Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 17 clue

Xia Ruoxi looked at Lian Yuxing with some emotion. Originally, Lian Yuxing was a mistress of her father. Xia Ruoxi should stand from the perspective of spitting hatred and look at Lian Yuxing, but now she sees Lian Yuxing's misery. Xia Ruoxi's kindness in the bottom of her heart still encouraged her to touch Lian Yuxing.

And even Yuxing didn't know whether she didn't recognize Xia Ruoxi or deliberately pretended not to know her, and she was not grateful that they had kept her out. Walk straight ahead.

When passing by a snack bar, Lian Yuxing stopped and saw that she was hungry.

Xia Ruoxi looked at Lian Yuxing and said, "Are you hungry? Go in. I'll treat you to something."

Lian Yuxing listened to Xia Ruoxi's words and turned around and walked into the snack bar.

In the snack bar, Lian Yuxing ate happily, as if she was really hungry and crazy. The amount of food was so large that Xia Ruoxi and Tao Bingjie were stunned, only worried that her thin belly would be burst again.

Even Yuxing had enough to eat and drink, stood up and left. Even Xia Ruoxi didn't seem to be interested in looking at it, let alone basic courtesy.

Tao Bingjie couldn't help it, and her face changed greatly and she gestured fiercely behind Lian Yuxing.

Xia Ruoxi smiled at Tao Bingjie and signaled her not to care. There was no need to care about the quality of such a person.

Leaving the snack bar, Xia Ruoxi grabbed Lian Yuxing in front of her in a few steps and blocked her way, "You know me!"

Lian Yuxing's eyes were scattered and dull, fell on Xia Ruoxi, and then dodged away. Silence.

Lian Yuxing's reaction made Xia Ruoxi more sure. Lian Yuxing recognized her for a long time, "Don't you wonder why I came to you?"

Even Yuxing didn't have any emotion even if she heard Xia Ruoxi ask her this.

Tao Bingjie couldn't help shouting at Lian Yuxing, "You are dead. Even a ghost can say a few nonsense!"

If Xia Ruoxi doesn't pull Tao Bingjie, it is estimated that Tao Bingjie will beat Lian Yuxing violently. Xia Ruoxi's temperament towards Tao Bingjie is really completely convinced. What a fierce woman!

If Xia Ruoxi's strong temper would have been strong, she would have had a seizure. She would not hit people but would have cursed her earlier, but now the situation is different. She needs to get valuable things from Lian Yuxing's mouth, so she can only endure everything.

However, Tao Bingjie's temper really had an effect. Lian Yuxing opened her mouth and said in an extremely cold voice, "Even if I am a ghost, I am a female ghost. The female ghost will only be interested in men. You two girls, go away. I won't serve you."

"Dead thing!" Tao Bingjie couldn't help cursing Lian Yuxing.

When Xia Ruoxi saw this scene, she hurriedly stood in front of Tao Bingjie to prevent her from getting angry and really taking action against Lian Yuxing. "Why didn't my second aunt settle you down?" Listening to Lian Yuxing's reaction to them, Xia Ruoxi knew that it would be impossible to ask something from her mouth, or someone had ordered her to shut her mouth long ago.

Xia Ruoxi was originally the trick to send troops, but the effect really worked. Even the corners of Yuxing's mouth began to **, and her eyes became sharp, like a female ghost full of hatred, which was quite horrible, but she was really tolerant. Her mouth clearly wanted to roar out some emotions, but in the blink of an eye, her face turned pale Calm was restored, and even the eyes returned to the previous dullness.

It's not easy to underestimate this woman. Xia Ruoxi narrowed her eyes and stared at Lian Yuxing for a long time, and then decisively gave up what she said from Lian Yuxing's mouth. Dodge and let Lian Yuxing leave.

"Why did you let her go without asking anything?" Tao Bingjie looked at Xia Ruoxi puzzledly. I don't understand why Xia Ruoxi took the trouble to find Lian Yuxing. Why did he let Lian Yuxing go without achieving his goal?

Xia Ruoxi sneered, "How can we communicate with a female ghost?"

One sentence made Tao Bingjie even more confused.

She didn't know that Xia Ruoxi had actually got the answer she wanted. She just asked Lian Yuxing the sentence, "Why didn't my second aunt settle you down?" Although she didn't get Lian Yuxing's answer, she had obtained solid evidence from Lian Yuxing's reaction. Whether Lian Yuxing and Lian Jingfen are relatives or not, they know each other, there is no doubt about this! It is also certain that there is something between them.

And Xia Ruoxi knew that with her identity, she could not get the trust of Lian Yuxing in any case. Without trust, it was impossible to get the truth from Lian Yuxing's mouth. Even if they continued to pester and provoke Lian Yuxing helplessness, they would just casually tell a lie to fool them.

She can't force this Lian Yuxing to talk about what she doesn't want to say. If it provokes Lian Yuxing's instinctive self-defense, or Lian Yuxing will hide in the future, so that she can never find it again. Then the gains outweigh the losses.

If everything is as Xia Ruoxi himself inferred, someone is deliberately plotting and deliberately using drugs to induce her father Xiaze's heart attack, then Lian Yuxing should be the most critical person, or she is either the mastermind or an accomplice. There is no doubt that Lian Yuxing coaxed her father to eat those hormone drugs.

So she can't startle the snake until she gets the most conclusive evidence.

"Let's go. You haven't slept all night. You can't stay up anymore. Go home and have a good rest." Xia Ruoxi smiled and said to Tao Bingjie with a suspicious face, "Yes, I will prepare the money tomorrow. Please give it to that person."

Tao Bingjie shrugged her shoulders and said, "It makes me so confused, but forget it, I also think that woman is worth nothing but to be beaten."

Xia Ruoxi laughed and said, "It's said that I'm fierce and bad-tempered, but now I've finally found a bad-tempered person to replace me."

Tao Bingjie raised her eyebrows and said, "We are of different types. Well, I am a super righteous person. I will inevitably be indignant at those bad people. You are purely a young lady's temper and a princess disease. How can you confuse me?"

Xia Ruoxi curled her lips, "Anyway, I will remember in the future. It's better not to quarrel with the barbar. I will definitely lose."

"Cut! Does this have anything to do with lawyers? I'm telling the truth, okay?" Tao Bingjie looked super disdainful, but turned to laugh, "I think I'm very strange. Why did you fight with this little girl? You are not even an adult. How old am I? Isn't this audacity to bully you?

Xia Ruoxi glanced at Tao Bingjie, "Yes, did you finally find out?"

Tao Bingjie didn't react for a moment and asked in surprise, "What did you find?"

Xia Ruoxi ran a few steps away, a little farther away from Tao Bingjie, and then said loudly, "You found your own cheeky, haha..." After saying that, she laughed and jumped.

On this side, Tao Bingjie shouted and went to chase, and the two of them were chasing and fighting with laughter one after the other.

With such a play, the friendship between Xia Ruoxi and Tao Bingjie is also slowly improving.

After breaking up with Tao Bingjie and going home separately, Xia Ruoxi went into the newly renovated study after explaining the dishes she wanted to eat in the kitchen at noon.

This room is not as large as before, and the location is not as good as before. It's farther away from the hall, but there is more real quiet.

For Xia Ruoxi, a person who doesn't read, such a space is quite suitable, allowing her to quietly plan what to do in the future and set up a bureau in advance.

Xia Ruoxi recalled what would happen before the end of the summer vacation in her previous life, and thought about which stage she could intervene to change the overall situation.

After all, from 17 to 23 years old, with a span of six years, Xia Ruoxi can't think of every detail. Most of the things she can remember are those that are impressive and affect her mother Mo Shuyi, and the rest are trivial, which are not covered in such detail in her memory.

At present, those major things, such as the incident that she injured Xiajun, and her mother Mo Shuyi were forced to transfer the shares of the company, and finally followed the trajectory of her previous life, which could not be changed. However, there are also things that were inadvertently changed by her, such as the pen wash of the agate peach that she inadvertently smashed, which she used to smash the second painting teaching in her previous life...

Xia Ruoxi was thinking about the pen washing. She was relieved that some things had changed subtly, but she suddenly saw that in addition to the four treasures of the study placed on the desk, a fine agate peach pen wash was placed on the desk.

God! Xia Ruoxi made a loud noise in her mind and jumped up from the chair. Hasn't the pen wash been smashed by her? How come another intact pen wash appeared in front of you?