Cut the world

Chapter 163: Seven Seven Heavenly Beasts?

"Really, hehe, that's really great. Anyway, the energy is still sufficient. You don't have to worry about the obstacles of 'Taoxin', so you can practice without scruples." Zhou Lingxuan smiled, but immediately, his eyes became very serious and said, "However, after you haven't broken through the first level, you must take a little time to consolidate your cultivation. After you feel that your cultivation is stable, you can continue to practice. You must remember!"

"People know that only steady progress is the most important thing for heaven, and they will remember it!" Knowing that Zhou Lingxuan was caring about himself, Lan'er's little face suddenly looked as delicate and eye-catching as March Chunlan.

"Well, cough, cough, let's sit down and adjust our breath. Maybe those heavenly beasts will come again in the afternoon!" Being stared at by Lan Er, even if the relationship between the two was extremely close, Zhou Lingxuan still felt that his face was slightly hot.

"Hee~~, Ling Xuan, do you know that you look so cute when you blush!" Seeing that Zhou Lingxuan blushed a little again, Lan'er couldn't help laughing even happier.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense, take a break first." Zhou Lingxuan will not admit this kind of words.

However, in such a short time at noon, he blushed once in Yu's room during the day, and now he blushed in front of Lan'er. Blushing twice in such a short time is really a rare miracle for Zhou Lingxuan, a man known for his thick skin.

"Hee~~~" Lan Er just looked at Zhou Lingxuan and smiled without saying anything.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhou Lingxuan's super thick skin finally played its due role. At the moment Lan'er's laughter came, Zhou Lingxuan's face directly blocked Lan's voice, and at the same time, he also hypnotized himself in his heart, "I can't hear, I can't hear anything", and then pretended It's really as if you didn't hear it, sit cross-legged and adjust your breath.

Zhou Lingxuan made Lan'er laugh more happily with this set of funny actions. However, Lan'er was very sensible. After laughing for a while, she also followed Zhou Lingxuan to sit beside him and practice.

Time passed quickly, and it was time for dinner in a blink of an eye.

In the restaurant on the second floor, Zhou Lingxuan and others sat around a table and talked about the tide of heavenly beasts while eating.

During the banquet, looking at the bright daytime feather, Zhou Lingxuan suddenly said, "Brother, why do I feel that your breath seems to be getting stronger? Are you finally...?"

Day Yu smiled and said, "Well, I finally broke through the seventh level of Taoist Nirvana!"

"So that's it. No wonder I suddenly felt that a lot of aura gathered towards your room before. At that time, I felt very strange. It turned out that you really broke through!" When he heard that Baiyu said that he really had broken through, Yu Huangtian expressed his speech excitedly, as if he was happier than Baiyu.

"Ha ha, that's it. You don't see who his eldest brother is." Zhou Lingxuan said proudly. He was also very happy that Yu could break through during the day.

"Okay, don't say this, we're still..." In the middle of the day, a waiter came in from outside the restaurant and said something to Xiao Yi, who had been standing behind him.

After the waiter finished speaking, everyone found that Xiaoyi's face suddenly changed. Waving away from the waiter, Xiaoyi looked at Tianyu and nodded, and then said, "Guys, the group of heavenly beasts are coming again; and this time..." Speaking of this, Xiaoyi did not go on, because Zhou Lingxuan and others have already rushed out.

"Is it really coming again?" Zhou Lingxuan rushed to the transmission array leading to the city wall and thought to himself.

"Listen to Xiaoyi's tone just now, it seems that the incoming beast this time may be unusual!" During the day, Yu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Well, it is likely that what the Lord of Baicheng said that the heavenly beasts this time will be the most powerful group of heavenly beasts!" Thinking of that possibility, Yu Huangtian's face wrinkled.

"Never mind, just go to the wall and have a look!" Shouting, Zhou Lingxuan was the first to rush into the transmission array.

Hmm!" Everyone also nodded one after another.

The heavenly beasts attacked again, and the news spread all over Tianyun City in an instant like a 21st hurricane. For a while, the voices were boiling. After half a day's rest, except for those who were seriously injured and could not fight again, all forces, as long as they participated in the chaotic battle in the morning, all rushed to the city wall.

The tall and majestic wall still isolates the outside world, and although the number of people above the wall is much less than in the morning, everyone's morale is stronger.

However, everyone was a little stunned after going up the wall. Under the wall, the heavenly beasts that can't see their heads are neatly arranged in turn, just like the human army. That momentum is simply different from the group of heavenly beasts in the morning.

Especially the seven heavenly beasts in the front, Zhou Lingxuan found that he could not see which series these heavenly beasts were. You should know that now, as long as their cultivation is lower than the realm of immortals, they can't escape Zhou Lingxuan's induction. "That is to say, these seven heavenly beasts are at least level six. However, did they only send these seven this time..."

Zhou Lingxuan's words have not been finished yet, because he has been so shocked that he can't speak.

After the seven heavenly beasts, there are still hundreds of heavenly beasts that Zhou Lingxuan can't sense the series, which means that the level of nearly 100 heavenly beasts is at least six; and Zhou Lingxuan also noticed that these nearly a hundred heavenly beasts all lowered their heads slightly, as if they did not dare to look at the seven heavenly beasts in front of him.

"Impossible, can it be said that the seven heavenly beasts are all seven-level heavenly beasts, impossible, seven seven-level heavenly beasts, plus nearly 100 six-level heavenly beasts, such a lineup..." Thinking of this, Zhou Lingxuan had a chilling feeling all over his body.

"However, if the seven heavenly beasts are really seven-level heavenly beasts, why don't they turn into human forms? Or is there anything strange in it? This is also the biggest question in Zhou Lingxuan's mind now: "However, by the way, the nearly 100 may be the existence of a six-level heavenly beast. Even if the three senior Bai take action together, it won't be easy to think about it!"

Not only Zhou Lingxuan, but also after he found that the lineup of these heavenly beasts was ridiculously strong, other people sensed that something was wrong with the heavenly beasts.

Especially those strong people who have reached the realm of immortality and even the realm of immortality, they directly feel the strong pressure brought by the seven heavenly beasts.

"I actually understand the fluctuation of my own breath. These seven heavenly beasts seem to be unusual!" An old man who has reached the realm of immortality said with an ugly face, "I hope it's not the worst possibility."

"Although the breath fluctuations on these seven bodies are hidden, the natural king's spirit on their bodies is not so easy to hide. This time, things are really not good!" An old man who reached the peak of immortality suddenly appeared beside the old man who had just spoken, looked at the seven heavenly beasts in front of countless heavenly beasts, and said with an unusually solemn face.

"Hmm?" The old man who spoke before turned his head and looked at the voice. After seeing the person clearly, he said in surprise, "Vice Patriarch, why are you here?"

"Ha ha, why, you can come, can't I come?" The old man who came later couldn't help smiling and asked.

That's right, the old man who spoke before was the eldest grandfather of Yuhuangtian, one of the three elders of Tiandao Sect; and the old man who suddenly came was the deputy suzerain of Tiandao Sect, Dao Motian, who proved the peak of immortals.

"Well, no, how dare my subordinates!" Yuman quickly hugged his fist and replied awkwardly.

"Oh, outside, we don't like that. You just call me Brother Dao, and I'll just call you Yuxiong. Don't always be the deputy suzerain and vice the suzerain. It's annoying!" It seems that the deputy suzerain of Tiandao Sect is also a person who doesn't like to be too rigid.

"This, that's all right!" After thinking about it, Yuman couldn't find any reason to refuse, so he had to nod and agree.

"That's right!" Dao Motian patted Yu Kuang on the shoulder very boldly, and he was still very satisfied with Yu Kuang's answer.

"But, Brother Dao, why did you come here? Like Tianfeng and other cities bordering the Tianshou Mountains, doesn't it matter? After all, he is an old friend who has known for hundreds of years. He has also called Yu Kuang like this, but he can't call him so without the consent of the other party.

(Ps: Tomorrow is a special day for Xiaofeng, so no matter what happens tomorrow, there will be four more tomorrow!)