Star of War

Some magical themes (reversion)

Wind magic---

Basic magic wind blade: attack magic, wind basic magic, forming a light green blade-like strong wind in the air to cut

The disadvantage of attacking the enemy is that it can't cut open the strong stomach. If you really understand the magic of using the wind blade, you will be unpredictable in which direction to appear. The number is determined by the spiritual strength of the releaser.

Basic magic wind art: auxiliary flight magic, wind basic magic, add a small amount of wind elements to yourself to make yourself have the ability to fly in the air.

Intermediate Magic Cyclone: Attack magic and release a spinning whirlwind to trap the enemy so that he can float in the air and not be arbitrarily turbulent. The power is determined by the spirit of the releaser.

Intermediate magic cloud: auxiliary magic, gathering wind elements in the air to soar freely like birds on the body. Although the speed and height are determined by the caster's spiritual power as intermediate magic, the actual training difficulty is the same as that of advanced magic.

Advanced magic air breaking: attack magic, the same water dragon wave, the firebird of the same level, summoning a female angel with double wings to form a strong wind in the air to form a wind blade, whirlwind and air bomb to attack the enemy to trap the enemy. It is a synthetic enhanced version of the wind blade and whirlwind. It is easier to destroy the enemy on a large scale, and the power is determined by the spirit of the releaser.

Advanced magic wind attack: attack magic, the strong elements of the wind gathered in the hand are compressed into a ball the size of a dark green fist to attack the enemy (close combat is more suitable, and it can be cast far away, but the power is slightly worse than the close body). If the enemy is hit by this compressed ball, it will die directly, and the light one will be killed. He fainted and fell into a coma. The power is determined by the spirit of the releaser

Wind magic——

Advanced Magic: Wind Illusion: Auxiliary Magic. First, you need to sense the power of the wind around you, and you can use the power of the wind to form illusions in people's eyes, immerse people in illusions, and then you can carry out sneak attacks.

Ultimate magic anti-air crack: attack magic, tearing a gap in the air to form a huge dragon hurricane to sweep anything around eight feet, causing great damage is determined by the spiritual power of the releaser.

Ultimate magic wind split: auxiliary attack magic, enhanced substantive version of wind split, virtual 2 entities composed of pure fine wind elements to attack the enemy and cause substantial damage at a time, good at using advanced and intermediate wind magic, but if the split entity is damaged, it will be transmitted to itself That will be hurt, which... I don't know whether it's good or bad.

Wind system forbidden curse sky annihilation thunder break: attack magic, once released above the surrounding 10 kilometers of the sky will form a thunderstorm phenomenon, lightning roar, thunder and lightning, in an instant the sky dark becomes gray, followed by a thunder flash of lightning, so all creatures roar with lightning Harmony with the light can form invisible damage. The light one is deaf and blind, and the heavy one is hit by the thunder and instantly turns into coke. After that, it dissipates into smoke at the touch.

Water magic---

Water Arrow: Use the power of water elves to condense into water arrows. - First-level magic

Use: Direct attack.

Gesture: Put your hands together, circle your left hand, and point your right hand at the target.

The meaning of the spell: "shoot."

Spray effect: shoot water arrows from the top of the index finger. See the picture.

Note: The impact force is weaker than the water column technique, but the range is far away, up to 20 to 30 meters.

Water spear thorn: attack the target with water spear. - Second-level magic

Purpose: indirect attack.

Gesture: Cross your hands with your back and stretch out your fingers.

The meaning of the spell: "Transparent."

Spill effect: Several water spears (usually three) appear around the target to stab the enemy. See the picture.

Description: No

Exorcism: Exorcism with the power of water elves. - Level 4 magic

Use: adjuvant treatment.

Gesture: Put one hand in front of the recipient's forehead and the other hand on the wound.

The meaning of the spell: "san."

Spray effect: light blue halo covers the subject. See the picture.

Description: Assist in the removal of thermal toxins, such as poisonous flame, golden bell pollen, fire red snake bites, etc.

Water Blade: Summon the water elf to condense into a water blade. - Three-level magic

Use: Direct attack.

Gesture: Open one hand up at the waist and split the other palm at the target.

The meaning of the spell: "What I mean. Cut."

Spray effect: fly out of the water blade from the palm of your hand. See the picture.

Description: Moderate attack power. It is often used to break certain fire magic or attack enemies hiding behind flames.

Multiple water arrows: Use the power of water elves to condense into multiple water arrows. - Four-level magic

Use: Direct attack.

Gesture: Put your hands together, circle your mouth with one hand, and open your other hand to point to the target.

The meaning of the spell: "Intangible bow. Shoot."

Spray effect: Shoot water arrows from the top of the finger. See the picture.

Description: Fan-shaped water arrows can attack multiple enemies at the same time. The attack power is average.

Water bomb: Use the power of water elves to condense into a water balloon attack. - Level 3 magic

Use: Direct attack.

Gesture: Hold hands and pop out with ten fingers.

The meaning of the spell: "The finger of the elf."

Spray effect: Shoot several water balloons from the top of the finger. See the picture.

Description: Scattered water bombs can attack multiple enemies at the same time, or attack the whole body of an enemy. The attack power is average.

Wave Art: Use the power of water elves to turn into waves. - Level 7 magic

Purpose: indirect attack.

Gesture: Raise your hands slowly from your chest.

The meaning of the spell: "Raising from the soil."

Spray effect: There are waves on the ground around the target. See the picture.

Note: The duration is usually three to five seconds. The launch is slow, and it is easy to be quickly interrupted by the other party when casting spells.

Fire magic---

Level 1

The burning hand-cone burning flame spewed out from your fingertips. All creatures in the flame area are subject to fire damage of 1d4 per level (up to 5d4)

Level 2

A burning spherical fireball rolls in the direction you point and ignites what it hits. It moves at a speed of 30 feet per round. As part of the movement, it can climb up or jump 30 feet to hit the target. If it enters the space where the creature is located, it will stop moving in the wheel and cause 2d6 fire damage to the creature, but successful reflex exemption can avoid damage

Burning rays, you hit your enemies with hot rays. You can emit one ray, and you can add one more ray than four levels per level 3 (up to three rays at level 11). Each ray requires a long-range contact attack to hit and cause 4d6 fire damage.

Level 3

Fireball spells cause a flame explosion with a low sound, causing fire damage of 1d6 (up to 10d6) per caster level to all creatures in the area.

Level 4

The flame shield surrounds the flame around you and causes damage to all creatures that attack you in close combat. This flame also protects you in cold-based attacks or fire-based attacks (as you choose)

Level 5

A curtain of burning purple flames leaps out of the fire wall, and it cannot be moved. The side of the firewall - it's up to you - will spew a heat wave, causing 2d4 fire damage to creatures within 10 feet and 1d4 flame damage to creatures within 10 feet and 20 feet

Level 6

Flame spider summons 240 fire elements in the shape of spiders, attack or search

Summon large fire elements

Level 7

The whole area of the flame storm was swept away by roaring flames. Furious flames will not harm natural plants, the surface, and any plant species you want to exclude from the damage in the area. Any other creatures in this area will be damaged by fire at level 1d6 per caster (up to 20d6)

Summon super-large fire elements

Level 8

The cloud burning technique creates a boiling cloud full of white and hot ashes. Each round of hot ashes in your round causes 4d6 ignition damage to the items in it. Controlled movement

Yangyan explosion can produce a hot light ball, which will break out silently at the position you specify. All creatures in the ball fell into a blind state and suffered 6D6 damage. The damage of undead creatures in the photosphere is 1d6/ caster level (up to 25d6), and if passed the test, the damage will be halved. If the undead, which is particularly afraid of the sun, will be destroyed by the strong light if the verification fails.

Call the giant fire element

Level 9

The meteor explodes a powerful and spectacular spell. Four to eight 2-foot-diameter fireballs fly out of your stretched hands. These meteors will drag a fiery tail and fly to your chosen location in a straight path.

Call the fire element elder

Skills: holding fire to burn the sky, wildfire to set the praiyuan, flame spell, meteor fire rain, purgatory fire sea, scorched gold and stone.

Subsidy category: clean clothing curse, Yansu

Primary magic

The first-order ice cone (attack) spell: Ice elves, turn into a sharp cone and destroy the enemy in front of you! Cooling (attack) reduces the surrounding temperature.

Second-order ice shield (defense) ice archery (attack) ice knife (attack) ice-made small flying knife. Stiffness (attack) freezes and stiffens people's movements. The ice thorn (attack) The small ice thorn growing on the ground is the best to interfere with the other magician.

Third-order ice wall (defense) mirroring (defense) reflex magic attack. Ice thorns (attack) clumps of ice thorns. Ice technique (attack) turns the surrounding ground into slippery ice. Ice (attack) spell: frozen soil, glacier, dance wildly!

Intmediate magic

Fourth-order ice needle (attack) ice binding (attack) freeze a part of the enemy's body. Ice spin (attack) spell: Ice elf, please give me strength, ice spin! Ice protection (defense) spell: Ice elves, use your magic power to protect our side, the art of ice protection! Hemispherical defense cover made of ice.

Five-order snowball (attack) snowball. Hail (attack) spell: Water elements in the air, listen to my call, turn into indestructible hail, and destroy the evil in front of you! Ice Rift (Attack) Spell: Ice and snow elves, turn into tearers and destroy my enemies! Pure veil (additional) spell: Ice elf, weave a pure white net with your clean hand, and wrap me gently like a newborn baby! - Pure veil! Rease pain, restore mental strength, and increase courage.

Sixth-order Ice Gun (Attack) Spell: Ice Condensation, Frozen Blade Gun, Give Me Extreme Power, Freeze the Void Ice Gun! Ice Sword (Attack) Spell: The great ice elf king, the master of the ice field, give me your strength, pure sword, and destroy the evil in front of you! Ice Sword! The temperature around the frost (attack) plummeted. Crystal Wall (Defense) Spell: Ice elves bathed in the aurora, please lend me the magic skills to build an eternal crystal wall!

Advanced Magic

Seventh-order Ice Prison (Attack) self-created magic. Ice archery + ice knife + ice thorn + ice spell + hail. Mobile fortress (defense) creates its own magic. The ice wall that can automatically launch ice archery + ice knife + ice needle + ice stabbing attack. Frozen roar (attack) spell: In the name of the patron saint of our clan, summon the ice elves in the atmosphere, lend me your strength, and destroy my enemies - frozen roar! Ice Dragon (attack) Icephagy (attack) makes people freeze from the inside, especially making the magician unable to concentrate on chanting spells.

The temperature in the eighth-order absolute zero field (attack) has plummeted to extremely low within a certain range, and other magic elements are excluded. Bingjie's (additional) individual spirit and reaction improve. Ice crystal snow dance (attack) spell: white snowflakes, crystal frost, gather around me, feel my pain, lend me powerful magic, and stop everything before me - ice crystal snow dance! Xuanbingjie (Defense)

The ninth-order ice and snow seal Luo prison (attack) freezes everything magic into ice sculptures. Ice burst (attack) ice freezing wave (attack) spell: God of ice and snow, use your powerful hands to freeze everything! Zero counterattack (defense) counterattack all magic at the beginning and intermediate levels, boundary shape.

The freezing (attack) ice god possession (additional) of the soul of the tenth-order iceberg pressure (attack) temporarily increases the individual's physical and magic defense, and the surrounding temperature drops sharply.

jin zhou

The eleventh-order extremely cracked frozen wave (attack) is like a flood-like glacier gushing out., Frozen thousands of miles (attack)

Twelfth-order chaotic crystal wall (defense) 13th-order ice clean sealing array (attack) spell: the ice and snow demon god who is dormant in a distant and extremely cold place obeys my call. The black blizzard that freezes everything and turns everything into ice and snow! - The ice is sealed! Tianbingdijing (attack) spell: The contract between me and the elves will last forever. According to the shackles of the contract, I use my most powerful magic, release the power of all the elves, complete the invincible spell, and destroy everything before me - Tianbing and Earth Crystal! The fifteenth-order heaven and earth freezing technique (attack) will freeze even the air, and even the time will be slow. Spell: Ice elves in space, gather your power into my hands, let the earth freeze, let the mountains and rivers become ice, and cover everything in the world in white - heaven and earth freezing! The anger (attack) magic of the 16th-level ice and snow goddess. Spell: The girl of pure water, who knows the reason of the surging waves, the beautiful queen, the blue Eva! My great ally, follow the sacred contract of blood, respond to my call, and freeze all the enemies in front of me