Supreme Ghost Flame

Chapter 57 The Second Monk

Yun Chengtian was deeply shocked when he heard the float talk about the three major skills of the ancient god of war. If the blow and the strong body were still in the past, it would be too strange to suppress it.

In any case, you can transform the opponent's attack into passive and make yourself steadily suppress the opponent. I don't know how the ancient war emperor came up with this skill.

"..." Yun Cheng suddenly had an impulse to curse people.

"This guy is so perverted." Liu Hongwu didn't have so many scruples and scolded him directly.

"What should we do? Absolute oppression is now. No matter what we attack, we will be firmly suppressed by this guy. We have no hope of winning at all. The floating wheel is a little desperate, which shows how much the absolute oppression has affected him.

"Are these ten generals the same?" Dugu Aoyun suddenly asked.

"Don't think about it, even if their cultivation is high and low, even if their cultivation is the weakest, it is not something we can compete with. What's more, if they can be tied with the top ten ancient generals, their cultivation must be between Bozhong." The float has not yet spoken, but Yun Chengtian has stopped in front of the float and said something.

He did not say this to demorale of everyone. If they rush on, death is inevitable.

Yun Chengtian looked at the shadows of the ten generals and found that except for the black armored swordsmen facing them head-on, the shadows of other generals had gradually blurred.

"Is it possible that as long as we don't appear for a long time, those ten generals will gradually disappear, but why don't they chase them, but stay where they are?" Dugu Aoyun also found an abnormal situation.

"They must be weird, as if they are imprisoned by some mysterious force, but this force has no effect on us." Yuan Jie said thoughtfully.

"Where on earth did this group of guys jump out? This abyss is really not a place for people to stay. In addition to their fatal defects, the white bone skeletons are almost invincible, and the old monk in black is extremely strange and scary." Liu Hongwu looked at the black armored swordsman and thought that after coming to the abyss, except for beating the skeleton and calculating the breath in his heart, the rest did not encounter anything good. Every time he died. For the first time in the face of the skeleton, although he ran out, Yun Chengtian was injured, and the old monk in black did not need to As I said, if it hadn't been for the meteorite day, the whole army would have been destroyed. This time, I met the black armored swordsman, who is known as one of the ten generals in ancient times. If the rest of the people hadn't tried their best to save him, I'm afraid that under the attack of the black armored swordsman, there would not even be any ashes left.

Liu Hongwu held his sullen breath from there and was venting from here. Suddenly, a strange voice came, which only scared everyone's three souls out of his body and seven souls ascended to heaven.

"Are you talking about Lao Kun again?"

"Say, I'm talking about the strange old monk in black." Liu Hongwu said angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Hongwu felt something wrong and suddenly shuddered in his heart.

Suddenly, he turned around and found that it was about one meter away from him. The monk in black, who had just seen the meteorite and Yun Chengtian who had just joined hands with him, was sitting cross-legged in the void, and there was a black lotus flower at his feet.

No one knows how he came from. This was so shocking that Liu Hongwu stepped back a few steps and fell to the ground.

In fact, Liu Hongwu has not seen the monk in black. Among the crowd, only Yun Chengtian and the meteorite have seen him, and they have only seen him vaguely, which is not very clear. Now looking at the monk in black, Liu Hongwu's first reaction is the strange monk in black, because in this abyss of extinction, it seems that there is no A second monk in black appeared.

Yun Chengtian slowly stepped forward and carefully observed the monk in black. Only then did he know the appearance of the monk in black, but vaguely, there seemed to be something wrong.

Next, Yuan Jie picked up the trembling Liu Hongwu, and Yun Chengtian stood in front of him without fear and said loudly, "I don't know what the seniors came to chase us. What's the matter? Do you really want to make us?"

"Chasing?" The monk in black couldn't help but be stunned. At the same time, he made a head and said, "Amitabha, it's the first time for Lao Na to meet you. How can he pursue you? In addition, Lao Na has no grudge against you. Why did you kill you? Shi Xiu wronged Lao Na. Amitabha

As soon as this word came out, everyone was at a loss.

And those who are delicate feel that they seem to have recognized the wrong person, or there is really a second monk in this abyss of destruction.

Yun Chengtian saw that the old monk was dressed like a beggar, and his mouth full of words such as "old man", "donor" and "Amitabha Buddha" reminded him of the old man who handed him to study when he was a child.

"Dare to ask, downstream of this bloody lake, there is a monk in black by a bloody pond..." Yun Chengtian's voice was not over, and he only saw that the monk in black on the opposite side had changed his face.

"Where is he?" The monk in black hurriedly asked.

"That's..." Dugu Aoyun asked.

"That's the poor monk's brother Yankong, and the old man's name is Yanwu."

It was not until here that everyone fully understood that it was really the wrong person.

In this abyss of destruction, it turns out that there are really two monks in black, and there may be more.

"Cough, just now your brother wanted to kill us. Fortunately, we escaped from your brother's clutches." When Liu Hongwu heard that it was not the monk in black, he couldn't help taking a breath, but there was still a trace of vigilance in his heart. After all, they were all monks in black, and the one in front of him was still the brother. If he really turned his face, he would still be dead.

"Amitabha, I'm really sorry for all the benefactors. I have apologized to you for my younger brother Yankong." The old monk closed his eyes, put his palms together, and stood head down.

Yun Chengtian vaguely felt that it seemed that it was all on this name called Yanwu to unlock the secrets of this region.

"It doesn't matter. I haven't been hurt or anything. I just dare to ask my predecessors, what kind of place is this?" Yun Chengtian is eager to know the situation in this world.

What Yun Chengtian asked is also what everyone needs to know. Everyone condensed their mind and wanted to hear Yanwu explain all this. After all, all this is so amazing that everything here cannot be done by common sense.

"Here is the battlefield of ancient times..." Yanwu said slowly.

is exactly the same as what the float said, this is indeed the ancient battlefield of ancient times.

"What a distant era is, why this ancient battlefield looks like this, why have these corpses not turned into bones, why are they different from the outside, and why the ten ancient battles will be like this, and your predecessors and your brothers, if there is no accident, they all existed in the ancient war period, why now But it appears here again?"

Yun has too many questions all day, which bothers him very much, so he has to figure out these things.

"Well, that's it." The monk nodded and sighed.

Everyone was at a loss and didn't know why Yanwu was like this.

"Actually, Lao Tuo and Lao Tu's younger brothers, and them..." With that, Yan Wu said in meditation.

"What's wrong?" Liu Hongwu was impatient and asked in a hurry.

"Actually, we died as early as the ancient war." Yan Wu's words, like a bolt from the blue, exploded in everyone's ears.

"What, you are all dead, doesn't that mean that you are already ghosts..." Liu Hongwu's ghost word was half as soon as he said, and his mouth was covered by Yun Chengtian, and the ghost word was swallowed again.

"Amitabha..." Yanwu sighed.

"In the ancient war, I don't know how many people, gods, demons and demons died in this area. At that moment, it was really blood flowing into a river. Amitabha" Yan seemed to remember the scene of the war, and his face was solemn.

"Only a few people have survived, but everyone who survives is the strongest existence in heaven and earth." Yan Wu said slowly.

"You have left. Why are you still here?" Yun Chengtian said slowly, I'm afraid this is the crux of the whole problem.

All the secrets will be unlocked at this moment.

What happened in the ancient war and why the people here came back to life? This fan is finally going to get the result from Yanwu's mouth.