Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 37 Missed

Xia Ruoxi followed the direction of the little girl's fingers and saw many people. They didn't know which one the little girl was referring to. However, he still took the soda, bent down and touched the little girl's head, and said with a smile, "Thank you, little sister."

"You're welcome! Goodbye, sister. The little girl jumped away again.

Xia Ruoxi put soda on the chair at will, and she won't drink it. Although this bottle of water is still completely sealed, it is difficult for Xia Ruoxi in this life to give trust to strangers who have never met.

However, she accidentally remembered the brand "XXX", which was once someone's favorite soda brand...

Xia Ruoxi suddenly felt like there was a hook. She suddenly hooked her heart fiercely, pulled out her heart-worn pain, tore an aged wound in her heart, and once again bleed fresh...

Just when Xia Ruoxi was distracted, a slightly low girl's voice sounded - "You have come here a long time ago."

Xia Ruoxi withdrew her mind, turned her head and looked at the voice. She saw that it was Yao Qianqian, who was pushed by the nurse in a wheelchair and came late.

Under the suppression, Xia Ruoxi raised a bright smile on her face and nodded, "I saw that everything here was ready. For a moment, my hands were itching, so I couldn't help drawing a picture. By the way, what do you want me to draw for you? He said that Xia Ruoxi wanted to take the canvas off the drawing board.

"Wait a minute!!!" Yao Qianqian noticed the painting and immediately screamed out of control. She slid her wheelchair and rushed to the drawing board. There had been a dense water mist in her eyes. When she faced the drawing board, the water mist finally condensed into crystal tears like dewdrops and kept sliding down her eyes.

Xia Ruoxi looked at Yao Qianqian with satisfaction and was extremely excited. She trembled her fingers and wanted to touch the canvas, and reminded her in time, "The canvas is not dry yet. It will make oil paint on her hands."

Yao Qianqian immediately withdrew her fingers in panic, but her tears were like a flood that could no longer be controlled.

"Yuan Che..., Yuan Che..." Yao Qianqian kept calling the name and completely ignored the mood of collapse, which stunned the bystanders.

Xia Ruoxi sighed in the face of the out-of-control Yao Qianqian.

The heartache is entangled again. Why doesn't she understand Yao Qianqian's feelings for her lover at this moment?

Love, thought of love, and hurt love made Xia Ruoxi's unforgettable memory wake up again from the stranding and sinking in her memory, and slowly swim to the sea of love frozen by her...

I can't think about it anymore! Xia Ruoxi bit her lips fiercely. She is now planning to lay the foundation of her friendship with Yao Qianqian. She didn't find out what she wanted to forget and whip herself with the ugly scars.

waited silently until Yao Qianqian's mood slowly calmed down, and Xia Ruoxi said at the right time, "What's wrong? Why are you so excited?"

Yao Qianqian wiped away her tears, and there was still a regular ** sound of sobbing in her throat, "The person in this picture... seems to be a friend of mine."

Xia Ruoxi pretended to scream in shock, "Really? It won't be such a coincidence. The person in this picture is my friend.

Yao Qianqian looked up in surprise, "What's your friend's name?"

What Xia Ruoxi just said is naturally a lie, and at this moment, she naturally made up lies, "My friend's name is Nie Chen. Is it someone you know?"

The light in Yao Qianqian's eyes dimmed a little and shook her head, "No. But what a coincidence, he looks exactly like my friend.

Xia Ruoxi continued to pretend to be surprised, "Yes, it seems that we are quite predestined. He was injured in a car accident and was recognized by his relatives when he woke up. Then the friends he knows now can actually look exactly the same.

Yao Qianqian opened her eyes wide, "Ah, you are the aunt's daughter."

Xia Ruoxi nodded, "Isn't it fate? Ha..."

A sincere smile appeared on Yao Qianqian's face and solemnly stretched out her hand to Xia Ruoxi, "Let's get to know each other again, and say it again. I'm really glad to meet you and aunt."

The bright smile on Xia Ruoxi's face is as bright as the sun, "each other." Xia Ruoxi smiled with satisfaction in her heart and succeeded. This time, she really walked into Yao Qianqian's trust area.

"You can give me this painting." Yao Qianqian's eyes contained incomparable expectations, and her expression was more like a child begging for the favor of adults, which made people can't help pity.

Xia Ruoxi said with a smile in her eyes: "Of course. By the way, what else do you want me to draw?"

Yao Qianqian shook her head, "No, this painting makes me feel like a treasure." There was an extremely satisfied and relieved expression on her face.

"It's rare for you to appreciate me so much, which makes me feel ashamed." When the goal was achieved, Xia Ruoxi did not want to stay any longer. When painting, you don't feel hot. At this time, even under the umbrella, the dry hot wind makes people feel stuffy. I'm a little tired. I'm back in the ward. I'll talk to you later.

Yao Qianqian nodded vigorously, "When you are in a good mood, remember to go out more often. I will always be here. I hope to chat with you often."

"Okay." Isn't this the heart of Xia Ruoxi? That's what she wants.

turned away and walked a few steps in the sun. Fang Yan, who was holding a parasol, ran out of nowhere and gave Xia Ruoxi an umbrella to shade her.

Where is it? Appearing so soon?" Xia Ruoxi glanced at Fang Yan sideways.

"I've been out for a long time, and my wife have been waiting there. Look at your painting over there. My wife won't bother you. Fang Yan pointed to the circuitous corridor next to it.

Xia Ruoxi looked over and saw her mother Mo Shuyi sitting there and talking to a young man.

Xia Ruoxi's heart turned up another layer of shock. The shadow of the young man standing was so familiar--but Xia Ruoxi also realized that she was too careful and obviously admitted it wrong--

She and Fang Yan walked to the corridor together, but the man answered the phone and walked away along the corridor.

So Xia Ruoxi just saw the back as if she knew each other.

When Xia Ruoxi arrived, Mo Shuyi said nothing else and explained the identity of the young man first. "That's Yao Qianqian's distant cousin. I just talked to you." Mo Shuyi was afraid that her daughter would misunderstand her again.

Xia Ruoxi said "Oh" and raised her eyebrows. She was slightly puzzled. She didn't understand how the topic between her mother and the man was involved in her. However, there is nothing to care about. It must be that the mother praised herself unilaterally.

It was not until Mo Shuyi said the next sentence that Xia Ruoxi was shocked——

"The child just saw you draw and admired you very much."

"What? When did he see me draw? When Xia Ruoxi remembered that she was painting, she felt a figure swinging behind her. At that time, she thought it was Yao Qianqian.

Mo Shuyi smiled faintly, "I'm very focused on watching your paintings for fear of disturbing you. So I left carefully. Are you thirsty? This water was also bought by the child. After saying that, Mo Shuyi handed a bottle of soda to Xia Ruoxi.

It suddenly became clear that when Xia Ruoxi was painting, it was also the man who asked the strange little girl to send her water.

However, Xia Ruoxi still refuses to drink. This time it is not a matter of trust, but a taboo hidden in the depths of her heart. Only she knows the reason." If you don't drink this brand, Fang Yan will buy me another brand.

Mo Shuyi hurriedly urged Fang Yan to go quickly. Seeing Xia Ruoxi's hand stained with oil paint, he said, "Why don't you go back first and wash your hands?"

Xia Ruoxi also felt that her hands were dirty and awkward, and nodded. I'll go to the bathroom on the first floor to wash it myself and come back right away. Don't follow me.

Mo Shuyi handed the parasol to Xia Ruoxi, "I'll wait here."

Xia Ruoxi held a parasol and just left. The man who had previously chatted with Mo Shuyi answered the phone and came back.

Unfortunately, the parasol somewhat blocked Xia Ruoxi's sight, and she didn't see it.

When she came back after washing her hands, Fang Yan had already bought water.

Mo Shuyi pointed to Yao Qianqian and said, "As soon as you left, the boy came over. Ask me if I have time, can I discuss with you the skills and experience of painting. But I rejected him directly. At this time, your body has not fully recovered, so you don't have the energy to work that god.

Xia Ruoxi looked at Yao Qianqian. There were several people standing there, as if they were still appreciating the painting she drew. The figure overlapped. Xia Ruoxi did not see the man her mother said.

Her efforts on Yao Qianqian have also come to an end. So there is no need to care more.

The man who is destined to be Yao Qianqian's fiance now has gone abroad to study and will take several years to come back. She won't spend several years waiting for an unknown.

Now she has left a good impression, so let Yao Qianqian think about her, so that Yao Qianqian can have a regretful surprise when they meet again in the future.

Now, there is no need to spend it in the hospital. The wound on the head is just waiting for the scab to fall off, and other injuries will be cured soon.

Thinking of this, Xia Ruoxi said to Mo Shuyi, "Mom, I want to be discharged from the hospital and don't want to stay in the hospital."