The glory of the center

Chapter 57 The Anxiety Competition

At the beginning of the fourth quarter of the game, because the score was very sticky, Gentry did not dare to let Zhao Yue and Nash rest together. Nash took a short break at the end of the third quarter, and Gentry asked Nash to lead the team, and Zhao Yue sat off the court.

The Heat at the other end is obviously better arranged. James and Bosh take a break, and Wade leads the substitute team to fight on the field.

The Suns used a small lineup, partnered by Lopez, Hill, Richardson, Dragic and Nash. Hill and Richardson can pull out of the three-point line, so that Nash has more room for a breakthrough.

At the other end, the Heat used a similar lineup, with Joel Anthony alone on the inside line, James Jones, Dwyane Wade, Eddie House and Mario Chalmers to form an outside combination.

The core of the outside line of both teams is a player who is good at breaking through, so the shooting performance of the outer game is particularly important, and it is obvious that the two teams are well defended against the outside line of the other side.

82:81, Zhao Yue rested for 3 minutes and 09 seconds off the court. After the official pause, he returned to the field. The difference between the two teams was still 1 point. In the past few minutes, the two teams were tied, and coincidentally, they both hit a three-pointer.

Zhao Yue replaced Lopez on the court. At the other end, Bosh and James returned to the court, and Wade rested off the court.

The Suns took the lead in attacking. After Nash dribbled the ball outside the three-point line, Zhao Yue immediately blocked it. Nash dribbled the ball and rushed forward. At this time, Wade had changed his defense to James. The defensive pressure Nash had to face did not decrease at all, but increased. The man rushed to the right, and the ball in Nash's hand was thrown. In the hands of Zhao Yue, who had rushed into the inside line.

Zhao Yue has rushed up. In front of him are two superstars, Bosh and James, who quickly made up for the defense. Zhao Yue used the skill "Furious Shark" that has not been used for a long time. The "Crazy Shark", which has reached the third level, has quickly increased Zhao Yue's power under the basket by 8 times. Zhao Yue jumped up directly with the ball in his right hand. At the same time, Bo Shi and James also jumped up, and all the audience at the scene stood up. Zhao Yue's move was undoubtedly earth-shaking. The two people in front of him were amazing.

But Zhao Yue was not afraid and shouted, "Get out of here!" Directly hit the two, Bosh and James were directly knocked out, and Zhao Yue smashed the ball into the basket.

After a short two or three seconds of silence, a tsunami shouted at the scene. The ball was too powerful.

"Di!" The referee's whistle sounded at the same time as Zhao Yue put the ball into the basket.

In the cheers of the fans at the scene, the ball rebounded after hitting the rebound and fell into the basket! 2+1!

"Great! 2+1! Steve passed the ball to Zhao under the basket, and Zhao dunk the ball into the basket in the face of the defense of the two giants, Chris and LeBron! Zhao is so awesome. This ball is so handsome! After Steve was under more defensive pressure in the second half, Zhao provided points for the Suns.

With an additional penalty hit, Zhao Yue raised his score to 22 points. In the fourth quarter, Zhao Yue's statistics had become 22 points, 14 rebounds and 5 blocks.

The Heat's ball rights are in James's hands. Bosh mentioned that the three-point line was blocked. James dribbled past Bosh's side. Hill took the initiative to change his defense with Richardson, but his strength was almost completely suppressed by James, and James's obstruction was limited.

Watching James rush over, Zhao Yue immediately moved forward to make up for the defense. James did not pass the ball and jumped into the basket against Zhao Yue. Since James took the initiative to bump over, Zhao Yue had no reason to dodge and also jumped to block him.

When making up for defense on the inside line, according to theory, as long as the body jumps vertically without leaning forward and the hand is not under pressure, it is not foul. Although it depends on what the referee thinks, Zhao Yue's first thing to do is to control his movements.

"LeBron and Zhao collided head-on..."

"bu!" James and Zhao Yue's bodies collided in the air, Zhao Yue's body shook slightly, and James stopped completely. Even if James's impact was amazing, it was not easy for him to knock Zhao Yue away like dealing with ordinary defenders.

The referee did not whistle, and Zhao Yue continued to raise his hand to stop James and completely blocked the other party's sight.

"Fac!" Although Zhao Yue only jumped in place under the basket, and James jumped with the help of impulse, James could not jump higher than Zhao Yue because of Hill's interference. At this time, Zhao Yue's arm was completely straight so that he could not see the basket at all.

With his fingers moved, James threw the ball high. He must ensure that the ball he threw could jump over Zhao Yue's palm.

"Bum!" The ball did jump over Zhao Yue's palm and hit the backboard, but it did not bounce into the basket. It just rubbed the edge of the basket and fell out. James still wanted to grab the basketball again, but Zhao Yue would not let him be happy. He turned around and stuck James behind him. Zhao Yue jumped up and took the rebound directly.

Quickly threw the ball out of Nash's hand. Zhao Yue also ran quickly and rushed to the half. James could not return to Nash at this time. It was only for Chalmers to defend Nash. Nash would not miss such an opportunity. After pressing the opponent to rush into the half, he did not stop outside the three-point line. He dribbled the ball and rushed straight under the basket.

Chalmers failed to stop Nash's forward rush, but the other players of the Heat had retreated. Seeing that Chalmers could not stop Nash, they immediately rushed to the front bag.

Being sandwiched by the Heat player on the left side of the free throw line, Nash's eyes turned and saw Zhao Yue rushing in from the right side of the top of the arc, and immediately threw the ball into Zhao Yue's hand.

"Stop him!" Zhao Yue's rush will definitely be a very horrible thing. Just now, the Heat has suffered a lot. Seeing Zhao Yue catch the ball, James and Bosh stopped Zhao Yue. Joel Anthony was also behind Zhao Yue's side at this time, forming a form of three people attacking Zhao Yue.

"Bum!" Zhao Yue didn't care how many people stopped him. Anyway, his skills were still in use. He took off and dunked directly with the ball in his right hand. The three Heat failed to stop him.

"Sun! The sun!" The shouts at the scene suddenly became high. 82:86, after Zhao Yue's dunk, the sun had led by 4 points.

"Oh, LeBron scored three points... and scored! LeBron used his score to stabilize the Heat's situation, and the score became sticky again. Only 17 seconds after Zhao Yue dunked, Kenny Smith's shout sounded, and James shot a shot directly outside the three-point line, making the difference between the two teams return to 1 point in an instant.

lag behind, equalizing, leading, behind... The two teams are constantly repeating this situation. After entering the fourth quarter, the players of both teams are obviously exerting their strength, and as the defense of the two teams strengthens, the two sides will always have a short circuit on the offensive end.

85, with only the last minute and 03 seconds left, the two teams tied, and the heat with the right to attack called a timeout.

Pause back, and the Heat launched an attack. After Wade dribbling the ball outside the three-point line, Wade immediately rushed into the three-point line. Dragic and Nash bagd. Wade threw the ball in his hand into Bosh's hand. Hill immediately rushed back to Bosh's hand, but Bosh did not take the ball and quickly put it. The ball was pushed to the right, and Bosh pushed the ball into James's hand from the three-point line.

When he found James dribbled the ball and rushed forward, Zhao Yue immediately moved forward to prepare for defense, but James did not rush under the basket. James just rushed out of the three-second zone and shot. Richardson jumped and interfered, but because of his previous physical contact with James, he was obviously a step slower, and James's shot flew over Richardson's head and fell directly into the basket.

87:85, 2 points behind, Gentry also immediately called for a pause.

"Sun! The sun!" The shouts of the fans filled the stadium, and all the Suns fans knew the importance of the ball and stood up from their seats.

Nash took Dragic's pass and handed it to Richardson, and the man began to run quickly. Zhao Yue still mentioned that he covered Nash at a high position. Nash rushed past Zhao Yue and shook off Wade for half a step and received Richardson's pass and rushed straight to the basket.

In the bag, Nash rushed out of the bag and fell into the bag. Nash had expected such a situation for a long time. The man pierced into the bag, but the ball had been thrown into Zhao Yue's hand, who began to cut into the basket.

Bosh's reaction was not slow. Zhao Yue had just received the ball and he had already pasted Zhao Yue. At this time, Zhao Yue had no other choice. With Bosh on his back, Zhao Yue rushed to the basket.

rushed into the three-second zone, carrying Bosh, and Zhao Yue jumped up forcibly. Joel Anthony returned to the basket but had no time to jump off the defense, so he had to reach out to cut the basketball in Zhao Yue's hand.

Naturally, Zhao Yue would not let the other party cut off the ball so easily and quickly raised the ball. Zhao Yue raised the ball above his head. Zhao Yue could feel that there was obvious pulling force on his arm and thrust on his waist at this time, but he could only jump up against such interference without hearing the referee's whistle.

"Zhao forcibly dunked through the two again... scored! The ball is scored! The sun tied the score!"

"Cax!" Zhao Yue's dunk also burst into huge cheers again.

"Oh!" Falling to the floor, Zhao Yue kept roaring, looked at Bosh with a trace of anger, and then complained to the referee about Bosh's foul.

The referee did not chase the penalty, which was not beyond Zhao Yue's expectation. He did not whistle before the ball was scored, and it is even more impossible to blow at this time.

The Heat called out a pause again. At this time, the attack time is 29 seconds, and both teams still have offensive power, and every offensive and defensive round is crucial.

The 60-second long pause ended, and the Heat attacked. James controlled the ball outside the three-point line. It was not until the last 12 seconds of the attack time that Bosh was blocked, and James immediately dribbled the ball to the basket.

Hill was completely suppressed. At this time, Zhao Yue did not dare to stay under the basket and wait for James to rush up. Instead, he took two steps to prepare the bag. At this time, James's pass was thrown to Wade on the other side.

After receiving the ball, Wade pressed Nash and rushed to the basket. It was too late for Zhao Yue to rush to assist in defense. Richardson, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately rushed back to the inside line.

"bu!" Wade did not slow down or pass the ball to Bosh because of Richardson's defense, but rushed directly into the three-second zone and then bumped into Richardson.

"Di!" The ball flew, and the referee's whistle also sounded.