Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 76 Commonality of Snake

The totem holy snake judged that the blood python had escaped into this blood field, which made Yun Chengtian excited and worried.

"Well, since you have come here and learned that the blood python is hiding here, then you can rest down. Now that you have come, you will continue to look for the blood python, kill the blood python, and take it back." Yun Chengtian clenched his fist.

"Okay, but here, I can't use my perception power. The power of blood here is too pure. My perception has no effect here at all. Everywhere I perceive is the power of pure blood, so we can only find it by ourselves. As for when we can find it, then It depends on our creation. The totem holy snake said.

"Well, in this case, let's find it step by step. Be careful and try not to cause trouble here. Although I have the capital to fight against Warcraft in ancient times, if there are more, I still have a headache. Of course, the most important thing is a waste of time." Yun Chengtian said with a smile.

The totem holy snake also smiled twice, but did not convene itself, but still searched in a human form.

In the ocean of this blood field, from time to time, two powerful warcrafts pass by. As the time of exploration increases, the number of warcrafts encountered gradually increases. Moreover, here, the lowest-level warcrafts are also at the level of demon emperor, and the demon-level warcrafts can't be said to be as many as cow hairs here. It is also every time you see five warcrafts. Among them, there is a demon-level warcraft, and the rest are demon emperor-level, and the warcraft that has survived for thousands of years and in ancient times has never been seen.

Although Yun Chengtian's heart is itchy, he suffers from not being able to do it. Although he is not afraid of these warcrafts, once he leads out the ancient warcrafts, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, Yun can only give up these monsters all day.

"Why don't we go to the water to have a look? It's not convenient to stay at the bottom of the water all the time." The totem holy snake said to Yun Chengtian.

The first time Yun Chengtian saw the totem holy snake and proposed to leave the water, he didn't care, so he nodded.

One green and one white light reached the sea at a very fast speed. After jumping out of the sea, the outside world did not cause too many accidents.

In the blood realm, all the blood color is so pure, without the murderous spirit in the demon world.

Here, the sky is bloody, water is bloody, plants are bloody, and everything is bloody.

Clouds saw themselves on a vast ocean all day, and not far away, several bloody islands were floating on the sea.

Yun Chengtian suddenly felt that the decision to come to this blood field did not seem to be good.

This blood field looks like a world. I don't know how many areas there are, and I don't know how vast it is. It's a little more difficult to find a blood python here than in the sea of blood.

"Let's go and have a look on that island." Yun Chengtian said, pointing to the island in the distance.

"Good." The totem holy snake nodded.

When the two came to the island, they saw that the whole island was blood red, and even the sand and stones were red.

Yun Chengtian grabbed a handful of sand. When he saw the red sand for the first time, he felt very novel and wanted to take some back, and the totem snake next to him seemed to see through his mind and said to him, "All the substances here are condensed from the pure blood in this blood field. Once they leave this In the blood realm, even if it reaches the demon world, these substances will no longer exist.

The words of the totem holy snake hit Yun Chengtian's excitement. Yun Chengtian looked at the sand in his hand with some regret and disappointment, and then sprinkled it on the beach.

The trees and vegetation on the island are all red. The vegetation of the plants looks strange, and it looks even more strange with the red color.

Yun looked at all the scenes in this blood realm all day and was so curious. Every time he saw a novel thing, he would want to leave that kind of thing behind, but when he thought that this kind of thing would disappear when he left here, he was full of disappointment to put it down.

The two looked at the strange things in the blood realm and walked to the depths of the island. For the totem holy snake, although he has lived in this demon world for thousands of years, this blood realm is a place in the legend of the demon world, and he has never been here. Therefore, when he comes to the legendary blood realm of the demon world, I feel so curious about everything here.

The two walked to the depths of the island and looked at the tall trees on both sides.

"The environment here is very suitable for us snakes to survive." The totem holy snake looked at the environment here and couldn't help saying.

Who knew that the person was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Yun Chengtian listened to the words of the totem holy snake and hurriedly said, "What did you just say?"

Huh? I said that the environment here is very suitable for the survival of our snakes. The totem holy snake didn't know what Yun asked him all day to mean and said quickly.

"Yes, that's it." Yun punched each other excitedly all day.

"What's wrong?" The totem holy snake is very puzzled. Although he has become a humanoid, for the monsters in the demon world, their wisdom and brain development still need a period of time to learn to reach a new height. At their current level, they still can't understand the words of the sky.

"Think about it, you are a snake, and the blood python is also a snake. You belong to the same snake, which means that you have many places that are the same. He must also like the place you like, so we can find the blood python based on this." Yun Chengtian saw that the totem holy snake could not understand the meaning of his words, so he hurriedly explained it to the totem holy snake.

"Yes." After listening to Yun Chengtian's explanation, the totem holy snake suddenly realized and couldn't help but be excited.

"Okay, now let's find it where you like, which is the most effective and time-saving way to find the blood python." Yun Chengtian said.

He now finds that although he has only subdued three of the thirteen demon-level monsters in the Bloody Forest and the Bloodthirsty Plain, now it seems that this totem holy snake has really played a role. Needless to say, in the future, when looking for the blood python now, this totem holy snake will be indispensable. If there is no totem holy snake, Then Yun Chengtian knew that he could not find a blood python at all.

"Let's go." When Yun Chengtian first came to this bloody land, he was at first at a loss, but with the development of the current situation, a trace of hope ignited in Yun Chengtian's heart.

The two continued to walk forward. This time, they were no longer looking blindly, but purposefully searching, which was to find the place he liked according to the idea of the totem holy snake.

The totem holy snake came to find the trace of the blood python according to his idea. He could go wherever he wanted, and the clouds followed him all day and shuttled back and forth on the island in the blood realm.

I have visited the whole island. On this island, not to mention the blood python, I didn't even find an ordinary monster, which made the totem holy snake feel very uncomfortable.

"It's okay. Although it's not on this island, I believe that our thinking must be right. As long as we find it in this way, we will definitely find the blood python." While talking, they searched the whole island, but couldn't find it, so they came to the highest place on the island.

Here, you can see the surrounding scenes, the vast sea of blood fields, and several nearby islands.

The cloud looked at the vast sea of blood all day and couldn't help but feel blank.

And this island is actually the highest among several nearby islands, and the surrounding scene can be observed, which plays a great role in finding blood pythons.

"Look at the islands and seas around here. According to your ideas, think about where the blood python can hide." Yun Chengtian pointed to the small islands in the distance. In the distance, there are also several islands hidden in the vast blood.

"Hmm?" The totem holy snake suddenly made a strange sound. Although the sound was very small, it had been heard by the clouds.

"What's wrong?" Yun Chengtian's heart moved and knew that the totem holy snake had been discovered.

"There, if I were a blood python, I would definitely go there." The totem holy snake pointed to a looming island group far away and said.