Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 36 Painting

Zhou Zhiqing is getting more and more unaccustomed to Xia Ruoxi's behavior, and her face looks so ugly. Damn girl, how can it be like this? Look at you getting worse and worse."

Fang Yan looked at Zhou Zhiqing helping her speak and gave a good look of gratitude to Zhou Zhiqing.

This made Zhou Zhiqing's sense of justice stronger and grabbed the fan in Fang Yan's hand. "Take a break. I'll help you take care of this little aunt."

Fang Yan was secretly happy, but pretended to be embarrassed, "No, Miss Qingqing, how can you help me?"

Xia Ruoxi, who was lying in **, slowly raised her eyelids, stared at Fang Yan sharply, with a cold smile on the corners of her lips, and then closed her eyes.

Fang Yan was scared by Xia Ruoxi's cold eyes. She hurriedly grabbed the fan in Zhou Zhiqing's hand and said with a bitter face, "Miss Qingqing, don't embarrass me. My job is to take care of the young lady. How can I deal with it if you don't let me do it? After saying that, he stood by the bedside and continued to help Xia Ruoxi fan with a frightened expression.

Zhou Zhiqing's anger. You turn off the air conditioner and don't want us to stay in the room. Auntie, let's go out to cool down.

Mo Shuyi put down the newspaper and smiled at Zhou Zhiqing, "Ruoxi, this is not unruly for a while. Especially after repeated shocks, it is inevitable that your nature will become strange. You are always a sister. Why do you care about her?" In words, he is naturally biased towards his daughter.

When Zhou Zhiqing saw that Mo Shuyi insisted on condoning Xia Ruoxi, she felt resentful that she stood in the wrong place and slammed the door angrily.

How did Zhou Zhiqing know Xia Ruoxi's intentions? She toss Fang Yan to remind Fang Yan to recognize her position, who was her food and clothing parents, and who she provoked, and her good job was smashed. Although Fang Yan will still eat and eat for small profits in the end, this warning at least makes her understand appropriate restraint.

Looking at Zhou Zhiqing, she was really angry, and Xia Ruoxi was not surprised. In her previous life, she flattered Zhou Zhiqing. The starting point was originally cherished, but what was the result in the end?

In this life, she does not miss the various injuries given to her by Zhou Zhiqing in her previous life, and it is already precious that she can still love her.

What's more, Zhou Zhiqing's trouble now makes no sense at all. Fang Yan is a servant of the Xia family. Naturally, she has to do things with the salary of the Xia family. She did not exploit Fang Yan, let alone humiliate her self-esteem. She just asked Fang Yan to fan a fan. Is Zhou Zhiqing so righteous and indignant?

Xia Ruoxi will never destroy her layout for Zhou Zhiqing's moment.

Moreover, God knows that Xia Ruoxi is tossing Fang Yan so much, and she is also suffering. How can this small fan resist the coolness of the air conditioner? No matter how hard Fang Yan worked, Xia Ruoxi still sweated, but she just couldn't say anything.

In this way, Xia Ruoxi still fell asleep and didn't get up until 3 p.m.

It's time to see Yao Qianqian. Xia Ruoxi washed her face and changed her patient's clothes and left the ward alone.

Where I met Yao Qianqian in the morning, there was a big umbrella there, and the tools needed for the drawing frame, canvas, paint, brush and so on were all available, but no one was there.

I'm afraid Yao Qianqian came early and couldn't stand the heat, so she turned back.

Just in this way, she pretended to draw casually here, and then drew exactly what Yao Qianqian thought. Isn't that right in Yao Qianqian's heart?

Moreover, she only guessed that Yao Qianqian might let her draw a portrait of her lover, and all these speculations were 50% inaccurate.

Xia Ruoxi sat down by the elevate. She tried to recall the appearance of Yao Qianqian's fiance that she had seen in her previous life.

Design the artwork again.

It wasn't long before she made up her mind and began to write.

As Mo Shuyi said, Xia Ruoxi was born with a talent for painting. And there seems to be no genetic reason.

Mo Shuyi and Xia Ze have no talent in this aspect. When they were young, they remembered that in order to accompany her to sketch, the family made a drawing board to draw peacocks in the zoo. As a result, Mo Shuyi painted a peacock like a chicken with a long tail, not to mention that Xia Ze did not even look like a chicken.

It seems that by chance, Aunt Fu praised Xia Ruoxi's talent in painting, a little like her little aunt Mo Shuhui, but it made Mo Shuyi cold, and Mo Songbai, who was his grandfather, shouted directly at Aunt Fu.

In fact, even Xia Ruoxi is tired of being told that she looks like her aunt. She hates her aunt. Otherwise, Mo Shuhui, a famous female painter in her family, would not have been allowed to teach her to draw, but would not invite others.

And Mo Shuhui once lost her heart. When Xia Ruoxi was a child, she fell ill and almost strangled Xia Ruoxi.

After that, Mo Shuhui became a super dangerous person, and no one dared to give Xia Ruoxi a chance to get along with her alone.

Because of her antipathy to Mo Shuhui, Xia Ruoxi also rarely pays attention to the paintings painted by Mo Shuhui. She knows nothing except to hear that Mo Shuhui is quite famous in the painting world.

Time has passed. Xia Ruoxi focused on painting and didn't even know the people standing around her.

It was a young man with an extremely handsome and beautiful face. Under his dense and long eyelashes, he had dark and transparent eyes, as black as rain and fog in the middle of the night, pale lips, and a slightly pale face, which just revealed an extremely attractive color, like a cold, fragrant gardenia..., wearing precious The pearl-white shirt sets off his pale face at this moment, and there is a strange sense of gorgeousness.

The man stood on the side of Xia Ruoxi and could clearly see Xia Ruoxi's brush on the canvas. He was skillfully described, and he could also see Xia Ruoxi's elegant and arrogant side face.

After constantly showing his amazing eyes for Xia Ruoxi's painting skills in the man's eyes, his eyes turned to stare deeply at Xia Ruoxi, and then his pale lips penetrated a smile of appreciation.

A beeping phone rang suddenly. The man didn't seem to want to interrupt Xia Ruoxi, who was focusing on painting. He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed the shutdown button, and then walked away at a light pace.

Although the man's departure was very light, Xia Ruoxi still saw the figure shaking from the ground from the corner of his eyes. However, she thought it was Yao Qianqian and didn't care. The mind is still on the oil painting that is about to be completed.

After a while, Xia Ruoxi smiled with satisfaction and put down the brush in her hand.

On the canvas, a handsome man walking towards the distance, turned his smile, like a bright glow, shaking his eyes a little, and his right hand stretched back as if calling someone behind him--

The lifelike picture scroll makes everyone who sees this painting have the illusion that the angel-like man is stretching out his hand to himself, his slightly open lips, and calling his name...

All the way, it's done. Xia Ruoxi is very satisfied with her brush. Thinking that Yao Qianqian seemed to come here just now, why is there no one now?

Xia Ruoxi looked around and didn't see Yao Qianqian's figure, but saw a seven or eight-year-old girl jumping towards her side.

I felt that the little girl seemed to be running for herself. Xia Ruoxi kept looking at the little girl with a smile and saw her walking towards her with a bottle of soda in her hand.

The little girl's eyes were dark and cute. She saw Xia Ruoxi and said, "Sister, a brother over there just asked me to give this bottle of water to my sister to drink." After saying that, he pointed in the direction behind him.