimples.

followed, and Yihe spewed out a fire.

Easy printing becomes a kind of fluid under the firing of the flame, and then the impurities are removed little by little and rearranged. After this reshaping of Yihe, the easy printing becomes stronger. However, Yihe was still a little dissatisfied. He thought to himself, "You should also make a treasure with electronic clay when you go back!"

Among other things, the high strength, high toughness, high plasticity and memory of electronic clay alone are the most rare places. After being made into armor, it is almost invincible.

Thinking of this Yi He couldn't help grinning, swallowing Yi Heyin. Yi He sorted out his clothes, coughed softly, and said to the three-eyed people who had been waiting outside for about a day or two, "I have been closed. If you have anything to do, come in and return."

Several three-eyed elders, patriarchs, and soldiers ran in and there was a scream that encouraged Vala. Yihe understood. It turned out that the ancient fairy cave had been knocked down, but there seemed to be something strange in it, which damaged many warriors, so they hoped that Yihe could clean up the strange cave.

Yihe nodded and said, "Don't worry. Don't worry. This is not a matter. Everyone is waiting here. When I deal with the cave, I will come back!"

Several indigenous people cheered happily.

Yi He disappeared with a casual shake. The pace under his feet had a taste of returning to nature. In a few steps, he arrived at the place. He stood at the mouth of the cave and looked in for a few times. Yihe shook his body and went in. What's strange about this cave? He won't know until he goes in. Even if he watches it outside for a lifetime, he doesn't know why!

The cave doesn't seem to be big, but not long after walking in, everything around it becomes dark and can't be seen clearly. Yi He frowned and ignited a fire. The strange real fire burned, reflecting the cave, as if thousands of demons had hidden in the shadow.

After walking all the way in and turning a corner, I couldn't see it outside. Yi He muttered in a low voice, "It's really weird. Why haven't it come to an end yet?"

After a few more steps, Yihe saw a bone in front of him, frowned, and Yihe continued to walk forward. I don't know what's strange here. It can suppress his cultivation. After entering here, he becomes like a mortal. Except for a strong skin, he can't use his magic power.

"What can limit my cultivation?"

"This place is too weird!"

Although there are all kinds of questions, since he chose to come in, Yihe would not go out so easily. All the way, he actually saw the skylight in front of him. When he walked out of the cave, he saw a large stone standing at the entrance of the cave, with the words "Kunyuan Star One Hole in the Sky".

The seven words are simple and powerful, full of traces of time. The writing of these words is at least figurative, otherwise it will never be confused - does the people who leave words here belong to the people of the earth? Otherwise, even hieroglyphs can't be recognized by themselves so easily.

Easy to think boringly.

Look at the valley in front of you. It is simple and natural. It seems that there is no formation and prohibition. So what suppresses your cultivation? Yi He was puzzled and took a big stride to walk quickly in this valley where weeds were higher than people for many years.

This valley is full of strangeness - Yihe has come here to scout more than once. When he flew to the sky, he did not find any valleys near here at all. But according to the distance he has just walked, this is obviously a valley.

Along the way, Yi Yiyi got nothing.

There is no elixir, no magic weapon, nothing, it is simply a poor place. When Yihe turned around, he found that he could not find his way back. Well, maybe those three-eyed people are also tragic. Yihe tried to clean up a way, but something more strange happened--

As long as the grass in one place is pulled up, it will grow as it is in less than three seconds!

In this case, Yihe has no way.

And if you look carefully at the shape of the grass, you will find that these grass can still eliminate the sound. Even if the sound of explosion comes here, it can't reach a distance of ten meters. Under such conditions, what are people waiting for if they don't get lost? The eyes can't see, the sound can't be transmitted, and there are no coordinates, so I can only circle here.

Yi He sighed and sat up on the ground.

He shouldn't have come at all.

If he really can't get out of such a strange place, what about his base? Those who come out of the demon world still have to wait for him to eat. If you can't get out of this for hundreds of years, and if it's thousands of years, it's estimated that the family will rebel!

Yi He punched the ground crazily, and then the ground was smashed into a pit. In less than three seconds, the big pit returned to its original state again.

For more than ten days in a row, Yihe has regained composure. He began to gradually think about what was going on here. In the end, Yi He could only boil down to all this to the array - if so, the only way to crack here is violence, because he really can't master the skills.

After making up his mind, Yi He decided to start. Although the mana was imprisoned, the peak of the immortals was still the peak of the immortals after all, and he did not dare to underestimate the physical strength. Yi He swept out, and a large area of grass fell down. Before three seconds, Yi He swept out five or six times in a row!

In this short period of time, a blank area with a diameter of more than 20 meters was opened up around Yihe, and Yihe himself also entered and felt that Zhenyuan in his body showed signs of recovery. At present, he roared, swept out hundreds of times in a row, and then quickly jumped back to the central position.

A wisp of true qi in his body seemed to break through the suppression of something and happily poured into Yihe's arm. Yihe chopped down the front and saw a white light flash. 100 meters in front of him, the weeds were cut clean, and Yihe felt that his true yuan seemed to be smooth. A few points.

In this way, the empty space around him gradually became bigger and bigger, and Zhenyuan became more and more active. Yihe looked up to the sky and roared, and suddenly exhausted 80% of his strength. There was a sweep around. A huge shock wave was like a sickle, cutting off the weeds one after another--< /P>

A wooden house that is not very big suddenly appeared in front of Yihe.

A little under Yihe's feet, several times before arriving at the wooden house, after pushing the door in, I saw a futon and a simple table with a piece of jade on the table. Yi He grabbed the jade and felt a message suddenly rushing into his mind:

Poverty Taoist Taiyi, this place is where Kun Yuanxing is located. I have been practicing here for thousands of years, and the deadline has come, and I have to sit here. I am sad. I have left one of my ways for future generations to refer to...

Then, a formula called the wu jue appeared in Yihe's mind.

The Meridian formula is a formula for cultivating fire, but now it seems that this formula has not had much impact on Yihe. The strength of Nuwa only allows him to practice the Tianluo Qiankun lock, and the rest of the formulas must stand aside. It is not necessarily lucky to have such a master.

When Nuwa accepted him, she didn't ask Yihe whether she agreed or disagree, but an apprentice who pulled so hard passed by. What do you think this matter is done?

curled his lips, Yi He threw the jade and said, "Oh, I'm blind, I'm blind, I'm busy for nothing, and I don't get anything. If I had known it, I would have gone out directly, but I would have wasted a lot of time here. Hey... In the future, we will never look for treasures again. In the future, we will still practice the Tianluo Qiankun lock honestly!"

sighed, and Yi Heyi slapped the thatched hut. Shi Shiran turned around and couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, it's been so long that it's all grown again?"

As a last resort, Yihe can only do it again, first open up a space, then let himself return a little Zhenyuan, and finally use the magnificent mana to directly clean up this place, and then drive out along the place where he came in. After leaving the cave, Yihe maliciously found a stone and engraved the word "forbidden land" on it.

The forbidden place... The forbidden place is naturally the most seductive place.

is like a woman. If you open your thigh and say it, men may not look up to you, but want to refuse to welcome you, it will be different - this is a roundabout strategy. Anyway, Yihe feels that it is very uncomfortable to trap yourself there, so it is unpleasant not to let more people die inside.

After returning to the three-eyed tribe, Yi He began to live a leisurely life again. He had nothing to practice and was really idle, so he soothed discord and let the surrounding tribes fight with the surrounding tribes. With the intensification of someone's bad taste, in just a hundred years, the three-eyed tribe expanded dozens of times and became a large tribe. .

The scale of this tribe is hundreds of thousands, and it is extremely awesome on this planet!

Yi He finally took a look at the planet. It was also time for him to go back. He came out for too long, and the one at home was always worried. Driving his own flying saucer, in the grief and tears of a savage, Yihe left here. The vast universe flashed away, and he did not know the years in a flash.

In the base of the Yanmo tribe.

All construction projects have been carried out, and only the existing population has been settled. After the research of those experts, more indigenous insects have become the food of the Yanmo tribe - these insects are rich in protein and aura, which is good for improving cultivation.

The so-called mutual cooperation is that the heads of those insects are breeding and improving production, and then the people of the Yanmo tribe use those insects as food!

Anyway, the prepared food can't be seen as bugs, and everyone doesn't care.

The news of Yi He's return home had been detected when he had just approached the base for dozens of light years. Blood and tears had been dressed up for a long time. They waited at the gate outside the base. Yihe's flying saucer and was hugged and gnawed hard by blood and tears... "Yi Lang, I want to cry!"

Yi He touched his nose and said, "I don't seem to be out soon!"

Well, for immortals, a hundred years is really nothing, but for a pair of lovers, they don't see each other for a day. For example, after three autumns, Yihe pretends to be deep, but don't you have any idea in your heart? After a while, the two flashed back to their home.

"I hate such an alloy house, cold!"

Yi He complained.

He smiled with blood and tears and said, "Actually, I feel very good. As long as there is a relationship between people, no matter how cold the house is, no matter how alloy it is, it is still warm between them, isn't it? Blood and tears blinked her beautiful big eyes, and Yihe followed with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, tears, let's get together!"


"Don't change the topic. Tears, looking into my eyes, what a pure and innocent person I am. Don't use any kind of dirty thoughts to speculate on my pure soul..." Yi He grinned, put his hand up and down, and directly poked his stick in. Blood and tears sounded delicately, and suddenly softened.