Star of War

Chapter 82 A Nest of Snakes and Rat

Haotian is a star who opens his own soul, and there is no need to enter the plane battlefield. However, Lord Ye Dichen asked him for help to enter the plane space and destroy the star array in the center of the ninth floor. But he can't destroy it immediately after finding it. Instead, he needs to wait three years to kill 100 people on the battlefield and survive. After the star array opens the star soul and transmits it out, it can be destroyed. If the star array is destroyed before, all the nine-level strongmen in the plane space can no longer go out and can only stay here to fight against the undead beast.

In such a situation, no one can live at all. Even if you are the holy level of immortality, you will not live long.

Today's plan is to save your life within three years, and then make friends that you can make friends with, form a powerful circle, and then fight with Warcraft, kill with the nine-level strongman, and compete for a place to survive. Three years later, you can naturally leave here safely. There will even be many nine-level strong people who will practice their spiritually for three years. After the star array, they will open their own star soul, understand the mystery of the law, and achieve the holy level.

Haotian looked up at the sky, and the sky had begun to dim, and it was almost evening. He took out some water and food from the crystal beads in the space, handed it to Tongyan and Qingyan, and said, "Let's eat something first. We can't stay on the grassland tonight. We must rush out." Spending the night on the grassland is simply sending food to the grassland wolves.

"We also have food." Tongyan and Qingyan said at the same time, taking out some water and food from the space magic weapon.

When entering the plane space, clear water and food are the most important, although spring water can be found in the mountains and forests, and you can hunt and roast warcraft meat. However, when the Warcraft group is chasing, it is impossible to give you time to find water and roast Warcraft meat. Therefore, the food and water carried in the space magic weapon have become precious things.

Both Tongyan and Qingyan have the kind of straightforward temperament. How can they hide their clean water food and eat Haotian's food?

After simply eating something, they took a little rest. Tong Yan and the smoke entered the dense grass and washed the grassland wolf blood with the water brought in by the space magic weapon. After changing into a clean suit, the three of them, led by Haotian, began to run forward.

In this endless grassland, when the direction is unrecognizable, you can only rely on your feelings to recognize one direction and run with all your strength.

It was completely dark, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them ran thousands of miles. During this period, there were no grassland wolves to attack. It was thought that many nine-level strong people attracted the wolves. Occasionally, a few lonely grassland wolves were also wiped away.

Resting again, Haotian's mind spread out, and the spiritual sensing circle instantly enveloped a hundred miles.

"Little tree..." Suddenly, at the end of his spiritual circle, he saw a small tree high.

"I found a small tree, probably not far from the edge of the prairie." Haotian said excitedly.

Children's words and love smoke also have smiles on their faces. In this endless prairie, in addition to grass and grass, it really drives people crazy. They need a colorful place to have a good rest for a while, otherwise if they go on like this, even if they are not torn apart by the wolves, they will go crazy.

"I estimate that this grassland is at least tens of thousands of square miles. Fortunately, we are transported to the edge of the grassland, otherwise it is really dangerous." Haotian sighed and said.

Love smoke and children's words nodded with approval.

After their strength and fighting spirit recovered, they ran in the direction of the little tree again.

Half an hour later, the small tree standing alone on the grass appeared in their eyes. Immersed in the night ahead, the vaguely undulating mountains were also seen by them.

"Look, it's a mountain." Tong Yan shouted.

"Let's go, we can spend the night in the mountains tonight." Haotian laughed and said that spending the night on the grassland is looking for death, but the mountain is different. They can climb to the top of a thick tree to rest. In addition to guard against individual monsters that can climb trees, they don't have to worry about it, and the safety is much bigger.

Wangshan Running Dead Horse!

This sentence makes sense. The continuous mountains in the night seem to be not far away. However, after they run a hundred miles, the mountain range is still the same size, as if they were running forward and the mountains are retreating backwards.

Running thousands of miles, he came to the foot of the mountain.

Loess, plateau!

This endless mountain range is full of dry pine yellow soil except for faint trees.

This is a plateau area, the third layer of the loess plateau in the plane space.

The three looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

I want to find a thick and dense wooded forest for the night, but I didn't expect that the whole mountain range was a yellow soil environment where plants were difficult to grow.

is still a place with a single color.

Haotian shook his head and said, "Take the soil in this place. I'll cut down a few small trees and burn a bonfire."

On the Loess Plateau, you can't see a warcraft. You don't have to think that the warcraft here must be a warcraft such as rat snake. Stepping on a solid point of soil on the ground can effectively prevent snake and rat warcraft from drilling out from under the body and avoid direct attack. A pile of bonfires can also scare Warcraft.

Tongyan and Qingyan gradually accepted Haotian's leadership in their hearts. Their feet burst out and began to step on the loose yellow soil on the ground. Soon, an area of about 20 to 30 meters was trampled by them.

Haotian cut down several small trees, cut them into small wooden stakes, set up a bonfire, and made a burning bonfire.

The three sat around the fire, took out the clean water food, and ate a little briefly. Haotian looked at Tongyan and Qingyan and arranged, "The three of us will take turns to watch the night. Brother Tongyan, you are on duty in the first shift, wake me up in two hours, and I will be on duty on the second shift, and Sister Qingyan, you are on duty in the third shift."

"Good." Tong Yan nodded gratefully, and Qingyan looked at Haotian gratefully.

The two knew that Haotian was taking care of them in the middle of the night. After midnight, they could sleep until dawn, and the love smoke in the second half of the night was even more relaxed, basically sleeping until dawn. Only at midnight is the hardest time. You have to wake up not long after sleeping, and it is very difficult to sleep in the middle of the night.

Night, deep and silent.

The wood on the bonfire was burned by the flames and spewed out sparks. Haotian sat quietly next to the fire with his upper body, and his mind was scattered with all his strength, completely covering the surrounding hundreds of miles. He could not only pay attention to the surrounding environment, but also feel the mystery of the wind.

The star power quenching technique given to him by Ye Dichen belongs to the secret book of primary skills. The cells in his body absorbed advanced star power from the artifact phoenix egg shell. Finally, he squeezed through the cells one by one to reshape them, and then absorbed the advanced star power into the star power absorbed by his body. After practicing star power quenching had no effect on him. The absorbed power of the stars is basically negligible. Therefore, during this period, he has stopped practicing star quenching and has turned to understand the mystery of the law.

He closed his eyes and listened to the hissing singing of the wind on the plateau. Every inch of his body's skin felt the gentleness, strength, naughty and arrogance of the wind...

" hiss..."


Suddenly, there were strange voices from 50 meters on the left. His mind immediately looked at this place, and there was nothing but loess.

The sound comes from the ground.

Then, this strange sound came from the front, the rear, and the right side.

"The sound comes from the ground, but the soil here is completely isolated from spiritual sensing and can't penetrate at all..."

He tried to penetrate the divine mind into the loess. However, after entering half a foot, it was completely blocked and could no longer extend in, as if it was blocked by a layer of tough film.

On the Loess Plateau, he can fully guess the types of warcraft. Except for rat warcraft and snake warcraft, few warcrafts are willing to survive in this harsh environment.

The dark sky began to turn into hazy darkness, approaching dawn.

And the hissing sound under the ground is getting louder and louder, very miscellaneous, and obviously in large numbers.

"Brother Tongyan, Sister Qingyan, are ready to fight." He immediately awakened the sleeping childish words and love smoke.

"Boom..." As his words fell, the ground suddenly rumbled around, and the loess on the floor was completely overturned.

In the hazy sky, countless dark fur, the body is as large as the short-eared rabbit's third-level warcraft 'iron-loving rat', like a piglet, with gray fur, and the black lines climbing three-level warcraft 'black-patterned rat'... The long and thin snake-type third-level warcraft 'iron wire snake' is comparable to the thickness of adult thighs. The three-level Warcraft 'unicorn snake' with a length of nearly ten meters...

All kinds of third-level rat-like snake warcrafts gushed out from the open underground, and the number reached a terrible point.

A nest of snakes and rats.

In this strange space, snake monsters can become a family with rat monsters, live together, and go in and out together.