Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 55 Neidan's Competition

The Holy Beast's meteorite finally unified the soul and appeared in front of the clouds.

A strong ancient breath appeared in this bloody dragon pool.

The golden light dissipated, and a middle-aged man in a red robe appeared in front of the blood dragon with a rolling golden light.

The blood demon dragon felt the ancient breath of the man in red. He couldn't help but be very surprised. He stopped the attack and asked, "Who are you?" In order to make peace, it will have the atmosphere of the ancient period.

The meteorite smiled and did not answer directly, but said happily, "Don't you know who I am?"

Yun Chengtian took advantage of the meteorite day to talk to the blood demon dragon and quickly thought about the strategy. Now with the help of the meteorite, the situation is very different.

"I don't know, but according to the breath passed down from you, I must have seen you. Even if I haven't seen you, I know it. After all, there are only a few ancient existences living in this era." The blood demon dragon suddenly showed a trace of confusion at first, and then gradually came out of the confusion.

Is that right? OK, then, I'll let you see who I am." The meteorite smiled, and the firelight rose to the sky. In the flames, a holy beast twice as big as an adult elephant appeared in front of the sky, a bit like the mythical beast unicorn, the dragon's head, and a golden garden pearl on its forehead. Four legs are like deer's hoofs, lion's tail, and a flame burns at the end of the tail. The whole body is covered with red armor, with wings on its back, and a sacred temperament that looks down on the world.

Yun remembers clearly that when he first saw the meteorite, the bones of the meteorite were only the size of an adult elephant, but now it is twice as big as before, and the momentum and power released by the body are not comparable to that of the white leopard.

At this moment, Yun Chengtian believed that what the white leopard said was true.

"Fate day, you are a meteorite day." The blood demon dragon's deep voice revealed an incomparable surprise.

"Yes, I'm a meteorite day, one of the five holy beasts." On the meteorite day, he stepped on the ground, stepped on the flames, and looked at the blood dragon.

"You, why did you appear here? What's your relationship with that boy?" Blood Dragon was a little surprised. He may have realized that today's things will not be so easy to handle.

Huh? I was in great trouble. It was this boy who saved me, so I would have been by his side. If it hadn't been like this, I wouldn't have seen my old friend today. The meteorite smiled.

"Do you... want to help him?" The words of the Blood Dragon are full of hesitation.

"Naturally, if you don't help him, I'll come out and do something." As soon as the meteorite stepped on its front hoof, a huge flame immediately ignited, forming a flame whirlpool and rushing towards the blood dragon.

"Okay, let me see how your cultivation is." As soon as the words fell, a strong sound of dragon chanting came.

"Roar..." The meteorite also emitted a strong roar, which was also mixed with strong energy. The two sounds collided with each other. Obviously, the sound of the dragon singing of the blood demon dragon was more powerful. The sound of the meteorite sun had no room to fight back in front of the powerful dragon singing.

The sound of dragon chant defeated the roar of the meteorite sun, so it rushed directly to the whirlpool of flame released by the meteorite sun.

At this moment, the flame whirlpool suddenly accelerated its rotation speed. The clouds can clearly feel that the roar of the blood dragon is driven by the powerful whirlpool power of the flame whirlpool when it encounters the flame whirlpool.

The whirlpool is spinning rapidly, actually transferring the power released by the sound of dragon singing to the mountain stone on one side.

The remaining dragon power hit the mountain rock.

"Bomb." The mountain stone collapsed, making the blood demon dragon pool, which was already messy because of the battle, more messy.

And the flame whirlpool, with the help of the elasticity of the dragon's power, suddenly accelerated and rushed to the blood dragon.

The blood demon dragon was suddenly involved in the flames.

"Roar..." The blood demon dragon roared painfully in the flames, but there was no help at all.

This time, the meteorite has gained the upper hand.

"Is this the power of the holy beast? It's too powerful, but I don't know how many meteorite days have recovered now. If it only recovers to 50%, it's really horrible to have such power. Yun Chengtian was surprised and couldn't help secretly happy. With the help of such a powerful assistant, he was not the only one in heaven and earth.

"Bomb." A smoke-like black gas emitted from the blood demon dragon, which extinguished all the flames surrounding it.

"Hmm?" Yun Chengtian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that the flame was extinguished by the blood dragon.

"Fate Day, your current cultivation is only 70% at most." The blood dragon suddenly chattered and laughed.

"Thirty!" Yun Chengtian's heart jumped, and he saw this blow.

"That's good, but 70% is enough. You don't have to take out ten to deal with it." The meteorite day stands proudly.

"Okay, then let me see if 70% of you can beat me." The blood demon dragon suddenly opened its mouth and spewed out a beam of light. In the beam, a black inner elixir rushed to the meteorite day.

The meteorite roared, opened its mouth, and a red ball flew out of its mouth, which was the inner elixir of the meteorite.

The two inner elixirs hit each other, "Boom." The powerful vibration on the lake stirred up huge waves.

The two sides actually fought directly against Neidan.

"Blood Demon Dragon, I only have 70% of my cultivation, but the cultivation of this heavenly Capricorn's inner elixir seems to be very weak. As long as my strength is strengthening, you will undoubtedly lose. Unfortunately, alas..." The meteorite made a strong sigh.

"Yes, this inner elixir is indeed only 70% of the cultivation of you and me, but you only have 70% of the cultivation now. If not, the result seems to be different now.

The meteorite and the blood demon dragon were fighting, and there was still time to talk, just like chatting. The two did not seem to be in a hurry at all, but they were worried about the clouds next to them.

However, the meteorite's words just now also indirectly reminded Yun Chengtian.

"As long as the strength is strengthened by one point, then the Blood Dragon will definitely be defeated? Well, since he is not strong enough, I will help him add it. Yun Chengtian looked at the two inner elixirs hitting each other in the middle of the scene.

Every collision of the two inner elixir will cause a huge wave in the blood demon dragon pool nearly ten kilometers in diameter.

Yun Chengtian looked at the two inner elixirs that hit each other and secretly thought about how to attack the inner elixir of the blood dragon.

Looking at the black inner elixir, Yun couldn't help but move.

The inner elixir is black, that is to say, this inner elixir is a symbol of evil. In addition, when Yun Chengtian looks at the original owner of the inner elixir, Tianyin Capricorn, and his whole body is also evil, which further shows that this inner elixir is evil.

Yun Chengtian looked at his right hand. At this moment, the shumb with a faint golden light appeared.

"Okay, that's it." Yun Chengtian already had a plan in his heart, but there was only one chance.

Looking at the momentum around the two internal elixirs all day long, he knew that the energy contained in the two internal elixirs was not small.

Just in case, purple flames fill the surroundings of the clouds all day, which is the best shield to protect the clouds all day long.

The two inner elixirs are colliding with each other, but there is no separation from each other, and the meteorite and the blood demon dragon have no intention of moving. They are both coldly watching the collision of the inner elixir in the field.

Just as the two internal elixirs were about to collide again, a purple figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the blood dragon's inner elixir.

This person is the sky.

A purple flame is burning all over his body. On his right hand, a long aura sword with golden light completely illuminates the surroundings. On the sword, some strange symbols and words are shining faintly.

Seeing the sudden appearance of clouds all day, both the meteorite and the blood demon dragon were surprised.

The most surprising thing is the blood demon dragon. Looking at the long sword in Yun Chengtian's hand, the blood demon dragon seems to have an ominous omen.

At this moment, the two inner dans were about to collide.

Yun Chengtian raised his eyebrows, held the long aura sword with a faint golden light, and split it down without hesitation.

"No!" The blood demon dragon opened its eyes and let out a hysterical roar.