Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 73 Sea of Blood

After listening to what the demon said, Yun Chengtian decided to take over this matter without thinking about it. It was not just because of the blood silkworm coral coat, and it was also very important to avenge the refiner master.

"Your Excellency, are you really willing to help me kill that blood python?" The demon said excitedly.

"Well, I'm just in isolation all year round, and I'm not very familiar with this sea of blood vicissitudes. You can tell me, and I'm going to distinguish the physical characteristics of the blood python." Yun Chengtian said.

"Well, in the far north of the whole demon world, you can walk directly to the north of the city and see a sea that is blue but faintly bleeding. That is the sea of blood. As for the blood python, it is about seven feet long. He has blood-red armor and a blood-red horn on his head. That horn can release the power of thunder and lightning, the power of thunder and lightning at the bottom of the water, and the power of thunder and lightning at the bottom of the water. This is quite a terrible weapon.

"Well, I know. As soon as I kill the blood python, I will come back immediately." Yun Chengtian said carelessly.

"My lord, if you kill the blood python, just put the blood python into it." With that, the demon handed Yun Chengtian a transparent bottle.

"Good." Yun Chengtian knew that the small bottle was a storage-type magic weapon, and he didn't care very much. He shook it and took it back.

"Bear by the way, what's your name?" Yun Chengtian suddenly remembered this problem.

"It's my fault. I forgot to tell you, my lord, my name is Mordado."

"Okay, Mordado, I wrote it down." Yun Chengtian said, and then turned into a white light and flew straight out of the door.

"Wait for my good news." The voice of the clouds came from afar.

"Please." Mordaduo muttered.

Yun Chengtian is in a good mood now. It's much easier for him to kill a blood python than to find a magic crystal.

Yun Chengtian did not fly directly to the sea of blood, but first came to the traceless magic palace.

The two guarded guards at the door had already known Yun Chengtian's identity. Seeing him flying in the air, they hurriedly saluted him.

"Who is the leader here now?" Yun Chengtian asked the bodyguard.

"Lord Bing, our leader is the magic map at present." A bodyguard bowed and said.

"Well, take me to see him." Yun Chengtian said.

The two hurriedly brought Yun Chengtian to the front of the magic map.

The magic map saw the clouds and knew who he was, and hurried forward to salute.

Yun Chengtian saw that the magic map was just a demon level, and he didn't care much about it.

"When you have no trace of the demon emperor come back, tell him that I have gone to the sea of blood and will come back within three days. If anything happens, wait until I come back." Yun Chengtian said to the magic map.

"Yes, my lord." Magic Map responded in a hurry.

Yun Chengtian nodded and didn't stay too much. He went straight out of the traceless magic city and flew to the sea of blood.

"Who knows how far the sea of blood is from here?" Yun Chengtian has no blood shadow demon king by his side, and everything in the demon world is so strange. Fortunately, the shocking god roars, the totem holy snake and the golden phoenix have turned into human form, which can replace the shadow demon king as his guide.

"Well, if it's slow, it can take a day at most, and if it's fast, it's almost half a day." The voice of the golden phoenix came.

"Oh, I'm not in a hurry." Yun Chengtian nodded and waved his hand, and a wind wolf appeared in front of Yun Chengtian.

After absorbing the energy emitted by the clouds, the body is about twice as big as before, and the speed is faster than before.

Yun Chengtian sat on the wide back of the wind wolf, waved his hand and said, "Destination, the sea of blood."

The wind wolf seemed to understand Yun Chengtian's words and galloped out like a flash of lightning.

The clouds only felt the wind roaring by their ears all day, and the scenes on both sides flashed backwards like teleportation.

Clouds are secretly thinking that even if they move forward by themselves, they may not be much faster than this. Moreover, the wind wolf is originally a creature in the demon world. He knows the situation of the demon world better than him, and the road to the sea of blood is not necessarily slower than him.

When Yun Chengtian thought of this, he sat on the back of the wind wolf, closed his eyes and refreshed.

Unconsciously, Yun was a little drowsy all day, so he simply closed his eyes and became confused.

In a daze, Yun Chengtian felt that the speed of attacking the wind wolf was much slower, and then woke up and found that the speed of ** attacking the wind wolf was indeed much slower. Yun Chengtian knew that this was because the time of attacking the wind wolf was too long and the vitality loss in his body was too serious, which led to slow down the running speed of the wind wolf. .

Yun Chengtian's mind moved, and the attacking wind wolf immediately stopped. Yun Chengtian jumped off the back of the attacking wind wolf and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work. Go to rest." With that, with the attack wolf signaled a golden light and covered the attack wolf inside.

Looking at the surrounding environment, he didn't see anything special. In his eyes, the scenery of the demon world seemed to be exactly the same. In this way, he couldn't see where it was.

Yun shook his head helplessly and summoned a wind wolf to move on.

The wind wolf continued to take Yun Chengtian to the sea of blood. With the last experience, after running for about an hour, Yun Chengtian changed another wind wolf.

He did this to ensure that the wind wolf can save the vitality in the body, and his wind wolf has more than 50 and can fully cope with it.

In this way, after changing three wind wolves in a row, in the drowsiness of the clouds, suddenly smelled a smell of the sea, and the fishy smell was also mixed with a bloody smell. At the same time, the waves slapped the rocks, and the sound of rolling and whistling poured into the ears of the clouds.

Yun Chengtian was blown by this sea breeze. Yun Chengtian was excited and knew that he had reached the sea of blood. At the same time, he also felt that the speed of ** attacking the wind wolf also gradually slowed down.

**'s attacking wind wolf also slowly paced forward. At the moment when Yun Chengtian opened his eyes, a dark blue but bloody sea appeared in front of Yun Chengtian from time to time.

Clouds all day found themselves on a cliff, and under the cliff was the sea of blood.

The clouds jumped down the wind wolf and slowly reached the end of the cliff.

This is the first time Yun Chengtian has seen the sea. Even in the human world, Yun Chengtian has never seen the sea. Unexpectedly, he saw the sea in the human world thousands of miles away from the human world.

Yun Chengtian has only heard about the introduction of the sea in Dugu Aoyun's books, but what the sea is like. Yun Chengtian has never seen it. The most profound connection with the sea before Yun Chengtian was the battle with the island owners of the 49 islands overseas. The sea soul array once released by the 49 island owners, that It is the closest contact between clouds and the sea all day.

And now, Yun Chengtian saw the sea. Although it was different from the normal sea, Yun Chengtian still couldn't help being shaken by the momentum of the sea of blood and couldn't help roaring.

And the wind wolf next to him seemed to be shocked by this scene and roared.

At the roar of the wind wolf, Yun Chengtian couldn't help laughing.

"Let me express my feelings. What's wrong with you?" Yun Chengtian stroked the head of the wind wolf.

The wind wolf roared twice, and Yun Chengtian didn't know what he meant, so he sprinkled a golden light and took back the wind wolf.

"Oi, go back and have a rest. Totem Holy Snake, come on, let's break into this sea of blood together. In the words of the cloud, the golden light was scattered. When the golden light dissipated again, the wind wolf disappeared and was replaced by the totem holy snake that had turned into a human shape.

The totem holy snake still looks like that, wearing a blue coat and a bucket hat. The hat is covered with a black veil. It can't see clearly and has a thin figure.

"Master." The totem holy snake gave a slight salute.

"Well, don't be polite, let's join hands to break through this sea of blood." Yun Chengtian pointed to the sea of blood in front of him and suddenly became proud.

"Okay, it suits me." The totem holy snake stretched out its hand and held the hat.

The sea breeze blew his black veil and showed a strange smile under the veil.