Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 56 Ancient Combat Skills

However, he said that the black armored knight looked at Liu Hongwu, and there was no trace of sadness for the ancient red-eyed beast on his face. He held the huge sword and split Liu Hongwu.

Almost at the same time, a purple flame instantly wrapped the huge sword, and a faint figure instantly came to him, grabbed Liu Hongwu's clothes and brought Liu Hongwu back.

"Kill it." The black armor swordsman's face was extremely calm, and a dazzling light was emitted from the huge black sword, which actually broke free from all the wrapped purple flames, and then split it. A strong force hit the faint figure and did not even move!

This split is almost like a wandering dragon getting out of trouble. Several nearby stars are all shattered, and the power of the stars is all integrated into this blow.

Suddenly, two more figures flashed. One of them hit a whirlwind, and the other hit a strong electric light. The two forces merged to form a whirlwind with a strong current, which won the blow.

Where the electric shock cyclone passed by, everything was smashed. All places produced a powerful attraction, which was rolled up by the cyclone, and then under the powerful destructive power of the cyclone, everything became shattered.

The huge bones were involved, turned into powders, and disappeared.

The whirlwind was getting bigger and bigger, and finally it was as high as ten feet and went straight to the sky, turning the blood-red color of the sky dark in an instant. Countless storms and lightning fell from the sky and split towards the black armor knight.

All the forces were integrated into it. The two powerful forces collided with each other, and there was a strong vibration in the whole area, but somehow, under such circumstances, the cracks in this region were larger, but they did not break apart.

The strong whirlwind keeps rotating to polish the huge destructive power caused by the blow.

"Bomb." The blow directly broke the whirlwind, hit the whirlwind into two, and then still split the figure that swept Liu Hongwu away.

"Brush..." The two-and-a-half whirlwinds kept rotating and formed two cyclones, in which the electric light kept rotating, as if they had formed two powerful forces. The two powerful forces kept rotating, sandwiching the blow released by the Black Armor Knight in the middle.

The power of the blow was suppressed in an instant, and the speed slowed down in an instant. Moreover, under these two forces, the powerful force slowly floated up to the sky and was swept into the air by these two electric shock whirlwinds.

These two people are the floating wheel and Dugu Aoyun, a palm of wind and a palm of electricity, and the purple flame wrapped around the black armored swordsman's long sword was released by Yun Chengtian. It was Yuan Jie who saved Liu Hongwu's faint figure.

The four cooperated and worked together according to the original plan. There was not much problem in rescuing Liu Hongwu, but I didn't expect that the blow randomly made by the black armored swordsman had such a powerful force. Yun Chengtian's slaughtering ghost flame used to wrap him was broken in the first moment, and Yuan Jie's proud speed was also the first. Time was locked by the power of the black armor swordsman, and the power jointly attacked by Dugu Aoyun and the float wheel, which was used to stop it, was unexpectedly scattered by this blow in an instant. Fortunately, the two were in a hurry and gathered these two forces into two forces respectively. The attack of the left and right forces actually slowly involved that force into Over the sky.

Yun Chengtian, as the strongest force, controlled the attack of the black armor swordsman at the first time, but it was broken by the black armor swordsman. Yun Chengtian saw that the blow was slowly introduced into the sky, his mind moved, his hands together, and a purple-gold whirlwind changed from small to large, and gradually involved in Among them.

The purple-gold whirlwind became bigger and bigger, and finally the same size as the two whirlwinds. Three whirlwinds slowly dragged the blow of the black armored swordsman into the air.

"Boom!" The powerful force was introduced into the air, forming a huge explosion in the air, and a huge vibration came from the sky, causing a huge shock to this strange region.

A huge fire sounded in the sky, and countless stars in the sky disappeared permanently at this moment, turning into countless powders, floating in this world and floating on this strange land.

And the three whirlwinds, invisibly, slowly gathered together and rolled towards the black armored swordsman.

The black armored swordsman was still expressionless. Looking at the huge purple-gold whirlwind swept over, he said coldly, "Those who trespass, kill without mercy."

Another random blow came out, and the purple-gold whirlwind turned into nothingness and disappeared.

Another violent vibration, and all the huge rocks around it were flattened.

This casual blow was actually similar to the power of Yun Chengtian and other three people. This force really shocked Yun Chengtian secretly.

There is no falsehood, this is a pure armed attack.

If the monk in black still has many strange and strange methods, and this black armor swordsman, this pure armed attack, in Yun Chengtian's view, is the strongest attack he has ever seen, so strong that Yun Chengtian does not know how to deal with it.

There is no magic. With this seemingly simple blow, it is enough to destroy the world. There is no way to deal with this power.

Liu Hongwu's bronze face had turned white. After being rescued by Yuan Jie, he felt that the powerful force had always followed him. Liu Hongwu once thought he was going to die, but he finally survived. At this moment, he knew how horrible the strange black armored swordsman was. Ben is not a level.

"Thank you...thank you." Liu Hongwu's sweat flowed down, gasped heavily, sat for a long time, and said these two words.

Thinking of what happened just now, Liu Hongwu still couldn't help but be afraid for a while. Without the full rescue of Yun Chengtian and other four people, I'm afraid that he would really become a ghost at this moment.

And the black armored swordsman still stood still and did not move for a moment.

Of course, Yun Chengtian and others don't care about Liu Hongwu's thanks at this moment. In their opinion, this is a must-do. What they care about is another thing.

"You were attacking that guy just now, but why did we see that guy suppressing you?" Yun Chengtian thought that something special must have happened in the flash just now. Otherwise, no matter how fast the black armor swordsman was, it was impossible to block Liu Hongwu's shocking blow in an instant, but he actually attacked backhand and knelt down on one knee suppressed Liu Hongwu and had no strength to fight back.

"I don't know. All I know is that when my sword just touched that guy's sword, a force came so strong that I couldn't resist at all, and then I was suppressed by that guy. I don't know why." Liu Hongwu shook his head slowly, and his face gradually returned to his blood color.

"Absolute oppression!" The float on the side was pale, its body was shaking, and it almost fell down. Fortunately, Dugu Aoyun, who was beside him, held the crumbling float.

Absolute oppression? What the hell is that?" Yun Chengtian, Yuan Jie, Liu Hongwu and others all looked at the float in an instant.

The float took a deep breath, stabilized its mood, and said slowly, "It has been recorded in the ancient books of the fairyland that the black armored swordsman is the soldier of the ancient god of war and his personal bodyguard. Legend has it that the three great skills of the ancient god of war are the sky-breaking blow, not bad gold body and absolute oppression."

The float took a breath and then said, "It can be seen that this blow that can break the sky refers to a blow that can break the sky, and the golden body does not refer to his body. It is said that the body of the ancient god of war is strong enough not to be inferior to any divine soldier. His hand can cut off the divine soldier at will, and that absolute pressure Forced is a combat skill developed by the ancient god of war according to his own characteristics. This is, no matter under any situation, no matter what the attack of the opponent, it can turn defense into an attack and absolutely oppress the enemy.

"That is, no matter under any situation or under the attack of any opponent, you can turn defense into an attack and absolutely oppress the enemy." Yun Chengtian listened to this and muttered.

What a terrible skill is this, and what a terrible person is the ancient god of war who created such a skill?