True Immortal Robbery

Chapter 28 Real Practice 2

The next morning, when Xu came to Jinying Pavilion tremblingly, he found that Chunyu was also there, which made him more worried. Although Yu Yuan said that everything was none of his business, Xu Chong understood that if someone really found that Zhao Peng and the other two were dead, he would definitely know that it had nothing to do with him as soon as he checked. Chunyuzheng is the most likely person to pursue this matter.

But after Chunyu saw Xu Chong, he just glanced at him and waved him over.

"From today on, you don't have to come here to work for the time being. Just listen to Yu's nephew's. Do you understand?"

Xu Chong said, "Disciples are obed." But he can't help admiring Yu Yuan. How on earth did he do it? Unexpectedly, Chunyu can not arrange his duty.

Chunyu nodded and left, followed Yu Yuan from the outside, followed by four people, Nie Hai and Ruan Liang, and two foreign disciples who Xu Chong did not know.

Yu Yuan seems to have replaced Zhao Peng in the Jinying Pavilion, and the four people are very respectful to him.

"In the future, all the work in Jinying Pavilion will be under the responsibility of you. I will come to check every day. Uncle Chunyu may come sometime. If I find out that any of you has not done a good job, hey, don't blame me for being rude! Not only is his spiritual stone and elixir gone for half a year, but I will send him to the dining room!"

All four of them said yes, and their attitude was very obedient.

Yu Yuan looked at them contemptuously and said to Xu Chong with a pleasant face: "Brother Xu, let's go. Uncle Chunyu told you just now..."

The two returned to Xu Chong's hut and met a short and fat disciple like an altar on the way. Xu Chong still remembered that he looked at Yu Yuan with anger and seemed to be looking at a fool when he saw himself.

"I don't know who this person is. It seems that I have something to do with Yu Yuan. I'd like to get to know him if I have a chance."

Yu Yuan said to Xu Chong very seriously, "Brother Xu, don't be distracted today. Yesterday, you were lucky. If you were unlucky, you broke your whole body and died! Practice can't tolerate a trace of carelessness!"

Xu nodded and said, "Brother Yu, I don't know anything about this immortal world. You'd better tell me first."

Yu Yuan thought for a moment and said, "Well, sharpen the knife and don't miss the firewood worker. If you know the common sense of cultivation, I won't dare to be distracted yesterday. I'll tell you first..."

The road to immortality is extremely difficult and long, among which there are many dangers. If you are not careful, you will get a soul. Among them, the most dangerous one is the "three prohibitions".

Cultivation of immortals is against the sky, so it is envied by heaven. All creatures will be subject to human prohibition, earth prohibition and heavenly prohibition.

The prohibition of human beings is a restriction brought by the flesh itself. After all, the aura of heaven and earth that can accommodate the body is limited. If it can't break through, it will always be a mortal, but it is only 150 years of longevity. Only by breaking through the ban can we enter the next stage of practice.

The ground prohibition is the restriction of the law of heaven and earth on life. Those who cultivate immortals can't. If they want to jump out of the law, they will be bound by the shackles of heaven and earth. Only by breaking through the shackles of the law can they go higher and truly stand at the peak of the world. Without breaking the ground, the life expectancy is only 500 years at most.

Heaven is a mark of this world imprinted among the true spirits of all sentient beings. If it is broken, the haze will rise, and if it is not broken, thousands of years of practice will still be empty!

And once it breaks through the ban, it means that immortals lose the opportunity to reincarnation. Once they die, it will be the end of eternity!

In this process, the human prohibition includes three stages, the Qi-raising period, the foundation-building period and the Peiyuan period. When the cultivation reaches the completion of the late stage of the Peiyuan period, you will naturally feel the barrier of human prohibition. After breaking through the human prohibition, after the marrow washing period, the condensation period and the Dan period, and the completion of the late Dandan period, you will feel the ground prohibition barrier; the heavenly prohibition includes fetal movement. In the four stages of the period, the Yuanying period, the clutch period and the obstacle-breaking period, when the late stage of the obstacle-breaking period is complete, you will feel the heavenly prohibition, break through the heavenly prohibition, and then enter the last Xiaqi period and soar in sight.

"It's simple to say, but it's extremely difficult to do. In the past thousand years, no one in the immortal world has been able to break through the heavenly prohibition and soar! Even there are few great monks who break through the forbidden and enter the forbidden stage. Many small sects have the highest cultivation are the middle-level immortals in the forbidden stage!"

Xu Chong was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the road to immortality would be so difficult. He couldn't help asking himself, "Where can I go?" But immediately thought, "Anyway, since fate has given me this opportunity, I must stick to it!"

Yu Yuan seemed to be touched by what he said and became silent, but soon returned to normal. Then he taught Xu Chong a lot of common sense about the immortal world, so that Xu Chong really understood the immortal world for the first time.

Then, Xu Chong took another Juyuan elixir, and then attracted the aura of heaven and earth into the body. Just like the day before, Xu Chong quickly felt that his whole body was hot, but today he did not have as much pain as yesterday. Instead, he was warm and comfortable.

Xu Chong carefully guided the aura to gather in Dantian. His heart was very nervous, but unfortunately, what he was worried about happened again - when the aura ran to his chest, it suddenly got out of his control and gushed out of his body and disappeared cleanly.

Xu's heart was extremely annoyed. He was unwilling to give up like this, so he continued to attract the aura into the body before the medicine had disappeared, but the result was the same. No matter how much aura he attracted, he would lose control in his chest and then disappear.

Yu Yuan has been observing Xu Chong, afraid that Xu Chong would be distracted and repeat yesterday's mistakes. As a result, he found that although Xu Chong was not distracted, it seemed that the situation was not right. He immediately came to use his Zhenyuan to help Xu Chong sort out his aura. Unexpectedly, just like yesterday, the Zhenyuan he entered into Xu Chong's body also followed those spirits. The gas disappeared cleanly.

After several attempts, the results were the same. The only difference is that the black and brown mucus discharged by Xu Chong today is much less, and then it is simply gone. Yu Yuan told Xu Chong that it was formed by impurities excreted from his body.

Originally, cultivation was very good for the growth of people's spiritual power, but Xu Chong's cultivation always failed, which would consume a lot of spirit. He could not recover with a small axe in front of Yu Yuan, so he was extremely tired at this time.

Yu Yuan lost a lot of Zhenyuan himself. At this time, he was also depressed, and the two stopped to rest.

Yu Yuan thought about it depressedly for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that the difference in Xu Chong's qualifications is difficult to find in the world!