True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 27 Real Practice 1

Jin Liufeng, Mu Daoyuan, Xu Chong's hut.

"Brother Xu, where is the pill I gave you? You can eat it now. It happens that I'm here to protect you.

Xu Chong hesitated and said, "Brother Yu, that's really not..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Yuan made a silent gesture to stop him, and then whispered, "What are you worried about? Naturally, everything has me! Just pretend that it has never happened, just do whatever you want.

Xu Chong said, he was worried about Yu Yuan and naturally didn't want to eat the medicine given by Yu Yuan, but Yu Yuan couldn't help urging him to take the pill out of his arms.

"The biggest function of this Juyuan Dan is to allow you to absorb the aura of heaven and earth very quickly and break through the innate barrier. Although it is not very precious, it is also very rare. It is definitely a good thing for monks during the qi period.

Originally, I should have eaten when you can at least feel the aura, but I have got a lot recently. Even if your qualifications are poor, it is enough for you to practice smoothly until the later stage of nourishing qi, so you don't want to think about anything, just practice at ease.

"How can this be so embarrassing?" Xu Chong said he was embarrassed, but the expression on his face looked impatient, and he couldn't wait to take out all the medicine on Yu Yuan's body.

Yu Yuan looked extremely happy and walked around the hut for a few times: "Well, Brother Xu, I don't know if you have remembered the 'heart-raising method'?"

Xu said that he remembered.

Yu Yuan asked Xu Chong to take the Juyuan elixir first, and then sense the aura of heaven and earth according to the method of nourishing the spirit, and try to attract the aura into the body.

Xu Zhong said, "It's a blessing, not a curse, but a misfortune that can't be avoided. It seems that this Yuyuan needs me to improve my cultivation as soon as possible. Then there should be no problem with this pill, and I will risk it!"

Xu silently recited the heart formula in his heart, and then swallowed the polyyuan elixir in one bite.

Yu Yuan immediately pressed Xu Chong on the couch and said, "Quickly follow the mental method to attract the aura of heaven and earth!"

As soon as the elixir entered Xu Chong's abdomen, it immediately melted, and an extremely huge heat flow began to surge along Xu Chong's meridians. He meditated on the formula and began to attract the aura of the weather.

Xu Chong was able to feel the existence of Reiki from the first day of cultivation, but no matter how hard he tried, there was no way to introduce Reiki into the meridians. The Reiki always flew away when it ran to his chest and could not enter Dantian at all.

But today, under the influence of medicine, Xu Chong felt that he had attracted several times more aura than usual, and couldn't help but have more confidence in successfully introducing the aura into the meridians. The role of the medicine was getting bigger and bigger. He felt that the heat flow had been stirred to the extreme, and his meridians were as painful as if they were about to be torn, but he clenched his teeth and persisted, carefully guiding the same strong aura to run.

He was delighted to find that only a small part of the aura had been lost when it passed through the anterior chest meridians this time, and most of the aura still rushed along the meridians to Dantian.

"I succeeded! I finally became a real immortal!" Xu Chong shouted in his heart and forgot to control the operation of Reiki for a moment. As a result, the Reiki suddenly turned into a run-out wild horse and ran around in the meridians. Xu Chong only felt a burst of tearing sharp pain. Finally, he couldn't stand it and fainted after howling.

Yu Yuan had been relieved to see Xu Chong's successful sense of the aura of heaven and earth. He knew that although the medicinal power was a little too strong for Xu Chong, it was still no problem as long as Xu Chong could grit his teeth and hold on, but he didn't expect Xu Chong to be distracted, and now he fainted. Once If it is not handled well, the meridians of the whole body may be broken and die.

He immediately came forward with his real yuan to help Xu Chong guide the chaotic aura, but the aura was so powerful that he had a hard time controlling the situation, but his real yuan was also exhausted.

"Damn, what's going on? I haven't spent a day fighting with Zhao Peng. What the hell!"

After a while, Xu Chong woke up with a moan. Seeing Yu Yuan sitting on his side and meditating tiredly, he looked very depressed and said, "Brother Yu, why did you become like this?"

Yu Yuan opened his eyes and looked at Xu Chong with tears and laughter: "Brother Xu, I have been given by you like this." Then he told the situation just now, which made Xu Chong afraid for a while and sweated coldly.

"But there is a strange situation. I had already put the aura in your body back into the meridians and guided them to run. I don't know why they all disappeared from your chest in the end. I have never heard of such a situation."

Xu Chong sighed helplessly and hated himself even more. If he hadn't been distracted, he might have succeeded this time. After all, he had previously incorporated part of the aura into Dantian.

Yu Yuan saw that Xu Chong didn't say anything. He thought he didn't know the situation, so he didn't ask again and said, "Well, there is still a lot of time. Don't practice today. Have a good rest and I'll come to you tomorrow." Saying that, he got up and went away.

As soon as Yu Yuan left, Xu Chong also got up and wanted to move his body. Unexpectedly, his body hurt so much that he suddenly sat back to ** and felt very tired, so he reached out and took off the small axe hanging on his chest. He suddenly found that after not looking at this thing for a few days, there was a change again. The gray-brown part of the whole axe was less, replaced by a faint dark green, and the faint blue light flowed like running water on the axe.

Xu Chong held the small axe tightly, and a hot stream rose and flowed into his body. If Xu Chong could see the inside of his body, he would find that the hot stream was repairing his already damaged meridians.

After about a cup of tea, the heat flow disappeared, Xu Chong also felt that his body had completely recovered as before, and his mind was much clearer. Only then did he feel that his whole body seemed to be stuck by something, and a fishy smell kept rushing into his nose.

Xu Chong quickly took off his clothes and found that his body was actually wrapped in a layer of black and brown mucus, which made it smell. He rushed out of the cabin with a strange scream, fed the water and washed it thoroughly before returning to the house, and suddenly felt refreshed.

The scenes of what happened in one day are reflected in front of us.

No matter what purpose Yu Yuan has, at least now he really helps himself practice, and he also relies on his undisturbed practice, almost catching up with the treatment of his inner disciples. For the time being, this is a good thing, but in the long run, Yu Yuan's plot must be not small. He hides it deeply! And what I can do now is only one step at a time, but I must always be prepared for Yu Yuan.

Thinking about it, Xu Chong is a little annoyed. How can he just encounter these intrigues? In the past, it was like this to be a book boy, but now it is still like this when I have entered the world of immortal cultivation! His little man only wants to live peacefully, and this is actually a luxury!

"The reason why I am always tricked is still because I am weak! If I have strong strength, will I still care about these? So I must be strong. Only when I become strong can I live the life I want!"