Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 77 Fighting with Two Snakes

Yuntian looked at the island group that vaguely appeared not far away, and knew that since the totem snake said so, there must be his reason.

"Okay, in that case, let's go to that island group." The two immediately turned into two sword lights and flew to the island group pointed to by the totem holy snake.

Slowly approaching the island group, the original appearance of the whole island group appeared. With a main island as the center, there are many scattered islands around it, and on the main island, the blood-red rivers are also intertwined. Looking at the scene of this island group all day, they can't help but admire it secretly and think to himself: "If I were a blood python, then I would choose this place."

"This island is so big that if the blood python is really here, I don't know where to hide." Yun Chengtian looked at the island and asked the totem holy snake.

"Snakes generally like to hide in a cool place. We just need to look for it on this island and see where there are suitable places for snakes to live."

Yun Chengtian was unwilling to waste time. He nodded and jumped forward. The totem holy snake followed the two people by skimming every inch of the land of the island group at a very fast speed, looking for it. Yun Chengtian obviously felt that the speed of the totem holy snake had slowed down, and he couldn't help slowing down with the totem holy snake.

"What's wrong?" Yun Chengtian looked at the totem holy snake and was very puzzled.

As soon as the words fell, the totem holy snake stopped directly. Yun Chengtian suddenly felt that the surrounding environment had become solemn and hurriedly stopped and watched the surrounding environment.

There is a dead road ahead, but at the end of the road, there is a blood-red pool. On three sides of the pool, there are all kinds of plants of different styles. Only this road when they came, and this road is composed of a river. He and the totem holy snake flew over in mid-air, so there is no root? There is no difference.

"I have a feeling that the blood python is here." The totem holy snake said softly, as if afraid of alarming the blood python.

"Real?" Yun Chengtian's eyes suddenly emitted light. Hearing the totem holy snake from here, Yun Chengtian immediately became excited.

As soon as the totem holy snake fell, a huge snake head rushed out of the blood-red pool, and the long letter stretched and rushed to the two of them.

At this time, the clouds can see clearly all day long, with a red snake body and a one-horn on its head.

Yun Chengtian separated from the totem holy snake and dodged the attack of the blood python.

The blood python fell into the air, and the snake's head immediately returned to the pool and disappeared.

"I said, is there only one blood python in the whole demon world? Don't rule out that there is a second Warcraft?" Yun Chengtian was still not sure whether this blood python was the blood python that killed Master Mordado.

"Among warcrafts, the possibility of the same kind cannot be ruled out, but like some extremely special warcrafts, such as blood pythons, there should be only one in this demon world." The words of the totem holy snake made Yun excited all day.

"Okay, that's easy to do." Yun Chengtian slapped his hands and said excitedly.

"I don't think I've provoked you. Why did you come to me?" A dull voice sounded, and a figure slowly floated to the surface of the water. With the appearance of the figure, the attention of Yun Chengtian and the Totem Holy Snake all shifted to the shadow.

"He also became a human figure!" Yun was shocked all day, and he naturally knew that this figure was naturally a blood python.

When the figure completely surfaced, Yun Chengtian was even more surprised. It turned out that the upper body of the blood python was human-shaped, while the lower body was the body of a snake, and there was a long unicorn on its head.

"It turns out that it hasn't turned into a human shape yet, just half a man and half a beast, which is much easier." Yun Changtian took a breath.

"I feel the strong smell of snakes from you. Who are you?" The blood python stared at a pair of blood-red eyes and looked at the totem bone snake. There was some connection between snakes and snakes.

"Do you want to know who I am?" The totem bone snake smiled contemptuously and looked at the blood python. Through the form of the blood python, he was shocked to know that the cultivation of the blood python was not as good as himself. At this time, a strong sense of superiority occupied the heart of the totem holy snake.

"Who the hell are you?" The blood python did not pay attention to Yun Chengtian, because from Yun Chengtian, there is only one breath that is less than the breath of the demon king, which naturally does not attract the attention of the blood python, and the strength of the totem holy snake is more than ten thousand years of strength.

"Okay, fulfill your wish before you die." As the totem holy snake said, it emitted a faint golden light on its body. In the golden light, a long snake about five feet long with wings appeared in the thousand years of blood python.

" are a totem bone snake. Why did you become what you are now?" The blood python was naturally very strange to see the appearance of the totem holy snake. Although he had not seen the totem holy snake, he had heard of the totem holy snake, and now the totem holy snake emits a faint golden light all over his body, which is completely different from Warcraft.

"You don't have to worry about this. You just need to know that you are about to die." The totem holy snake said faintly.

"We have never met. I don't know why you wanted to kill me?" The head of the blood python is not so smart, and the blood python naturally can't understand such vague words as the totem holy snake.

"Yes, we have never met, but you killed people who shouldn't have been killed..."

"Well, in this case, you have become a human figure, and I'm only half-human, so let's see who died." The blood python was even more confused when he heard the words of the totem holy snake, but it was better to fight directly.

From beginning to end, the blood python did not look at Yun Chengtian. Perhaps in his eyes, Yun Chengtian was just a follower of the totem bone snake.

Eryun was also happy to do so all day long. He stood aside with a smile and quietly watched the two snakes fighting between the totem holy snake and the blood python.

The huge wings of the totem holy snake fanned, and gusts of wind blew towards the blood python. The blood-red pool was immediately rolled up by huge waves and swept away to the blood python, and the hurricane, like a sharp blade, hit the blood python.

When the blood python saw the fierceness of the hurricane, it roared and immediately turned into a red python and rushed into the water. However, because the time to avoid it was slower, the huge body was still opened several long openings by the sharp blade-like hurricane, and the red blood flowed down the red armor. Out, as the blood python entered the river, the red blood melted with the red pool.

Watching the blood python turn into its original shape and escape into the pool, the totem holy snake fluttered its wings and stopped on the pool, staring at the pool water.

After a while, I saw that the blood python did not move at all in the water. The totem holy snake made a hiss, and the slender bright red letter kept stretching, then jumped down, took back its wings, and then jumped down and rushed into the blood-red pool.

Yun Chengtian sat on the branches of the tree and saw the totem holy snake run into the water. He couldn't help shaking his head and said, "That's not right. If it doesn't come out, then it should force him out instead of going directly to find him. We are not familiar with the situation at the bottom of the water..." Yun Chengtian shook his head, but fighting this thing, The test is accumulated little by little by myself. This time, I am not very worried about it. The cultivation of the totem holy snake is higher than that of the blood python. Although it will suffer a little in terms of terrain, the two are flat, and the totem holy snake will not exceed its life.

"Boom!" While Yun Chengtian was thinking, he saw that the blood-red water surface was like a Thunderbolt explosion, and there were continuous ripples on the surface of the water.

The clouds were shocked all day. Who knew that this loud noise had just fallen, and the second loud noise sounded again. Only at this moment, the originally calm pool was like a continuous cannon, and there were huge waves on the pool.

Looking at this situation, Yun Tiantian knew that the totem holy snake and the blood python must have fought under the water. Looking at the situation, the battle must be extremely fierce.

Yun Chengtian wanted to go to the bottom of the water to see how the battle in the water was. Now the battle has started, but he can't see it. Yun Chengtian is so anxious.

The clouds were hesitating all day long, but they heard another loud noise on the surface of the water. During the loud noise, two figures, red and white, intertwined and rushed out of the water.