Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 72 Blood Silkworm Coral Clothes

Yun Chengtian had nothing to do, so he went to the weapons store in the Mocheng. After visiting the first floor, Yun Chengtian did not hesitate to step on the second floor. Who knew that as soon as he entered the second floor, a piece of clothes facing the stairs attracted Yun Chengtian's attention.

Yun stepped on the second floor all day. Compared with the first floor, the second floor is much smaller, but no one is shopping here.

Yun Chengtian looked at the dress that attracted his attention.

In general, the clothes of the demon world are not black or red, because these two things can best reflect the magic color of the demon world, and the demon world is mainly based on these two colors. Now, this dress is actually snow-white. On the snow-white clothing, there is a gem emitting white light, but Inside the gemstone, there is a faint flow of blood light.

Although the whole dress is snow-white, it can't hide the heavy magic on the dress. Obviously, this is a treasure.

Yun Chengtian doesn't attach great importance to the magic on this dress, but he takes a fancy to the style of this dress.

Cloud has always liked white, but it has always been hindered by various things. He always wears one piece of clothes at will. Now when he sees this shirt, Yun can't help but want to buy him. As for the magic on it, it has been Indianized with ten thousand Buddhas.

However, Yun Chengtian knows that such a unique dress is definitely not cheap, and Yun Chengtian has no confidence in the 300 magic crystals on his body.

"This is a dress made of blood silk for more than 5,000 years, called blood silkworm coral clothing. You should know that when the blood silkworm is born, its body is red. As time goes by, the color of the blood silkworm will slowly fade and eventually turn white, and the white blood silkworm must go through 5,000 years. The average age of only 1,000 years, it is not easy to reach 3,000 years of blood silkworm, and 5,000 years of blood silkworm is a rare treasure. However, the teacher accidentally met this blood silkworm for more than 5,000 years and made it into clothes. Blood silk is tough by nature, soft but extremely hard. If it is not a particularly powerful attack, the blood silk can be completely cured, and its powerful magic can also make the wearer's magic more powerful. The gem in the middle is made of blood jade coral. Once injured, the spirituality and blood contained in the blood jade coral will recover from the injury as soon as possible. When the demon said this, he suddenly slapped himself in the face and said awkwardly, "These adults should know that I talk too much."

In fact, Yun Chengzhen doesn't know if he doesn't say it.

Although Yun Chengtian listened to the introduction of the demon, there was no intention of doing business in it. He just introduced this dress, which made him determined to buy this dress.

"Well, how much do you sell this bloody silkworm coral coat? I bought it." Although Yun Chengtian knew that his magic crystal was definitely not enough, he still had to ask, and then find a way to get the magic crystal.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry, we don't sell this dress." The demon said with some guilt.

"No, why?" Yun Chengtian was a little surprised: "What are you doing here if you don't sell it?"

"The master gave his life because of this dress, so the master once said before his death that whoever can avenge him, this dress will be given to the hero as a reward." When the demon said this, a trace of sadness appeared on his face involuntarily.

When Yun Chengtian heard this, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Revenge? What revenge? Maybe I can help you." Yun Chengtian said with a slight smile.

When the demon heard this, he immediately raised his head and looked at Yun Chengtian. The sad look just now seemed to have weakened a lot. He knew what Yun Chengtian was, at least he was the demon king. Maybe he could really help him.

"Really?" The devil's eyes immediately emitted a glimmer of brilliance.

"Is the adult really willing to avenge my master?"

"Well, maybe, but you can make it clear to me first." Yun Chengtian said slowly.

"Okay, my lord, this is not the place to talk. Please follow me."

Yun Chengtian followed the demon to a small courtyard behind the attic and came to a hut. The demon said to Yun Chengtian, "Your Excellency, please sit down."

Yun Chengtian was also rude. He found a chair and sat down.

"Say it." Yun Chengtian waved his hand and said to the demon.

"Okay, please listen to me." The demon said.

"The family master is a famous refinery master in the traceless demon city. Any piece of iron in the hands of the family master may become a magic weapon. The family master not only has a high level of refinery, but also has reached the realm of the demon king." The demon briefly introduced his master.

"Hmm." Yun Chengtian nodded. In his heart, he appreciated this refiner master very much. Therefore, although he first heard it, he was already full of admiration for the demon's master. When he encountered this kind of thing, even if it was not for the blood silkworm coral coat, he would avenge the refiner master.

"When the master has nothing to do, he will travel around and look for the materials of refineries between the world. Therefore, once, the master accidentally found the blood silkworm that has grown for more than 5,000 years in the blood fog snowy mountains in the far north of the demon world."

The demon paused, took a breath, and then said.

"The blood silk is originally the decisive material for refining the defensive magic weapon. What's more, this blood silkworm has been snow-white and has obviously reached more than 5,000 years. This shows that this blood silkworm is the treasure in the refinery. The master immediately took down this blood silkworm without any hesitation. Blood silkworm, you should know Dao, although the growing age is extremely long, its attack power is extremely weak, and although this blood silkworm is about one meter long, its attack power is limited in time.

Yun Chengtian listened to the demon and talked about the blood silkworm. In fact, he didn't know it, but he still said, "Uh-huh." I agreed.

"The master obtained this blood silkworm for more than 5,000 years. If he got the treasure, he was overjoyed. He immediately brought the blood silkworm to his home and cultivated it wholeheartedly. When the blood silkworm spits silk, he collected blood silk as a material for refining defensive magic weapons. Maybe the family teacher's breeding method was wrong. After spitting this silk, the blood silkworm Although the master is sad, the blood silk extracted can reach the material to refine a defensive magic weapon, so he doesn't care.

At this point, the demon took a breath and continued to talk down.

"After getting the blood silk, the family master immediately gathered the famous refinery master in the Traceless Magic City. It took three years and six months to refine the blood silk into a dress. Although the clothes were good, the family master, including the refiners, still thought it was insufficient and thought it could be more perfect."

When the demon said this, he couldn't help falling into a trace of sadness on his face.

Cloud knows all day that this demon is about to get to the point.

"Through the unanimous discussion between the family teacher and the refinery masters, I decided to go to the easternmost sea of blood vicissitudes to find blood corals, because although the blood jade coral is called blood jade coral, it is white, and in the white, there is a faint blood light, which matches this blood silkworm coat in color, and in Gong Gong In terms of effect, the effect of blood jade coral is also very effective for practitioners in the demon world. Therefore, everyone is ready to find blood corals in the sea of blood after stopping.

"This search took seven years. Seven years later, the family teacher came back, but he was seriously injured. The family teacher said that they had searched for seven years and finally found the blood coral, but there was a demon emperor-level blood python next to the blood coral. Although the family master was very careful, the sea was collecting blood coral. Accidentally shocked the blood python, and there were a total of twelve refiners, but after this battle, only the master came back seriously injured, and the remaining twelve refiners all fell. After returning home, regardless of his injury, he did his best to refine the blood jade coral into gems and inlay it. On top of a bloody silkworm coat.

When Yun Chengtian heard this, he seemed to understand something.

"I know. Don't worry, kill the blood python and avenge your master. Just leave it to me." Yun Chengtian's eyes sparkled and stood up from the seat.