Battle Dome

Chapter 228 Final Blood Robbery (continued)

Chapter 228 Final Blood Robbery (continued)

Blood clouds rolled and were powerful. In the endless sky of this canyon, a bloody iron chain cut off all illusions, destroyed all vitality, and was so powerful.

Where the blood-colored iron chain passed, it directly attracted a rolling thunder. Countless lightning turned into a blood python, rolling in the air, spitting out lightning and pointing straight to the sky.

He kept dodging, leaving a figure in the air. He held "Taiji against the sky" in his hand. In the face of such a powerful opponent, he did not take action casually, but kept dodging to find a breakthrough point.

However, the blood did not give the opportunity to cut off the sky. Step by step, the thick footboard stepped on the void, and the buzzing sound came out from time to time, and the blood pythons rushed away to break the sky alive.

This is a horrible scene. Thousands of lightning roars in the ears. Above the endless sky, you can only see two groups of light of different colors, jumping, touching, dispersing, and then colliding with each other, but more are chasing and hiding.

The ocean watched this scene nervously and held his hands tightly. At the same time, he was constantly recovering his energy, and the cyan energy kept penetrating into his body to replenish his vitality.

And Manpan and others stand far behind the ocean and dare not say a word. You know, they are facing a top strong man now.

The blood keeps swinging the chain, but it can't really break the sky. The broken sky is too flexible. The whole body is constantly stringing on the sky, like a civet cat, and the blood can't catch up with the sky at all.

The huge chain was thrown out again. This time, it was still split in the void, and strong black smoke was generated. This space was actually scorched, and there were countless lightnings lingering there. It can be seen that if the sky is cut by this chain, it will definitely be seriously injured.

Colorful energy flew, trees were destroyed one after another, and huge pits appeared one after another. This terrible battle, this shocking battle, especially the blood, as long as it passes through, it must be charred, as long as the place where it stays, it must be lightning lingering and corrodes everything. This The battle was too strong and powerful.

Such a big momentum has already attracted the attention of countless people and the attention of various races. In this endless mountain, a demon in a black robe sat on a rock and suddenly opened his blue eyes. There were still a few deep in his eyes. The deep indish color gives people the feeling that it is bloodthirsty and evil.

"I'm actually crossing the bloody disaster. No matter what kind of disaster you go through, I'm waiting for you." After the devil finished speaking, the whole breath was about calm, and then sat on the rock cross-legged again, looking at him like that, as if waiting for something.

Similarly, in another place, the demons gathered, and a strange-like man lurked in a hole and muttered a sentence: "Blood disaster? I hope you can get through it, otherwise, I won't show mercy."

Of course, it was not only the demon two clan that reacted in the same way, but other races also reacted. However, they all fell silent in the end. Those races that came to the endless mountains did not find the trouble of breaking the sky at the first time, and even Yi Hong of the one-eyed clan sank. Qi, it can be seen that these races definitely have a plan here.

At the same time, the people of the human race also paid attention to the deep blood disaster. They were extremely shocked. The word blood disaster came to their minds, which was so heavy that they actually felt a heavy feeling.

"Ky, where are you going? Come and take your life!" The rumble sound broke through the sky, and the small lightning contained in the sound waves, which was extremely horrible.

Duan Tian held "Taiji against the sky". It seemed that he had been dodging and did not fight back blood, but the "Taiji against the sky" in his hand became stronger and stronger. Obviously, Duan Tian was slowly encroaching on those laws, but the blood did not know.

With a height of only two feet and thick arms, it is hard to imagine that this is condensed by lightning, which is extremely horrible.

Even his chain, which was about 100 feet long, was all made of thunder and lightning, which was extremely horrible. As soon as the chain came out, it swept all over the world.

The continuous teleportation of the broken sky and fought a protracted war with it. He knew that he could not defeat this blood with evil tonic, and his only rely on this magic weapon "Taiji against the sky". He is now waiting for it to absorb enough thunder power, and the broken sky can also feel that this magic weapon is getting stronger and stronger. Even several times, this magic weapon is in a state of complete immunity around them after absorbing the power of thunder.

That is, any attack of the blood will be completely blocked, which is a breakable thing. When the sky found this situation, he dodged more and let the magic weapon slowly absorb the power of thunder.

He has a feeling that if this magic weapon is completely repaired, its power can absolutely annihilate the heavens and destroy the blood disaster in front of him, which is effortless. Even this quenching world can't bear its power. This is just his idea, but as soon as this idea comes out, there is something in the sky. It's settled. He doesn't know why he has such an idea. Maybe it's a subconscious thing.

Now, he keeps teleporting and dodging, giving no chance to get close to his body. Moreover, even if the blood bullies his body, "Taiji to the sky" will absorb the lightning without a trace, making the sky dodge here.

The original blood-colored eyes are more blood-red and are changing in the direction of black. Obviously, this is angry. This is an extreme grievance. Think about it, a strong person fights against a weak person. If you fight head-on, the strong person can definitely subdue that strength in an instant. The weak man, however, has many ways to save his life. When he is about to be subdued, he often makes a strange move to depress his power. It is the strong man who can never subdue himself. Think about how aggrieved it is.

At this moment, we can understand the blood mood. It seemed extremely angry and kept roaring. It wanted to fight head-on, but Duan Tian did not listen to a word and kept walking around its body, letting the magic weapon slowly absorb the power of devouring thunder.

The whole body of blood is full of thunder and lightning, especially behind it, countless lightnings are interconnected with the sky, forming a blood river-like scene.

In this way, they kept chasing, and after another seven days, the blood finally became anxious. It no longer chased the sky. Standing on a huge pillar of light, thunder and lightning like pythons rose from the ground, with teeth and claws, constantly swaying, and the void became distorted.

"Roar... Since you want to escape, I'll let you taste my strength." In an instant, the sky turned blood red again, and the broken sky was surrounded again.

"Thunder, annihilation, heaven, earth; blood, dye, long, heaven." Blood roared out word by word. Above the sky, it was like a heavenly soldier falling. Countless blood-colored beams of light rose, and countless blood-colored rivers hung upside down in the sky, covering the broken sky. The wanton thunder force kept rushing at the broken sky, and they completely drowned the broken sky.

"Fight with me, you are still too weak, annihilate, explode."


The thunder that was submerged in the sky exploded directly, and countless fragments flew. In this blow, the super waves were scattered, and the peaks one after another were annihilated and turned into dust, and one huge pit after another appeared, which was extremely horrible.

This is still above the endless sky. Such a distance can create such a power, which shows the strength of this blow.

The explosion occurred, the lightning flew, and the blood couldn't help throwing the chain and splitting it out again, and he himself, carrying a terrible thunder, also rushed up.

"See if I don't tear you into pieces, roar..." The two-foot-high body roared and became angry.

However, the broken sky in the explosion area was not hurt at all, because the complete immunity brought by the "Taiji to the sky" actually appeared again, and the broken sky felt that the absolute immunity this time lasted longer than the previous ones and was controlled, that is to say, This situation is controlled by that magic weapon.

In the surprised eyes, he saw that the lightning fragments after the explosion were devoured and absorbed by Taiji to the sky.


"Taiji to the sky" made a cheerful cry, which was extremely smooth. The broken sky held it and could clearly feel the mood, just like a bird trapped in a cage, suddenly released and soaring between heaven and earth.

When encroaching on these laws, the "blood" doesn't know what they are doing or what's going on.

Blood rushed in and rushed in directly, and the chain split into the fierce lightning before him.

Duan Tian didn't notice the invading blood at all. He held it. At this time, it had reached a saturated state, but Duan Tian felt that he had not really been repaired, but in this way, its power was also extremely strong.

The blood did not feel any danger. In an instant, it came not far away from the broken sky and looked at the broken sky motionless, but there was a mass of light flashing.

As soon as the blood saw the light, it suddenly remembered something and lost his voice, "I remember it. How could it be?"

Broken sky raised his head, held the "Taiji to the sky" and went directly towards the blood. Suddenly, this chaotic place abruptly opened up a road.

A fine light came directly and hit the blood body. It flew hundreds of feet, and the bloody chain also fell, and then turned into lightning and flooded into the broken sky.

ps: Quanshu tried and updated ten thousand words a day. I can't finish it. I have to have classes every day, so I can only think about it...

However, I will break out from time to time, probably once a week, and two times a day. The spring tree is a snail speed, so please forgive me...

At the same time, ask for red tickets and collections...