Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 56 Mutation

However, Yun Chengtian suddenly appeared next to the blood demon dragon Neidan with an aura sword and split it without hesitation.

"Dong." The counterattack generated by the black Neidan shook the clouds out.

The cloud was shaken back about 100 meters by the anti-shock force all day long, and then he stopped his body.

However, on the black inner elixir, there was a crack that was almost invisible to the naked eye, and a faint golden light seemed to be rooting from the crack.

"Roar..." The blood demon dragon seemed to have found that Neidan was traumatized, and the strong sound of dragon chanting spread throughout the blood fog forest.

"Bum!" At this moment, Nedan of the meteorite hit him without mercy.

Like a shooting star in the sky, a gorgeous spark appeared over the Blood Dragon Pool.

A huge force came, and Yun Chengtian was hit by this force and flew out again.

"What the hell?" The cloud fell on the land on the shore and ate the mud and sand all over his mouth.

Yun got up all day and spit several times. Then he spit out the sand and stone in his mouth and hurried to see the meteorite and blood dragon in the field.

The meteorite is still the same as before, with no change at all. The fiery red inner elixir is flying slowly around the meteorite.

Yun Chengtian saw that he was not injured on the meteorite day, so he was relieved and hurried to see the Blood Dragon.

The blood demon dragon hovered on the ground listlessly. In front of him was the black inner elixir. However, now this inner elixir emits a faint golden light, and in the middle of the golden light, it reveals a trace of black breath. Black and gold merge with each other, which is extremely strange.

And the blood demon dragon seems to be hesitant.

"Blood Dragon, this inner elixir has been mine. Now I'm going to take him, and you, without Neidan, you are nothing. You are ready to be my slave." Yun Chengtian roared, and an instantary method came to the side of Neidan and reached out to grab Neidan.

The blood demon dragon was shocked and didn't think about it. He directly opened his mouth and swallowed the inner elixir in front of him.

At the same time, stretch out a palm and pat the clouds all day.

Yun Chengtian was shocked and hurried back, but the blood dragon did not notice it. There was an imperceptible smile on the corners of his mouth.

And this smile is so weird.

Yun Chengtian looked at the blood demon dragon in the distance to see if there was any change in him.

"Huh, little boy, in this way, it's impossible for you not to be my servant." Yun Chengtian said secretly in his heart.

A few clouds dodged all day and came to the side of the meteorite.

"You are so bold that you dare to rush directly to cut the inner elixir of the blood demon dragon, but fortunately, his inner elixir is cast by evil forces. If you change my inner elixir, your sword will not cause any damage to me at all." The sound of the meteorite came.

"That's, if I hadn't taken the horse, you and the Blood Dragon would still be continuing now." Yun Chengtian smiled.

"What's going on now?" The meteorite day is full of clouds.

"Well, this guy swallowed the inner elixir that was clicked by the power of my ten thousand Buddha seals. It is estimated that he will be completely lighted by the ten thousand Buddha seals. At that time, he will completely become my person. Let's wait and see what happens now." Yun Chengtian pondered for a moment and said.

"Okay, it's best not to fight." The meteorite nodded, and the red light appeared on his body. The red light dissipated, and the meteorite Japanese body disappeared. The middle-aged man in a red robe appeared in front of Yun Chengtian.

Neither of them said anything, but stared at the blood dragon in front of them with a solemn expression.

After swallowing the inner elixir infected by the power of ten thousand Buddha seals, nothing happened at the beginning. After a while, the blood demon dragon gradually saw a little golden light in its body.

"Roar..." The blood dragon roared in pain, and it could be seen that he was in great pain.

Some people are in pain and some people are happy. Seeing the blood dragon in such pain, Yun Chengtian, who was watching from a distance, couldn't help patting his hands and said excitedly, "Okay, it's starting."

The meteorite nodded and didn't say anything.

I saw that the golden light in the body of the blood demon dragon became more and more obvious. In the end, the whole blood demon dragon was surrounded by layers of golden light, but the blood demon dragon was still twisting its body in pain and making a painful sound.

After a while, there was a little red and black light in the blood demon dragon's body, and unexpectedly confronted each other with the golden light.

"How could this happen?" Yun Chengtian said in surprise.

In the past, as long as the golden light was directed to any creature, then when the golden light dissipated, the creatures could only bow their heads and throw images. But now, layers of golden light have surrounded the blood demon dragon, but the blood demon dragon still has no intention of being lit. Instead, layers of red and black light appear in the body. Fight against each other with the power of the Buddha seal.

"I'm afraid this is the last power of the blood demon dragon. Although the Buddha seal is powerful, those previous monsters, even at the level of demons, can be easily surrendered. However, this blood demon dragon is the existence of ancient times. The ancient period is not as simple as you think. In ancient times, wars are rampant and chaotic. How taboo and ominous methods, powerful monsters, I don't know how many capable people there are. Maybe they will die unconsciously in an instant. If it's good to know how they died, or not, they don't even know how they died. Therefore, every living beast that came from ancient times is undoubtedly that The strong man of the times has escaped the heavy killing. Up to now, if the power of the blood demon dragon had not been for the reduction of layers and the loss of the inner elixir, we would not have been able to control it now. The meteorite said in a low voice.

"Okay, in this case, I'll add some strength." Yun Chengtian said and waved his right hand at will. A golden light actually crossed the blood demon dragon pool like a long rainbow and directly covered the blood demon dragon in it.

The power of the Buddha seal has been strengthened, and the red and black light in the blood demon dragon's body is gradually being dominated by the golden light and gradually disappears. The blood demon dragon seems to sense that its end is coming and roars. This sound contains unwillingness, anger, disappointment, and various complex emotions mixed with this sound. In the sound of dragon singing, some of the nearby rocks were shaken down.

"You guys, do you really dare to subdue me?" The blood demon dragon's eyes almost burst into flames, staring at the clouds and the meteorite day.

"That's natural. If I don't subdue you, I will spend so much time looking at you from here. If it weren't for subduing you, you might not have a chance to stand here and talk to me now." Yun Chengtian curled the corners of his mouth and said quite playfully.

"Okay, in that case, let's break the net." The blood dragon made a resentful voice.

The cloud was stunned all day, and the ominous foreboding in his heart appeared again.

Only at this moment, the blood demon dragon shrouded in layers of golden light suddenly changed greatly. In the faint shadow of a dragon emerged from the body of the blood demon dragon and gradually broke away from the body and rose to the sky.

Since the virtual shadow left, the huge body of the blood dragon fell to the ground, but his eyes still stared at the clouds and the meteorite with resentment.

This time, the magpie rose and fell, and the sudden change made the clouds and meteorite unexpected.

The two people's attention naturally shifted to the virtual shadow that emerged from the body of the blood dragon.

"Soul, this is the soul of the Blood Dragon!" The meteorite looked at the pale red shadow and suddenly screamed.

"Yes, this is my soul. You are all people who have been practicing for a long time, especially you. On the meteorite day, you should know what a dragon self-exploding soul will be like in ancient times." The virtual shadow suddenly made a sound, and there was a trace of pride and arrogance in the sound.

"No, Xiao Yunzi, run." Suddenly, there was a trace of fear on the face of the meteorite day.

"It's late. Today, you are all going to die as the burial of me and my bloody dragon pool." After saying that, the soul of the blood demon dragon suddenly emitted a little red light.

"Boom..." A dazzling red light exploded in the blood demon dragon pool in the middle of the blood fog forest.