array repair

130, virtual space

Then the indifferent words of the silver giant slowly sounded: "All the participants who passed the second round of the wilderness competition injected the wild force into the bloody cross on the back of your hands, and the bloody cross will guide you to the place I designated. The third round of the Wilderness Competition... It's about to start. Please be ready." At the same time, He Chen and others slowly injected the waste power into the bloody cross on the back of their hands.

For a moment, everyone only felt a mysterious force pulling their bodies. Their feet unconsciously stepped forward, and then the crowd became faster and faster. Two hours passed like running water, and He Chen and the others had arrived at the place designated by the silver giant. Compared with the previous dense crowd, it is now much more desolate. So many people participated in the second round of the wilderness competition, but few people passed.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, all 400 participants who passed the second round of the Wild Spirit Competition finally arrived. At this time, a burst of silver light flashed slightly, and endless silver light slowly converged into a huge silver giant. At this moment, the silver giant said slightly, "Give you three hours to prepare, and the third round of the Wilderness Competition will begin. The venue of the game is here, and I will explain the specific rules slowly later.

He Chen stretched out helplessly and said, "This man is really boring... Why waste so much time? Just start directly. I don't know what the assessment content of the third round of the Wild Spirit Competition is. It won't be more cruel than the second round of the Wild Spirit Competition. Youluo shook his head and said, "Who knows... I just hope to end this wilderness competition as soon as possible, and I don't know how many rounds there are in this wilderness competition. I asked the village head... The village head also said he didn't know.

Lan nodded and said, "It's true. The village head of Lei Lan Village told me that this wilderness competition is about more than three rounds, but he is not sure how many rounds of wilderness competition will be held." Zhuang Die frowned slightly and said, "Time... There are not many." The six words revealed a burst of helplessness. How could Zhuang Die know that her first trip was a series of sudden changes. How could Zhuang Die not hate that? If it hadn't been for that bastard Zhuang Die, she would have arrived in the Ghost City and found Zhuang Han.

But what's the use of Zhuang Die's hatred? Xu Ran's * is much more powerful than himself. Three hours was a blink of an eye for the monk, and then the silver giant appeared in the void again. The silver giant's huge right palm slapped fiercely in the void at this moment, and every contestant was sucked into a huge hollow square space in a moment. The silver giant's movements have not stopped, and his left palm waved casually towards the void.

Four hundred drops of golden blood were thrown from his left palm, and each drop of golden blood melted into a hollow square space. After that, the silver giant slowly said, "Every drop of golden blood is extremely precious. Only after passing the third round of the Wild Spirit Competition can you live. Once it fails... You have no choice but to die. I won't talk nonsense. I'll give you a brief explanation of the rules of the third round of the Wilderness Competition.

After saying that, the silver giant paused and said, "The space you are in is a virtual space, in which your bodies are immortal. Once you are killed, you will be resurrected in an instant. You have to face a hundred different battles in the virtual space, and the enemies in each battle will continue to strengthen. But as long as you pass 50 battles in the virtual space, even if you pass the third round of the Wild Spirit Competition, even if there are only 50 battles, you can stop many people and perish directly. By the way, the time of the whole virtual space is different from the real time. Ten years in the virtual space, but only one day in the real world. However, your game time is only one day. One day later, everyone who did not pass the third round of the Wilderness Competition will be killed by me. The third round of the Wilderness Competition begins!"

When the Silver Giant announced the start of the third round of the competition, 400 square spaces suddenly shook. At this moment, He Chen only saw endless milky smoke, but in a flash, a hundred wild beasts emitting huge waste power fluctuations appeared in front of He Chen. These wild beasts have three heads and a pair of cyan sharp blade hands, and their feet have three cyan toes each. I have to say that these wild beasts are too strange, but their strength is just the strength of the 6th level of the refining period.

He Chen sneered and had no pressure on these low-strength wild beasts. With a pure black sword in his hand, he rushed to the army of hundreds of wild beasts, and waved a hundred wild beasts to perish in an instant! But the next moment, the milky white smoke spread again, and in an instant, hundreds of wild beasts appeared in front of He Chen. But at this moment, the strength of hundreds of wild beasts has improved a lot, but the wild beasts during the refining period can't pose any threat to He Chen.

Time passed like running water, and He Chen only felt that ten months had passed. He fought tirelessly, and his waste power seemed to be endless. Even if he was killed by the wild beasts, he was instantly resurrected. In ten months, he has faced 30 battles. However, since the 31st battle, he has found earth-shaking changes, and he is facing hundreds of wild beasts in the early days.

And in this hateful virtual space, He Chen can't use his spiritual power at all. Therefore, his ten ghosts and demon flags, wind and dragons, and rain arrays are all useless, and his barren soldiers are still repairing their bodies inside the flowers of the barren soldiers. So at this moment, the only thing you can rely on is your own destiny, **! He Chen has been ** for nearly ten months by a hundred wild beasts in the early days. The first 30 battles took He Chen less than a day, but the 31st battle took He Chen a full ten months.

From the beginning when He Chen was killed instantly, He Chen has been able to deal with these wild beasts. He Chen found that his fighting skills have progressed crazily in the past ten months. The original simple combat skills have improved a lot. At this moment, a wild beast rushed to He Chen with its sharp corners emitting cyan light. He Chen can't remember how many times he has faced these early wild beasts, but He Chen said in his heart at this moment, "Ten months... Let you evil beasts see my progress!"

Just when He Chen was confident that he could pass the 31st battle this time, he suspended in the huge building hall in the sky. There were bursts of discussion, but suddenly the voice of an old man's vicissitudes slowly sounded: "You... Who is leading the third round of the Wilderness Competition now? Naturally, the village chiefs are very familiar with this old man. He has the peak strength in the later stage of magical power, which can be said to be the most powerful one in this group.

In the face of the question of this powerful old man, a man in a brown animal robe slowly said, "Naturally, the first one is Yunyan, who has the cultivation in the later stage of foundation building at the age of 24. And this round of competition is too beneficial to him. The 31st to 40th time is to face a different number of early wild beasts, and 41 to 50 times are to the middle wild beasts. It's like playing against these barren beasts with his foundation-building later cultivation. He has now broken into 71 battles, but he is facing a hundred barren beasts in the middle of foundation-building. It seems that... He is having a hard time now.

The old man touched his white beard and said, "It's natural... Because there is no rest in that virtual space, so you can only fight non-stop! Non-stop fighting! If you die, you will be resurrected in an instant! This is an extremely big test for the spirit and body. I guess many people have been driven crazy now. The man in brown animal robe said respectfully, "45 people have been driven crazy alive, crying and saying that they want to leave this virtual space."

The old man shook his head slightly and said, "A bunch of waste! For these little guys, it is an opportunity for transformation, and they are so un cherished. Ten years is enough for them to have a huge transformation, as long as they can survive this decade... Strength is bound to change dramatically. I remember that the little guy could kill the early monks who built the foundation just by learning the initial cultivation, and the combat skills he exercised in that virtual space reached an extremely high level. But... There are still too few such geniuses. Although Yunyan is a cultivation in the later stage of foundation, his combat skills have not improved much.

The old man sighed and stopped talking. In those years, he killed the little guy who built the foundation by relying on his early cultivation alone... It was his only apprentice, but such a proud son died in an adventure. At this moment, He Chen took a deep breath and suddenly accelerated, no matter how the 100 barren beasts attacked him. He Chen can always avoid the attack of these wild beasts with extremely exquisite steps and attack hundreds of wild beasts in an instant.

Ten heads and fifty wild beasts were ruthlessly cut off their heads by He Chen. He Chen's body method was extremely strong and strong with these ten months of exercise! In the last battle, He Chen was besieged and killed by these wild beasts, but today He Chen can easily avoid the joint attack of 100 wild beasts. As He Chen's last sword was fiercely cut from the void, the last wild beast was cut off its head in an instant by He Chen.

He Chen passed the 31st battle smoothly, but the next moment He Chen was dumbfounded. The 32nd battle surged from the original 100 wild beasts to 200 wild beasts, but what's more terrible is that the type of wild beast is different from before. Different types of wild beasts, but the number is 100 more than before. Unsurprisingly, He Chen was easily besieged to death by 200 wild beasts!

This is the most horrible place in this virtual space, and the types of wild beasts faced in each battle are different. In the previous 31 battles, He Chen faced 31 different types of wild beasts!