Star of War

Relevant information (go to Du Niang)

Twelve Lords

The vast world where Kyushu is located is a sphere, but this sphere is a little unusual, because no one can prove that people can go all the way back to the east, and the earth is almost infinitely stretched. If you don't look back, you will never go back to the starting point. There is an eternal long road ahead. The land of Kyushu is almost infinite for the creatures on it.

When people in Kyushu look up at the sky, they will see the sun, but not only the sun, but the other two moons and nine main stars other than Gu Xuan will appear from time to time according to the power at that time, day and night. Each star exudes a unique color of brilliance. Because of the influence of different main stars, the sky in Kyushu is not always blue or white. When people see the illusion of the sky and the light and dark halo shape of the main stars, they will know what changes the power of the stars may bring to the earth. Maybe it is the rainy season, maybe the storm, or maybe it is An era of climate and stable breeding.

At night, when Gu Xuan dominates the sky, the light of the nebulus is absorbed and weakened. In addition to the main stars still have huge elegant halos, other nebulas (stars, rings and star clusters) are like large diamonds scattered randomly on the black cloth. The nebula is flowing and is sometimes moved by the gravity of other nebulus, and The repulsion of the main stars is like clouds in the wind, constantly changing their shape and gathering. Sometimes it can change completely in one night, but some have not changed for thousands of years. Just like the day, the night in Kyushu is not pure black. Not only are the colors of the stars different, but the halo is different, but the main star also reflects a dull base color to the night with the growth of each other's strength.

People call the twelve stars that affect the earth the most in the sky:

Sun, bright moon, dark moon, Myra, Yinchi, Suizheng, Wanbai, Gu Xuan, Rizhang, filling, Huanhua, Yufei.

I. Sun

The first star known to earthly creatures in the spiritual world is the sun. The sun revolves around the earth from east to west, bringing endless light and pure and blazing spirit wherever it goes. The sun represents light, growth and establishment.

In the era when astrological beings have not yet appeared as a profession, human beings have used the sun to calculate the passage of time. The cycle of the sun is called one day. The period when the sun is on the horizon is called the sun, and the period when it is below the horizon is called night.

No one can say what color the sun is, because his light seems to contain all the colors. Ordinary people just call it golden in general.

The diameter of the sun is one-360th of the week, which is one of the largest stars. Some astrologists also take the time when the sun moves a diameter in the sky as a relatively short unit of time, called degrees.

Even if you can still see some stars other than the sun during the day, the light of the sun cannot drown all the other stars. The light of the main star can also be seen during the day, but those smaller stars, also known as secondary stars, are hidden in the light of the sky and are difficult to distinguish. Only a few people with excellent vision can barely see the relatively bright ones.

II. Gu Xuan

As the opposite of the sun, Gu Xuan's existence is almost unknown, and only astrologists know a little about him through the records of ancient books. This dark god and the sun are at both ends of the earth, orbiting around the earth with almost the same cycle and orbit, but not always at the opposite peak of the sun.

When the sun illuminated half a week with light, Gu Xuan hid in the dark night of another half a week. No one knows the color and size of Gu Xuan, because no one can see the god running silently in the night. The astrologists can only determine his operation by covering up the light of other gods.

Gu Xuan represents darkness, end and extinction.

In the legend of some ethnic groups, Gu Xuan is a deep hole in the sky. The light overflows from the sun, flows through the sky, and finally flows into the hole. But some religions believe that Gu Xuan is more real than the sun. He kindly uses a black cloth as a creature on the ground to block the hot flames in the sky, and the so-called sun is just a small hole in the cloth that shines.

Three, four, two months (bright moon, dark moon)

This is a group of eye-catching stars in the sky. The size and trajectory of the two gods are similar, but there is a clear difference in color. The gray-white is called the bright moon, and the gray-black is called the shadow moon. The size of the bimonth is almost the same as that of the sun, and it is also one of the largest fragments during the consciousness of the main divine ruins.

The two moons rotate around each other and cover each other regularly. This masked cycle is called a "month" and is between days and years. However, the three days and months are not integer multiples of each other, which makes any calendar that includes these three at the same time very complicated.

The bimoon revolves around the earth as a star, with a period of about two days. This cycle is not as meaningful as the bimonthly mutual masking cycle for ordinary people, so there is no specific name to call it.

The bright moon is a god representing love and charm, and the dark moon is a god representing resentment and aging. Their masking cycle often affects the emotions of creatures on the ground to a large extent. This is the resonance of the pure spiritual body to human spiritual fragments, and almost no one can resist her power. The stars of later generations once sighed that the alternation of light and shade of the two stars was the source of disturbances of joy, anger, sorrow and joy in the world.

Bimonths also play an important role in people's reproduction. The bright moon represents the combined reproduction of both sexes, while the dark moon represents the blood relationship that runs through the family.

V. Yufei:

The fiery red Yufei is about half the size of the age. His red light dyed the sky around him with the same color.

Yufei's operation cycle is very long, about 20 years. His trajectory is not an arc around the earth like the sun, but a tortuous route.

Yu Fei represents ambition and ambition.

Astrologists conjecture that this god has brought various conflicts to the world, but it is difficult to say that Yu Fei is directly involved in it, or that he has strengthened the uncontrollable enthusiasm of the race on earth, which is the cause of various disputes.

Some people speculate that when the gods created the world, Yufei made all intelligent creatures more or less arrogant, but some people think that self and independence are the characteristics of the spiritual body. When the gods inject the spirit into the fragments of matter in order to seal the flooded land, this characteristic is under the bondage of the body. It is more prominent.

VI. White

The white color, as its name suggests, is pure white. Its diameter is not similar to that of depression.

The white running cycle is about half a year. Twice a year, the god rises from the western horizon and falls from the east, during which the trajectory does not pass through the middle of the zenith. The distance between his trajectory and the zenith often changes, which is also an important parameter in astrology.

Wabai represents a spirit of calmness, calmness, and perseverance. Among the gods, he is famous for his strict restraints.

Because at the time of the founding of the world, the spiritual god ruins represented the power of order, and the material god wilderness represented the power of disorder, so some people think that the spirit Bai adhered to was the most powerful spiritual will. But in fact, when the order in a pattern becomes more and more complicated, the so-called order will also begin to behave similar to chaos.

7. Printing pool

Inchi is a dark blue star, slightly larger than Yu Fei. Its light is easily covered by the light of the sun during the day, and it cannot appear clearly on the sky at night. Only in the morning and dusk are the most obvious.

Its trajectory seems to be irregular under a cursory look. At some moments, it may stay in the northern star sky, and at some moments it may make circular movements near the horizon. But in fact, the law of the printing pool is hidden under a complex operation trajectory: it has two different operation modes, with cycles of seven days and 23 days respectively. The printing pool chooses to be in different operating modes according to its own operation history and the influence of other stars.

Inchi represents thinking and meditation. It has a unique significance for astrologists. The spirit of this god guides the wise man on the earth to explore unknown and mysterious things and obtain endless wisdom, but strictly speaking, Yinchi does not represent wisdom itself.

8. Fill in

The earthy yellow filling is a star between Yu Fei and Suizheng, but because of its color, it is not as eye-catching as Yu Fei, who is smaller than him.

His running period is not as regular as other stars. It varies greatly, with a short time of about 24 years and a long time of about 30 years, which may be the longest among the gods.

Filling means careful, meticulous and thorough.

Perhaps because of the long and uncertain cycle, it is often difficult for ordinary people to make a precise connection between this god and his influence on the material world, which leads to many people's lack of understanding of the spirit and order he represents. Businessmen think that he can bring money and wealth because of his color. In a sense, the meticulous spirit is indeed necessary for businessmen.

Nine years old

The cyan age is slightly smaller in diameter than the sun, so farmers who are diligent in crops have long observed her existence. They found that everything grew when she shone in the sky, and everything was depressed when she disappeared under the horizon. Farmers arrange the planting and harvesting of crops according to her operation. Her cycle around the earth is called the year.

When people talk about their age, they are used to using how many years they have gone through, so the unit of age is called age.

Poets think that the year has four daughters called spring, autumn and winter, but the stars scoff at it, because they know that all the stars are just pure spiritual bodies, and the difference between the four seasons only comes from the different positions of the year in the sky.

The orientation of the year rising and falling from the horizon is variable. In some years, she may rise from the northeast, while others from the southwest. On the earth, in the direction where the year is rising, spring comes earliest. The astrologists can calculate where the god will rise from the next year through the movement of the previous year and other stars.

Year represents balance and circular changes.

Ten, Milo

The lake-green Milla is a triangular conical star composed of four stars. The four stars roughly rotate around the common center in a complex way, and their center moves wavy along the horizon in its own orbit without a cycle.

Myros represents structure and organization. The different shapes he showed in the eyes of astrologers on the earth have different meanings.

When several individuals have a certain connection, they as a whole show brand-new characteristics that do not exist. For example, the continuous arrangement of points will produce the concept of lines in people's consciousness. This kind of illusion is caused by the influence of Milo. Myro prompted people to look for structures in everything and focus their thoughts on these holistic properties brought about by forms and structures, thus leading to the emergence of various illusions.

11. Atochemistry

This orange star has an oval shape, because it is not a big star as most astrologists think, but two very close and indistinguishable stars.

The operation of the huanification seems to have no trajectory and may appear anywhere in the sky, including below the horizon, of course.

Awanization represents wandering, deviation and onlookers.

A few astrologists have observed the subtle dark seams in the world, and they call it the divine eye. The spiritual wandering guided by the world deviates from the mainstream, keeps a distance, and silently observes everything in the world.

12. Crack

The purple-red split chapter is composed of three tightly wrapped stars. Their relationship is so close that the astrologists have never observed the distance between them more than one degree. The interaction of these three stars makes the light of the split chapter form a triangle.

The split chapter always runs near the horizon, from east to south to west and then north, and the cycle varies between four months and six months.

The split chapter represents cooperation.

Unlike Mylo, the split chapter focuses on the individuals themselves in the group, rather than the new meaning generated by the structure.

On the one hand, it symbolizes that the individuals in the group are closely connected, so it has the significance of comprehensive analysis to make decisions. Those who encounter difficulties will turn to these three gods. On the other hand, the trident dark line in the light of the split chapter also represents differences in the group. Divide and combination, light and dark, are the inherent melodies in cooperation.