Battle Dome

Chapter 223 Breaking the Sky

Chapter 223 Breaking the Sky (Part 1)

The blood-red world is surrounded by endless lightning. Is this an immortal blood disaster? With such a huge pressure, the two words of blood disasters condensed from heaven, with the will of heaven, fell from the sky and broke away from the lines.

The devil's head formed by lines makes people feel so gloomy, so evil, and the evil laughter makes people creepy. At this moment, it can't help but remind people. Is this still a disaster? Why is it so humane?

This may be a mystery that will never be known. No one knows how these nine disasters came about? Is it really born because of people who are against the sky? This is an unknown thing, and perhaps, only when we go back to that ancient times, these problems may be explained.

The secrets of the past have been buried in the dust of history. It was a period of time forgotten by time. What happened during that period is a mystery.

Looking at the word blood disaster falling from the sky, Fang Tianyu is extremely depressed, the heavy breath is permeated, and the dangerous charm is emerging.

Under the sky, the silent annihilation of mountains, and those rare treasures and elixirs of heaven and earth are also destroyed in large areas.

All this came so fast that Manpan and others did not react. At this time, in this thousand-foot-large canyon, there were boundless air machines flying around. These air machines have completely evolved into killing machines. Their wantonly frenzy and killing machines materialized into a sharp blade in all directions. Fang Zhan, this is a horrible scene.

If you look down from above, you will see that in this array, energy keeps pouring out, and those killings are constantly killing, as if they have turned into a killing array, which is extremely horrible.

"Run!" Manpan roared and didn't care about anything else. He pulled up the Nishang and put them on his shoulder and rushed out desperately. Shao Yuner followed and watched the boundless murder rush towards them. The master of Tianmen also took action. Between the slender hands, groups of energy were released one after another, which was extremely fast and split for them. The road was not idle, and the heavy energy was released from his hands.

I saw a khaki light curtain erected in front of them. With the help of this light curtain, they could resist some murder in front of them.

They broke through the siege left and right, and their bodies were extremely fast. Shao Yuner looked at the four directions and had a strong tendency to be unable to open them. Under her resistance, those murders were not close to them for the time being.

"Sister Yun'er, we have to go out quickly and rush out of this canyon. Now this canyon, its array has been activated. If we can't go out for a long time, we can only drink hate here today." Manban carried the Ni clothes on his back and shouted.

"Big man, we rushed to the front to break through. This killing array has just been activated. Now we will strive for that glimmer of vitality, Tianmen Dun." After Shao Yuner finished speaking, a white halo appeared, covering the three of them together. Then they disappeared in place and appeared in another piece of land, but there was still 200 feet away from the mouth of the canyon.

"Sister Yun'er, no, we are still some distance away from the mouth of the canyon, and now this killing array has been stimulated."

In the world, countless winds, thunder and lightning were everywhere, and the flames were flying, which completely blocked their retreat. They were back to back and said, "Sister Yun'er, what should I do?" The look of the barbarian disk is extremely solemn.

"Be careful." Shao Yuner shouted coquettishly, took action in an instant, pulled the barbarian plate, and a flash of lightning passed by, and immediately cut a big hole in the earth.

They looked solemn and looked bitter, but they didn't know what to do. This killing array is powerful and has competed with the strong men of the seventh level. The light people of the sixth level will drink hatred if they don't pay attention to it, but the monks below the sixth level can't get out alive.

At this time, they couldn't breathe. Thunder bursts, lightning raids, flames rolled, and they used them one after another.

These energies are too powerful. He has not yet approached them, and the region he lives in has begun to melt. They have no way out now. At present, the two look at each other and see each other's determination in each other's eyes.

"It's spelled." They looked at each other and said at the same time.

And when they were trying to escape, the infinitely high and the broken sky appeared. Without saying a word, he came directly to the ocean and took the opportunity to carry him on his shoulder.

The blood flowed, and his whole body was scorched. The bloody lightning that entered his body slowly swam in his body, and finally lurked down, as if waiting for something.

Looking at the word bloody robbery, the bloody font, a bloody smell, endless pressure released, those peaks annihilated and disappeared, and the bottom has become a purgatory, overflowing with murder.

Duan Tian was fearless and looked straight at the disaster, although he also under this power, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and his gray robe floated with the wind.

"Ocean, let's get through this disaster together." Duan Tian said softly.

"Puff..." A mouthful of blood spewed out, and he looked at the broken sky and nodded.

"This bloody disaster ranked sixth among the nine major disasters, and the disaster I once survived ranked eighth. Now, I'm going to see the power of this bloody disaster." After saying that, he rushed to the sky like a cannonball, wiking his right hand, and the strong purple-gold god fist cut through the sky and became a highlight of the bloody world.


The sky and the earth seemed to be shaking, and the roaring sound was endless. One punch hit the blood disaster, and the word blood robbery was broken through, but it was also broken, but the broken fist could not be taken out. He didn't care about it and roared directly: "Shang."

Suddenly, the purple-gold magic fist turned into an electric drill and wanted to crush the word blood disaster. However, the word blood disaster was too strong to be destroyed by the sky at all.

"Oh, no, hurry up. It's tempting you." The ocean on the broken back roared, but after he roared, he did not notice that his own body had changed.

His body actually lit up like this. Yes, it lit up and emitted boundless bright red blood. In his body, the bloody lightning that was rushed into his body actually reacted at this time. His body's defense was for this reason.

When Duan Tian heard the call of the ocean, he no longer hesitated. He decisively abandoned his right arm, blood splashed, and Duan Tian retreated. After a while, his arm grew out and looked at the word blood robbery indifferently. It is unreasonable, and the momentum is unabated. Wherever it passes, blood and lightning emerges. They are like demons, teeth and claws, and the scene is horrible.

Duan Tian didn't look at the word blood disaster at all, but put down the ocean behind him and looked at his bloody body. He asked solemnly, "What's wrong with you? What's going on?"

"It's okay. I'm fine. It's just those bloody thieves just now. They took the opportunity to get into my body and want to kill me. It's nothing." Ocean said without frowning.

"Is it really okay?" Duan Tian asked again, and the ocean nodded.

"Hmm?" At this time, Duan Tian seemed to feel something and turned his head and said, "Why are they here? Not good!"

Duan Tian took action in an instant, and a purple-gold brilliance swooped away and rushed straight to them.

Barbarian and others have been exhausted, and this killing array has posed a great threat to them. They are all fifth-order strongmen, and it is already valuable to hold on to this point.

At this time, the word blood robbery approached again, and he stayed ten feet away from the sky and did not attack. However, the word blood robbery seemed to be calling something, and the body of the ocean changed again.

The Xu bloody light rushed out of his body dissipated and finally flashed in his body. At this time, a strange scene appeared, and the bloody light in his body would merge. Finally, two words condensed in his body, that is, the word blood disaster.

"What's going on?" Duan Tian was shocked and looked at the word bloody robbery in the distance and stared at it. On the sky, the devil transformed by the bloody lines actually showed a strange and succeeding smile.

Seeing this scene, the sky was no longer calm, because there was the one that seemed very painful at this time. His face was rapidly pale. He saw that the blood of the ocean body was constantly absorbed by the word blood robbery, and the blood robbery of his body became clearer and clearer. He didn't know what would happen.

"Cough... I'm fine. I'm fine. It won't kill me. Don't worry." The sea with a white face said painfully that he was obviously dying like this.

"No, I will never allow this thing to happen. Absolutely not allow it. I won't watch you suffer so much, roar..." The sky roared, and his voice was full of unwillingness. He knew that if the ocean went on like this, the blood in his body would eventually be completely absorbed. At that time, it was his death.

He put the ocean in the void, released a purple-gold mask, covered the ocean, and then folded himself and quickly flew towards the blood disaster.

"I want to break you, I want to break you, I want to break fate, roar..." unwilling roar, full of anger, roaring to heaven.

"I will never let my relatives and friends leave me again. Absolutely not, absolutely not."

The whole body wanted a purple-gold flame, and a black flame rose quietly, and an extremely powerful energy appeared in his hand, which contained countless violent energy.

The power of the five elements, the law of time and space, the mysterious yellow of heaven and earth, and the power of the four veins are all filled in it. This huge power of chaos, everything in it has been confused.

In the distance, the ocean suddenly roared: "Sudden the sky, stop it, stop it."

However, at this time, the broken heaven can hear and the ocean. He is in a strange state, that is, he will destroy the word blood disaster at all costs.

Between the hands, the violent and chaotic purple-gold energy ball was released by the broken sky and hit the word blood robbery in the low roar of the ocean.

"Why? Why did you do this? It's not worth it. You still have Yier to save. How can you do this? The ocean said feebly, and his voice was full of desolation.

ps: For you, please collect, ask for red tickets...

There will be another chapter later...