array repair

129, Black Tail

Lan, who killed one person, slowly retreated to the rear, and he wanted to suppress the murderous intention in his heart. If he releases all the violent murderous intentions in his heart, I'm afraid Lan will attack He Chen and others. Unconsciously, Lan thought that once she released her murderous intention, no one here would be her opponent. Even those powerful barren soldiers are confident that they can easily** them with one hand. The murderous intention seems to have been lurking in their bodies for hundreds, thousands of years or even tens of years.

Just as Lan was puzzled about the murderous intent hidden inside his body, ten barren soldiers surrounded the other four, including the black short-haired man. Then, the ten deserters' hands instantly turned into dark black blades. With the mysterious black armor and the dark black blade made by his hands, the ten barren soldiers under He Chen gave the other four people a sense of suffocation.

The barren soldiers rushed to the four barren monks in an instant, and his barren monks also looked like they were treating them with their own weapons. But the speed of the ten barren soldiers was like lightning, and the speed of their barren soldiers was comparable to that of the mid-term monks. But the opposite side is also a medium-term existence. Although the speed of the deserters is fast, the other four barren monks can still see through the movements of the deserters.

The sound of several weapons collided, and the weapons of the desert soldiers and the wild monks collided crazily. The sound frequency of the collision was getting faster and faster, and the soldiers frantically slashed the dark black blades turned into their hands. But the other four barren monks were not fuel-efficient lamps, and the barren attacks of various attributes suddenly broke out from their own waste weapons. The armor of the barren soldiers can't stand it. Obviously, the four barren monks have also made a real fire.

The huge attacks that did not consider the consumption of waste power were released from the waste weapons in their hands again and again, and the deserted soldiers retreated in an instant. The bodies of the barren soldiers suffered a lot of damage, and the most serious barren soldier's entire left arm was instantly torn to pieces by the violent barren attack. But the barren soldiers did not make any painful sound, because the barren soldiers did not feel any pain. They only knew that they were willing to obey the master's orders and even if the master let them die.

For the deserted soldiers, the master is like a god, which is an irresistible existence. Four barren monks saw that the deserters had suffered a lot of damage, and their attacks began to go crazy. The deserted soldiers also continued to retreat, and many broken hands and feet began to appear on the ground. But a surprising scene appeared, and the right arm of a barren soldier lying on the ground without moving flew into the air in an instant. His right arm emitted a dazzling black light, and then rushed to the back of a wild monk.

The back of the barren monk was instantly hit by the crazy impact of his right arm and tore a head-sized wound. Suddenly, the back of the barren monk suddenly kept bleeding. The crazy attack slowly kicked off. For example, the right eye of a deserted soldier burst in an instant, creating a powerful explosive force. Almost every part of the body of the desertion can attack. This time, the desertion has done his best to deal with these four in the middle stage.

You should know that these soldiers were not physically damaged at all a few days ago, and this time it can be said that the damage was heavy. A cracking sound sounded, the eyes contained a strong explosive force, and the arms had extremely fast speed and power. The legs have extremely sharp power, and every part of the soldier's body contains huge and different forces. He Chen's deserted soldiers have long been different from ordinary deserted soldiers. Although ordinary deserted soldiers can fight every part of their bodies.

But the way of fighting is to attack by brute force, but He Chen's barren soldiers have produced incredible mutations. Each part of the body contains different forces, which also caused the other four mid-term monks to be caught off guard. The desolate soldiers, who were at a disadvantage, began to gain an advantage by relying on this fearless and crazy way of fighting, and a scream heralded the fall of the barren monks.

Four heads stained with bright red blood lay quietly on the ground like this, and He Chen couldn't stand the bloody scene. Even Youluo and Zhuang Die have closed their eyes and dare not look at the bloody scene in front of him. The only normal thing is that Lan's indifferent expression seems that the bloody scene has no impact on him. He Chen hurriedly took out the flower of the deserter from the storage ring, and the flower of the deserter suddenly emitted a blue-purple streamer.

The blue-purple streamlight slowly wrapped around the remnants of the desolate soldiers on the ground. As long as there is only a trace of hair left to return to the flowers of the desolate soldiers, he can recondensate his body again after about ten days. At this moment, all the heads have been gathered and can go to the central place of the blood swamp to exchange maps about the blood beads, but in the process of looking for blood beads, it is no longer possible to use the barren soldiers. Ten days later, the mutilated bodies of the barren soldiers can be condensed by the flowers of the barren soldiers again.

After a long journey, He Chen and others finally came to the bloody swamp. At this moment, a thin and white-haired old man sat on the ground. He was surrounded by countless black gas, and the gloomy black gas with the old man's indifferent face was particularly gloomy and strange. He Chen slowly stepped forward and walked to the old man, and then injected the waste power into the waste power ring in his hand. In a flash, countless heads appeared on the ground.

More than 400 heads are almost piled up into a mountain of people, and the two eyes in each head seem to show a unwilling look. Maybe he was unwilling to be killed like this and failed to pass the second round of the Wilderness Competition. At this moment, He Chen slowly opened his mouth to the white-haired old man and said, "I want to exchange four pairs of maps of blood beads for 400 heads!" The old man didn't say a word, and his skeleton-like right hand made a slight tearing action towards the air.

Suddenly, a small space crack slowly appeared. Then, four bloody maps emerged from the cracks in space. Four maps instantly appeared in He Chen's right hand, but the old man said faintly at this moment, "Let's go, don't disturb my rest." He Chen's eyes showed a burst of curiosity, but he still said, "Yes! We will leave immediately." But he said in his heart, "It's easy to tear open the space with one hand... What strength is this? It's too horrible."

He Chen took the map and quickly took Lan and other three people to the nearest place where the blood beads were hidden. When the figures of He Chen and others gradually faded away. The black gas beside the old man increased, and suddenly there were six black tails behind the old man. The six tails were covered with endless black fluff. For a long time, the old man sighed slightly: "eight hundred years have passed... The adult's plan is finally about to begin. I am the most important part of the adult plan. I have been diving into this bloody swamp guardian for 600 years to love you. I can gradually control the power of this bloody swamp... Just wait for the order of the lord to come down, and I will release the most terrible power of the whole blood fantasy. Chaos, the adult's plan is to turn the whole barren upside down. At that time, our family had a chance to retrieve the "sacred artifact" again.

If a member of the wilderness hears the old man's sigh, he will definitely be shocked to the extreme. You should know that this bloody fantasy is a sealed place. The most important place in the bloody swamp is the bloody swamp, because an extremely powerful existence is sealed in the bloody swamp. As a guard of the bloody swamp, he must be highly trusted by the barren patriarch, but the old man is actually a spy sent by the fox clan. Eight hundred years ago, the old man came to the wilderness and became a spy for 800 years.

The old man's strength has also been constantly improving, from the beginning of the Golden Dan period to the present extremely powerful existence. Among the fox clan, this old man's strength can now be in the top ten, but he is willing to be a spy for 800 years because of the order of the lord of the fox clan. You should know that the old man's talent was extremely powerful, and his talent could be ranked in the top 30 in the history of the fox clan.

But the old man obeyed the orders of the adult of the fox clan, which shows how powerful the personal charm of the adult of the fox clan is. Although the fox clan only sent three people as spies, the three people selected were carefully selected. Everyone plays a vital role in the adult's plan, but no one really understands the adult's purpose. Perhaps the so-called "sacred artifact" is not the real purpose of the adult. After all, the adult's psychology is really elusive.

At this time, two of the three fox spies have appeared, and both of them have a pivotal position in the wilderness. Especially the old man stationed in the bloody swamp, many people who know the secret things of the bloody swamp admire this old man very much. In order to prevent accidents in the bloody swamp, he has been willing to stay here, but no one knows that the old man's conscientious behavior is disguised, and everything is just fake.

Time disappeared like running water. Without the help of the deserted soldiers, He Chen still had several common killing moves. Because of the existence of outsiders, He Chen can use "Ten Thousand Beasts Running!" unscrupulously. When He Chen used this trick, he was immediately despised by the other three, saying that it was too obscene and obscene. But He Chen doesn't care about the contempt of the three people at all. Although it is very obscene, it is very practical.

Except for "All Beasts Pentium!" There is also the powerful "wind killing array" and the Canglong Yanyu array, and He Chen's strong combat power cooperates with the help of Shanglan and other three people. The process of taking the blood beads was simply smooth. In less than three days, He Chen and others had killed four blood beasts in a row and captured four blood beads. At this moment, He Chen and others have found a safe place to hide, waiting for the end of the second round of the wilderness competition.

The leisurely time always passes quickly. He Chen, who was taking a nap, suddenly heard an indifferent voice: "This is the official end of the second round of the Wild Spirit Competition, and a total of 400 participants have passed the second round of the Wild Spirit Competition." When He Chen heard this indifferent words, he couldn't help taking a cold breath: "It turns out that only 400 participants passed the assessment, which is much lower than I expected."

In addition to these 400 participants who passed the examination, the rest of the participants were either dead or disabled, and many of them disappeared in this bloody fantasy. The cruelest wild spirit competition can be clearly seen from the final results of this second round of wild spirit competition.