Cut the world

Chapter 164: Provocation

Ps: Today is February 2nd, and the dragon looks up, which is also Xiaofeng's birthday. Without further ado, send four chapters and a red ticket, okay?

Speaking of the topic, Dao Motian's expression has also become more rigorous. "Well, according to the return of the clan, the number of heavenly beasts in those places is not very large, and there are not many high-level heavenly beasts, so the whole situation is under the control of us human beings. However, at first, I didn't understand why it was like that, but now, when I saw the heavenly beast here with my own eyes, I finally knew the reason.

"Well, it's true. This sudden wave of heavenly beasts is also a little different from some things recorded in the sect. This time, can Tianyun City, a huge ancient city that has stood for 100,000 years, persist? The nearly 100 six-level heavenly beasts alone made Yuman feel that his heartbeat accelerated several times and sweated coldly all over his body. Therefore, he is also worried about Tianyun City.

Dao Motian then sighed and said, "Well, if I guess correctly, the top seven heavenly beasts are all seven heavenly beasts. As for why they don't turn into human shapes, it can only be said that there are some king beasts that don't like human forms, and they prefer to maintain their beast shape."

Although he had been prepared for a long time, Dao Motian's words still shocked Yu Kuang's heart: "Sure enough, are those seven heavenly beasts all seven heavenly beasts?"

A gust of wind blew, blowing the long hair of the two, and feeling the autumn wind that had begun to become a little cool. Dao Motian looked at the countless heavenly beasts in front of him and couldn't help sighing, "Tianyun City, it's dangerous!"

Above the main tower, three flashes, one white, one red and one gold. Long sleeves flutter, long hair flying with the wind, white-shirted white clouds and a curved sky in red clothes and Jinyang in golden clothes, just like in the morning, proudly held hands and stood in the sky.

However, this time, even the three of them realized that the situation was wrong, but when they really saw the lineup of the group of beasts this time, their faces became unprecedentedly dignified.

"Golden old ghost, Qu old ghost, our test is finally here!" At a glance, I found the seven in front of all the heavenly beasts. With the cultivation of the three people of Bai Yuntian, naturally knew the level of these seven heavenly beasts. As Dao Motian said, these seven heavenly beasts are all seven-level heavenly beasts, and they are the same as the seven-level middle-level heavenly beasts as the flame killed by the curved sky.

"Well, yes, seven, it's really a big deal. Do you want to end everything?" Jinyang's whole body is full of vigor, metallic, and his attack power is more than the fire attribute. Jinyang couldn't help it in the morning. Now he suddenly sees so many high-level beasts in the same realm. It would be really strange if he could still stand it.

"Hey, well, I like it!" The curved air has absorbed the flaming beast core. Although only a small part of the energy has been refined, he is now in a better state than in the morning.

"seven...?" Muttering, Bai Yuntian did not turn his head and said directly, "Can we have two of us?"

"Well, of course there is no problem. But what about one left?" Jinyang nod his head and let them be able to cope with one-to-two. In that case, there is still a seven-level beast left. You know, even a seven-level heavenly beast may have destroyed more than 100,000 human beings.

Unexpectedly, Bai Yuntian just smiled mysteriously and said, "The remaining one will be dealt with by someone, so we don't have to worry. Remember, you must fight quickly, and then solve the nearly 100 six-level beasts. Such a burden is too heavy for them. In the end, his smiling face had long disappeared, but became extremely cold.

"Don't worry!"

"I know!"

On this side, Bai Yuntian already has a plan in his heart, but the people on the wall are a little worried. In the face of nearly 100 six-level heavenly beasts and seven heavenly beasts that may be stronger, no matter how high their morale is, they can't help but be a little worried at this moment.

At this moment, Bai Yuntian's voice sounded in their ears again: "Guys, this time is the time to really test us. You don't have to worry about the seven heavenly beasts in the front, we will solve them. You just need to be careful of the nearly 100 six-level heavenly beasts first. Don't worry. Soon many strong men will come to support you. After we solve the seven heavenly beasts, it will be the time for us to win a complete victory. This time, we are going to end this war.

Bai Yuntian's words calmed many uneasy hearts. The people on the wall were not afraid of death, but they didn't want to be killed by those powerful heavenly beasts without doing anything. In that case, no matter how many lives they had, they could not resist.

Now with Bai Yuntian's guarantee, they can have a fight without scruples as in the morning.

And just when everyone was eager to try, on the ground, a dazzling light burst out on the body of the seven heavenly beasts at the same time. Only a few of them knew that it was the light emitted by the seven-level heavenly beasts when they turned into human beings.

Squinting at the seven beams of light that suddenly emitted, Bai Yuntian's three faces became more solemn. As for the others, most of them were a little blinded by these lights, so they couldn't witness the transformation of the beast.

Seven pillars of light, straight to the Han Dynasty, lasted for nearly three minutes.

After that, the light gradually dissipated, and the seven figures stood on the void, looking at Bai Yuntian from a distance.

"Hahaha, stupid human beings, today will be the day of your death. Get ready to accept the punishment of the great beast saint!" After turning into a human, one of the seven people stepped out in the air, opened his arms, and laughed wildly, as if everyone had nothing.

"Hmm! A gorilla dares to say such rebellious words, and the crime should be punished!" Bai Yuntian, who has always been light with the clouds, said in a rare angry voice after hearing this person's nonsense.

"Oh? Who is this beast? It turned out to be Bai Yuntian, the lord of Tianyun City. At this second, the man who was called a gorilla by Bai Yuntian still had a smiling face, and the next second after saying this, his face suddenly became extremely ferocious and said to Bai Yuntian viciously: "Damn human beings, don't think that your cultivation is better than my beast can insult my ancient giant ape family, quack, wait a Next, this beast will make you pay for it.

"Well, what if I scold you? If you really have the ability, let's fight alone. Whoever is afraid of is the grandson of a turtle. How about it, do you stinky orangutan dare?" The bad-tempered curved sky was the most difficult to see these heavenly beasts with that disgusting face, so he continued to stimulate the gorilla rudely.

"We giant ape family have nothing to dare to fight..."

"Wang Yuan, don't be hit by the other party's exciting method." Just as Wang Yuan was about to blurt out and agree to the request of Qulitkong, one of the seven people who looked like a relatively gentle young man suddenly appeared in front of Wang Yuan, preventing him from continuing to say the following words. This human is forcing you to fight one-on-one with him. If you really agree to fight with him alone, you will definitely die in terms of your cultivation!"

"However, how dare he slander my giant ape family. As a descendant of the giant ape family, how can I leave this human who insults my family alone!" The king ape is also a hot-tempered master, but although this was said to the companion who stopped him, his eyes glared at the curved sky and the white clouds.

"But you can't just die for nothing! Don't forget that we have a huge task on our bodies!" In the face of Wang Yuan's angry shout, the young man in front of him still looked indifferent, but when he talked about the task, his indifferent expression revealed a kind of sincere awe.

This slight change made Bai Yuntian's attention, which made Bai Yuntian's bad premonition deeper.