Battle Dome

Chapter 229 Calm

Chapter 229 Calm

The boundless lightning has turned into a thunder pool, and the thunder has turned into thunderwater, which is extremely horrible. Such a drop of thunderwater can definitely make a fifth-level monk kill, and even the seventh-level monk is difficult to deal with.

In the face of the spilling thunder pool, the broken sky was not color at all. It can be said that he was holding the "Taiji to the sky" and was not afraid of the world. His heart was extremely shocked. Although he already understood the power of this magic weapon, he still underestimated its power.

As soon as this magic weapon comes out, there is no competition. It really makes heaven and earth change color, so that the blood disaster has to submit to it. With just one blow, the blood robbery will fly away.

At the same time, the overwhelming thunder pool stopped straight above his head, and a ball of light rushed out and directly broke the thunder pool. Countless thunderstorms flew down and burned the earth into a charred black. Everyone rose everywhere and ignited in this canyon.

However, a strange scene appeared. Those thunderstorms thrown from the sky were actually pulled by a strange force. No, it should be said that they were attracted by the "Taiji to the sky". Those bloody thunderstorms that spilled fell towards them and were finally introduced into the immune zone.

Strangely, the thunderstorms that entered the immune zone turned into pure silver-white thunder and lightning, and entered his body under the surprised eyes of the sky.

At the moment he entered his body, he felt a feeling of numbness. These thunderstorms did not cause any harm to him at all, which shocked Duan Tian again. He did not know how "Taiji to Heaven" did it. This scene was simply amazing.

These thunder and lightning drilled into his body, and his small world automatically emerged, and these thunder and lightning seemed to find a catharsis, and all rushed in. Just as the sky wanted to feel all this, the blood rushed again, and a more powerful chain appeared again, with a thick fire flashing in his eyes.

Simple, a fierce split, the sound of explosion sounded, the space turned into chaos, and the chain also split in the immune zone and could not be cut in.

However, the violent shock still shook the broken sky a few steps back. The blood was full of electricity, wild, and he roared, "I don't care what you are and why you appear here, but if you stop me from killing him, I will even destroy you."

The electric flying, the evil wind is so horrible. No one can withstand such an attack. This is powerful. Although it is wrapped in the immune zone, the broken sky can also feel the violent energy, the overwhelming lightning flying, and the continuous explosion, as if it were destroying the world, extremely powerful. .

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the momentum of the blood has weakened a little. Seeing such a situation, his eyes lit up and he said to "Taiji to the sky": "Take advantage of now..."

It seemed to understand the words of the sky, and suddenly it was full of light, and a breath like a wild beast woke up. The endless lightning suddenly stopped in front of this breath, and then the "Taiji to the sky" shined out. It was like all the evil in the essence of the world, and those lightnings were annihilated into nothingness.

And the blood that rushed over also let out a painful howl under this brilliant light: "How is that possible? How is that possible? I won't lose. How can I lose?

Duan Tian ignored its howling at all, holding the "Tai level against the sky" step by step on the void, making a banging sound, just like stepping on the chest of blood, extremely strong.

The red and white color, with the charm of dark blue, can overlook the world and emit a strong light, just to break through this bloody disaster, purify this heavenly disaster, and return the heaven to justice.

The blood is roaring desperately and is extremely unwilling. It tries to struggle, but it can't move. Under the thick soles of its feet, the pillar of light condensed by bloody lightning is slowly melting, and the blood, the hidden word in his body, is floating out at this moment. It tries its best to control the word blood word, so that It doesn't fly out of its own body, but it can't do it. The absolute strength of the sky makes it unable to see any hope.

Although he was extremely powerful and the broken sky seemed very weak, he had to be subdued under the power of "Taiji against the sky".

The blood word was pulled and finally broke away from its body. Just as the blood word penetrated out of its body, the blood color completely dissipated, and all gathered towards the blood word. At the same time, in the blood word, it actually made a more resentful voice, extremely grisive, boundless bloodthirsty, and it wanted to do the last One blow, but "Taiji against the sky" will not let him do this at all. It is firmly fixed on the void.

At this moment, the body nearly two feet high dissipated and turned into a wisp of pure silver-white lightning, towed into the world of broken sky.

Duan Tian looked at the word blood and said softly, "It turns out that your body is the word blood, which gives you the will to exist in a special form, but now is the time to destroy you."

He gently stroked the "Taiji to the sky". It seemed to understand the meaning of breaking the sky. A dark blue light shot directly on the blood word. He only heard a soft cracking sound. The blood word was broken and turned into countless dust. At the same time, an invisible idea ran out, but could not escape. Through the magic eye of "Taiji against the sky", another dark blue light shot out. Between the nothingness, a wisp of blue smoke dissipated, and thus, the blood was broken.

The sky became clear, but the silver-white lightning was flying. However, under the shocked look of everyone, the lightning suddenly sank, as if it had been absorbed by something, and finally disappeared into nothingness.

However, Duan Tian knew this, and all the thunder and lightning entered his small world.

Everything disappeared, everything calmed down, and the "Taiji to Heaven" also entered the body of the broken sky again, returning to nothing. He tried to feel it, but he could not feel anything.

He dived from the sky, came directly to the side of the ocean, and then said a soft word to the ocean. He picked up a place and sat down cross-legged.

At this moment, his small world has become extremely chaotic. With the addition of these lightning, the originally chaotic world is even more chaotic, as if his world is about to reopen, which is extremely strange.

He closed his eyes. What he has to do now is to guide these lightnings and calm them down. Otherwise, his world will eventually explode. At the same time, he also understands that the "Taiji to Heaven" gives him a great opportunity. Therefore, after he survives the disaster, the first task is It is the power of thunder and lightning to stabilize his body. What will happen in this process is not what he can predict.

However, he believes that "Taiji to Heaven" will never hurt him. He doesn't want to think about it, and regardless of the strange eyes of several people around him, he directly enters the state of cultivation.

ps: Two update completed...

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