Star of War

Chapter 81 Rushing Out of the Wolf

Haotian stopped walking and stood on the grass. Then his mind shrank about one li to monitor everything in this range.

Thousands of grassland wolves are reflected in the spirit of his mind. Their movements, the fierce light in the wolf's eyes, the bloodthirsty and murderous atmosphere, etc., nothing can escape his spiritual sensation.

"You can't let the wolves be surrounded. You must rush out when the encirclement is still spreading..."

While the original loose grassland wolves are gradually shrinking, they gather more and more, and there are more than ten in each direction in a row. If the encirclement continues to contract, the wolf will become more and more dense, and it will be very difficult to escape from the encirclement.

The direction of Haotian remained unchanged, and he made futile efforts on his feet ahead and ran with all his strength. On the way, his mind moved slightly, took out the golden heavy sword from the space crystal beads and held it in his hand.

The encirclement of the wolves has been reduced to a range of 500 meters, and the gap has basically been completely blocked. Except for fighting, stepping on the body of the prairie wolf, otherwise there is no way to escape.

"Kill." Haotian shouted loudly, and the speed increased again. The golden heavy sword in his hand suddenly waved out, and the light of the sword suddenly rose.

——The wind of the seven cuts!

Suddenly, several leading prairie wolves shot in countless sword shadows, full of fishy blood, and pieces of meat flew out in the blood spray.

Haotian has been bloodyly killed by the sunset mountains and warcrafts, not without being chased by swarms of warcraft. Therefore, at this time, the siege of the grassland wolves should not make him afraid. The golden sandalwood heavy sword in his hand waved with the wind, shining with golden sword light, constantly passing through the body of the grassland.

Stab, Spur!

Shock, shock!

As he kept moving forward, Jin Tan's epee kept repeating the first three moves, with sharp moves and sharp sword light.


The grassland wolf howled with blood and broken meat, and kept shooting.

In a short period of time, Haotian's body jumped among the wolves. His face was calm, he twisted his hips, waved his sword, and sprinted 500 meters. During this distance, more than 100 grassland wolves became a pool of broken meat in the sharp blade of the epee.


He rushed out of the encirclement of thousands of prairie wolves and continued to run forward.

Although these prairie wolves are all second-level monsters with low strength. However, no matter how weak the ants are, when they reach a terrible point, they can also bite the huge monsters.

The prairie is the second layer of the plane space. On this grassland of tens of thousands of square meters, there are also many nine-level strongmen who are also killing fiercely.

500 miles away from Haotian, there is a pair of middle-aged male and female warriors surrounded by thousands of prairie wolves. These two obviously belong to different power circles, or have no friendship at all. They fought separately and were surrounded by wolves. The encirclement gradually narrowed, and countless grassland wolves rushed to them.

Since entering the plane battlefield, unless you have a close relationship, you are not afraid to turn your back to other strong people.

Sometimes, humans are more dangerous than Warcraft.

The wolves rolled and chased the fierce.

Haotian kept running, and thousands of wolves behind him trampled on the green grass and chased him fiercely. They rumbled and fluctuated like green waves, and the hungry roar kept ringing behind him.

In this case, if you slow down or stop directly, the only end is death and the bones are left.

Of course, he will not be stupid enough to slow down the running speed, but speed up and run fast.

"Huh... finally got rid of the wolves."

After running 300 miles, Haotian finally threw away thousands of prairie wolves. He couldn't help slowing down his running speed and scolded secretly: "Warcraft can't be killed. It's really difficult..."

The road was chased by wolves, and on the road, he met some scattered grassland wolves. Of course, he killed them with a sword. However, these grassland wolves whose heads were cut off by him with his sword were strangely picked up and came back to life after a few breaths, which made him tired. The reason for running for life. Otherwise, thousands of wolves can definitely be wiped out in less than an hour. However, the monsters in the plane space are immortal, well, it should be said that they can be reborn. Such a group of monsters that can't be destroyed can consume him alive no matter how weak they are.

After a short break, he moved forward again.

"Someone was surrounded by wolves..." As he kept running forward, suddenly there were bursts of grassland wolves roaring from a distance, mixed with a tragic howl.

His mind quickly dispersed out, and his spiritual senses completely enveloped a hundred miles around him.

"It's them." In his spiritual induction, a man and a woman appeared two middle-aged warriors. The two, who fought separately, were surrounded by hundreds of wolves and were killing hard, and their whole body was stained with blood. I don't know whether it was wolf blood or their own blood.

He also had the impression that they were the nine-level warriors of their Maple Leaf Empire. On the days when they were waiting for the space passage to open in the dark forest, he also talked to him for a few words, which gave him a good impression and was quite upright and cheerful.

Neither of them has a contract with Warcraft, and their strength is relatively weak.


Haotian's eyes looked firm and immediately ran forward.

Three years of killing in the plane battlefield will survive 100 people. At this time, he should be able to make friends and form a stronger power circle. By the final battle, the chances of winning can be maximized.

"Brother Tongyan, Sister Qingyan."

He went straight to the wolves surrounding the female warrior with his sword. The golden sandalwood heavy sword performed seven unique tricks, and countless sword lights waved like the wind. In an instant, he cut seven grassland wolves in a row and entered the encirclement circle and came to the woman.

The two also found Haotian, and their faces couldn't help showing a touch of joy. At this time, adding one person is to increase 30% of their combat effectiveness, and the chance of rushing out of the wolf group greatly increased.



The two breathed a sigh of relief and shouted.

This middle-aged woman named Qingyan obviously has signs of weakness, and the two short knives made of fine steel in her hand are a little powerless.


Haotian's joining made this group of hungry grassland wolves attack more fiercely.

Haotian's epee kept repeating the first three moves of the seven-killing sword, and a grassland wolf turned into pieces of meat in the three fast and fierce seven-killing sword moves. He took the left arm of the love smoke with one hand, rushed to Tong Yan, and instantly entered the wolves surrounding him.

"We rushed out." He shouted, cut with a long sword, and took the lead in stabbing the grassland wolf in the encirclement.

Children's words and love smoke followed closely, and the epee and double knives were also constantly waved. The pair of eyes of Qingyan did not sweep to Haotian. Seeing that his sword moves were not only sharp and exquisite, but also killed more than twice that of the two of them, the soft face was extremely calm, and he couldn't help flashing a trace of curiosity.

He can rush out of thousands of wolves in a blink of an eye, not to mention less than a thousand prairie wolves. Haotian quickly rushed out of the encirclement of the wolves with deep childish words and love smoke and ran away to the distance. Later, this group of hungry and fierce prairie wolves slowly left after chasing for a while.

"We are all from the Maple Leaf Empire, so we should help each other and work hand in hand." After running for a distance, the three stopped to rest. Haotian frowned and said rudely to Tongyan and Qingyan, "There are more than 10,000 strong people entering the nine-level battlefield, although only 100 people can be left in the end. However, we belong to the same circle of influence, so we should unite so that we can live to the end. If you two fought side by side just now, you wouldn't have been trapped by the wolves.

When Haotian said this, his expression was serious, and his tone was even more reproachful. However, Tongyan and Qingyan are straightforward people. After slightly analyzing the meaning of his words, they also know that they are their own villains, and they can't help lowering their heads with some shame.

"My grandfather experienced the last plane battlefield and was lucky enough to be promoted to the Holy Level. Before he disappeared, he left a message to his family, saying that no one could believe it and could only believe himself. So..."

Tong Yan was ashamed to explain, but in the end, he felt that such an explanation was very pale.

And the love smoke squeezed her mouth, as if she was quite wronged.

Haotian's words are quite heavy, and his tone is also a little harsh, and Tongyan is a nine-level strong man who is much bigger than him. He really feels a little ugly when he opens his face and says it like this.

However, according to this situation, if everyone fights separately and does not unite, I believe that 100 people may not be able to live in three years.