Battle Dome

Chapter 222 Fight with the robbery and wake up from the broken sky

Chapter 222 Fight with the Disaster and Wake Up (Part 2)

The wind is raging, countless chains are entangled, the ocean is fearless, and the iron chains are shattered. He is like a sea god, constantly fighting, and the cyan flame has become the only glory in the red world.

Looking at the broken chains recovering, and the restored chains are more resilient than before. Fortunately, the sword of the ocean is only a sword of energy. If it is a real sword, he will definitely be attacked by thunder and lightning every time he touches the chain.

He danced wildly with black hair, just like a trapped beast fight. This is a hopeless battle. The manpower will eventually run out, but the ocean does not give up.

"As long as I still have a little strength, I will never give up until the last moment when the blood flows out." He roared to the sky, and the sound waves spread out. Not only did they hear it, but the sound also sounded throughout the endless mountain.

"I heard it right, didn't I? What sound is this? Is there anyone up there?" Manpan said in surprise.

"Yes, there must be someone up there. Is there someone going through the disaster?" Shao Yuner said.

"What, no, what kind of disaster is this? Why have I never heard of it? Look, the sky is simply a bloody world. Blood clouds are rolling. Even here, I feel endless pressure. Who is this? How can it be so powerful?" Manpan roared again.

In the distance, when the man in gray-white heard the sound, his body trembled.

However, the ocean far above the sky did not pay attention to these. At this moment, he was shocked by the mysterious lines above the sky.

The vast sky is full of this kind of lines, but at this moment, it has changed. Those lines, originally like the devil, at this moment, on top of its rising lines, there are two bloody characters, bloody disasters.

Yes, it's a blood disaster. They hang in the sky. From the font, they are constantly providing energy to attack the ocean. The devil-like lines are laughing ferociously at this moment. This laughter is frightening.

What a natural disaster is this? It's so horrible. Just looking at this momentum, it can definitely scare countless monks to death. Such a scene is simply horrible.

In the sea, dozens of chains came into the air from behind him and slapped him fiercely on his back. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood flew out and dyed his robe red.

At the same time, he was also shot dozens of feet away, but this is the territory of blood disaster. The ocean was pumped to the ground. Sooner or later, other chains were like intelligence. In an instant, the overwhelming iron chains crossed the sky and pulled them away fiercely against him, and the ocean hurriedly turned the blue flame across his chest.

However, he blocked the front, but couldn't stop the chain rushing behind and side. Countless chains were drawn on the body of the ocean again. This time, he spit out several mouthfuls of blood in a row, and his hair was stained with blood stains, which made him look very embarrassed.

He didn't have a chance to breathe. Those blood-colored chains came here, with blood-red electric light, and the space was stimulated to crackle.

From these bloody chains, the ocean smelled a bloodthirsty smelled. Seeing that these chains would hit the ocean again, he made an incomprehensible move.

He inserted the blue flame into the void, and then waved his hands constantly. The surrounding space and time and space were distorted, and even temporarily blocked the chains of these bloody thunder and lightning forces.

Then, despite this, there were still some chains beating on his body, but he was not blown away, and his body was extremely stable, but the blood in his mouth was still flowing out. Moreover, his body had been opened by these chains, and even some places had been burned.

If we look carefully, we will find that in the body of the ocean, the bloody lightning rushed into his body.

At this moment, the ocean is still in charge of other things, allowing these chains to be beaten and let the blood enter the body. At this time, he is like a sea god needle, constantly waving his hands and doing all kinds of complicated movements. He doesn't even know that he is bound by a chain on his body.

A chain bound him, and countless chains were wrapped around his body, and his hands could not move.

Fortunately, his movements were finally finished. At this moment, a black whirlpool appeared behind him, which was extremely deep and strange.

At the moment it appeared, a powerful devouring force came, and a wild destructive force gushed out. It gushed out black energy and kept devouring those bloody chains.

This is an evil force, which is extremely powerful. After doing all this, his face turned pale, as if he would fall down at any time. The blue flame in front of him also dimmed and finally disappeared. The ocean had no power to maintain this energy sword.

Countless blood-colored chains were swallowed and absorbed; black energy, this new force joined in, temporarily solving the crisis of the ocean. These black experiences are the power summoned by the land of ocean communication.

He gasped and stared at the two words above the sky. There was some uneasiness in his heart. Looking at the power of Jiuyou, which was regarded as a broken bamboo, the ocean was not happy but worried.

Finally, the countless chains were swallowed up, and then these black forces rushed to the sky to destroy the two blood words, and the black whirlpool behind his hand also rose and rushed straight to the bloody lines to swallow their front.

The ocean looked nervously, and then, as if to verify his idea, when the black whirlpool and those free black energy rushed to the sky and were ready to devour and destroy all this, the ocean suddenly saw that the devil-like head blinked its eyes, and then, in the devil's mouth, A drop of bloody lightning came out.

The bloody lightning dripped out and was instantly swallowed up by the black whirlpool, but then we saw that as soon as the bloody lightning entered the whirlpool, the black whining sound, which closed instantly and disappeared into nothingness.

The black energy also disappeared. Looking at such a scene, the ocean had guessed such an ending, but he stood up hard and swung his hands. The surrounding time and space were chaotic. He even had to fight. Even if he could not defeat him, he would fight.

"Come on, ah, let me see the ultimate power of your bloody disaster. What are those attacks just now? It's just an incarnation chain. The chain just contains your will to destroy, but it can't destroy me. You can't! If you have the ability, you can kill me now, haha..." The ocean laughed wildly, and blood kept gushing out of his body, and his whole body looked extremely miserable.

With a wave of his hands, the explosive power of a destructive time and space flew from the line. At this time, the line also moved, like a devil's bloody line, looking at the ocean with an evil smile, and the word blood robbery actually fell off and directly pressed towards the good.

At this moment, the broken sky, which was practicing, seemed to feel something. His eyes suddenly opened, his feet gently, and his whole body flew towards the sky like a cannonball. The peak he stayed in collapsed in an instant and the dust rose everywhere.

Countless air machines with murderous intentions poured in towards the broken sky. The broken sky did not look at it. With one hand, countless air machines suddenly dissipated, as if they had never appeared at all.

He launched a teleportation, and the purple-gold light broke out and suddenly disappeared into the sky and came to the blood disaster.

ps: Chapter 2 has arrived, and there are still two chapters left to make up, but our clicks, red tickets, and collections are so bleak...

Don't say anything, please collect... ask for red tickets...

Brothers and sisters, awesome...