The glory of the center

Chapter 56 Zhan Wei's strength

The whistle at the end of the first half of the game sounded, and the players from both sides walked to the locker room, leaving only excited Sun fans at the scene.

"Klew those guys. There is nothing terrible about the three giants of the Heat. Victory will definitely belong to the sun."

"Keep such a defense in the second half, and we will win." ......

When the Suns fans were discussing the first half of the game, the three commentators were also discussing.

"Kenny, the Suns took the absolute initiative in the first half. They are already 7 points ahead. Did you think about it before the game?" Barkley asked Kenny Smith beside him.

Smith nodded and said, "It is not surprising that the Suns and the Heat won the final victory in this game. They are all excellent teams. Whoever can defend better in the game can take the initiative, and the Suns obviously did better in the first half."

"But we can't ignore the personal ability of the Heat's Big Three. In the second quarter, Chris was restricted by Zhao. Although Dwyne was blocked by Zhao, he still scored 6 points in a single quarter, and LeBron did not perform too well in the second quarter. If Dwyane and LeBron started their individual scores in the next game. Mode, it is difficult for the Suns' defense to be as successful as in the first half. Reggie Miller next to him said so.

"Yes, the defense of the Suns did a good job in the first half, better than any previous game, but the Suns are more powerful on the offensive end than on the defensive end, because the Suns started by attacking." Barkley said again.

The second half began quickly, and the Heat still took the lead in attacking. Chalmers dribbled the ball through the half and handed it to Wade. Wade directly began to break through and rushed into the inside line. Wade was quickly caught by the Suns, and his ball was quickly thrown into the hands of Chalmers on the outside line, and Chalmers did not There was a shot, and the ball was transferred to James outside the right three-point line. After receiving the ball, he quickly shot. In the face of Richardson's defense, James shot directly outside the three-point line.

"Bum!" The force of the ball was slightly larger. The ball hit the inner side of the basket and bounced out. Zhao Yue caught Joel Anthony on the inside line, and Fry rushed back to the basket to grab the backcourt rebound.

"Cnning, be careful!" Seeing Fry holding the ball and putting it down to push it to Nash, Zhao Yue immediately shouted. He saw Wade, who was already on the inside line, suddenly rushing towards Wang Fry.

Zhao Yue's reminder was also timely, but Wade's speed was too fast and did not give Fry too much reaction time. He was just about to push the ball out, and Wade had rushed to cut the palm of his hand on the ball.

"Bang!" Wade's palm hit the basketball, and the ball instantly fell out of Fry's control and fell into Wade's hand. Wade, who grabbed the ball, moved to the side and dodged Fry's defense, and the ball in his hand was quickly thrown and thrown into the basket. Zhao Yue jumped aside to stop him, but he still slowed down a little, watching the ball fly past his eyes and then fall into the basket.

"Damn!" Fry shouted annoyedly as he went to pick up the ball on the bottom line.

"Qian Ning, it's okay. Let's attack!" Zhao Yue comforted Qian Ning and began to run towards the half.

The Heat's defense did not seem to be much different from the first half. Nash dribbled the ball to the half and was still defended by Wade, but when Nash dribbled forward, Chalmers immediately came forward. This is obviously different from the first half. In the first half, the Heat will only be wrapped when Zhao Yue holds the ball on the inside line. For Nash, he relies on Wade to defend, unless he rushes to the inside line, and now Nash just rushed into the three-point line and the Heat immediately starts to clip.

The heat's bag is very tight, and Nash can't send the ball to Dražić. At this time, he is also busy mentioning the three-point line external response.

Nash's ball passed to Dražić's hand, and Dragžić, who received the ball, resolutely broke through and rushed to the basket. Chalmers quickly returned to Dragžić's side. At this time, no one came forward to defend. Seeing that his opportunity was good and no teammates could pass, Dragic rushed directly into the basket.

Dragic made a layup, and Chalmers was close to his side. At this time, the Heat finally had players to come forward to defend, and Bosh rushed back to the basket to defend with Chalmers.

Dragic was already difficult to get off at this time, and he could only make a hard layup. However, under the defense of Chalmers and Bosh, Dragic's layup failed to score the ball, and the ball bounced out of the basket and was held by Bosh. Bosh handed the ball to Wade. Wade did not carry the ball himself after receiving the ball, but threw the ball directly to the front with one hand, and James began to make a fast attack.

James and Richardson rushed to the front, and the rest of the players were half behind. After receiving the ball, James rushed straight to the basket. Richardson had done his best, but he still couldn't stop James's impact.

50:53, a wave of 4:0 after the start of the second half, the Heat has caught up with only 3 points.

Nash continued to control the ball to attack at half-time. This time, he did not make a direct breakthrough, but signaled Flet to block and dismantle it.

Continuing to bag, Nash rushed forward with the help of blocking. Bosh and Wade once again wrapped Nash. Nash wanted to pass the ball directly towards Fry, but it was really difficult to pass the ball out of Bosh and Wade's bag. The ball thrown by Bosh was touched by Bosh's hand and flew out of the three-point line, although Fry rushed The ball was received outside the three-point line, but the Sun's attack was destroyed.

The ball returned to Nash's hand. After receiving the ball, Nash dribbled the ball and rushed forward. Nash stopped the jump shot and threw the ball without waiting for the rest of the Heat players to come forward.

"Bum!" Nash's shot was so disturbed by Wade that the ball hit the basket and popped.

"Cax!" The scene finally sounded the first cheers in the second half, and Zhao Yue took the front-court rebound on Joel Anthony's head.

Zhao Yue knew that the bag would come soon, so he also moved very quickly. After getting the ball, he opened Anthony, held the ball in his right hand, and dunked with a one-arm tomahawk. Zhao Yue took the first point in the second half of his personal half, which was also the first point in the second half of the Suns.

Both the Suns players on the court and the Suns fans on the sidelines can clearly feel the difference between the Heat in the first half. On the offensive end, Wade and James strengthened their attacks, and the two continued to break through and took the initiative to take responsibility for the team's scoring. In addition, the two also increased their shooting at medium and long distances.

Wade and James's three-pointer this season are not excellent, and their three-pointer shooting rate in this game is not high, but both of them shot once in the third quarter; compared with the three-pointer, their shooting at the middle distance is more lethal, and one person is responsible for the sudden It attracted the defensive attention of the Suns, while the other was looking for shooting opportunities at a medium distance.

On the defensive end, the Heat's defensive strategy is to strengthen Nash's bag. As the Sun's engine, once Nash's breakthrough and pass are limited, the Sun's attack will be more affected.

After Nash was wrapped up, the Sun's ball was naturally more handed over to Zhao Yue. Zhao Yue was indeed the main scoring force in the first half of the third quarter of the Suns. Unlike Nash, Zhao Yue, as an insider, had much worse in his passing vision. Although he scored, he did not bring many offensive opportunities for his teammates. Under such circumstances, the score difference between the two teams is also approaching little by little.

The Sun quickly called out a timeout, from 7 points ahead to 2 points behind. In less than eight minutes in the third quarter, they have reversed the Heat by 9 points.

The tactics were rearranged, and Gentry also adjusted the lineup to replace Richardson with Hill.

The Sun's tactical change did work. After Zhao Yue had a certain shooting ability near the free throw line, the Heat could not empty him, so he also emptied the Heat's inner line. Nash found many opportunities to score after turning to an attacker without holding the ball, and the Suns' attack was also revitalized.

However, on the defensive end, Wade and James still provided enough firepower for the Heat, and the Sun's defense could not limit the two.

75:74, after three quarters, the sun was 1 point behind. The sun only got 21 points in this quarter, but the Heat got 29 points, and Wade and James got 22 points together.