Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 18 Strange Pen Wash

God! Xia Ruoxi made a loud noise in her mind and jumped up from the chair. Hasn't the pen wash been smashed by her? How come another intact pen wash appeared in front of you?

Xia Ruoxi's back instantly spread a chill deep into the bone marrow, as if she had seen a hellish ghost.

"Fang Yan, Fang Yan..." Xia Ruoxi shouted Fang Yan's name, and her voice was sharp and full of fear.

"Come on, come on." Fang Yan heard Xia Ruoxi's shouting and hurriedly ran over. She heard Xia Ruoxi's shouting something wrong. She didn't see the situation and had been scared to anxiety. When she came in, her face was ugly and pale. What's the matter, young lady?

Xia Ruoxi's fingers trembled and pointed to the agate peach on the table, and his voice was still full of panic. "What's wrong with this brush? Hasn't it been broken by me? How can such a intact one appear here again?

Fang Yan just calmed down. Why is this young lady so timid? It's just a pen wash, which can scare her like a ghost. This is after you broke the pen wash that day. Miss Qin saw that you seemed to be very distressed with the pen wash, so she told her wife. Later, she actually found the same one.

Xia Ruoxi was dumbfounded in an instant. How could it be? Why did the same brush wash appear again? She remembered that her father said that the agate peach brush wash was handed down from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and it was not a series of products from modern workshops. How could it be the same? Isn't it weird?

Xia Ruoxi felt unbelievable for a moment and immediately asked Fang Yan, "Find out the pen that was broken by me before."

Fang Yan immediately promised to get it.

Xia Ruoxi got the smashed pen wash and the current intact pen wash. In contrast, in addition to the fact that the seed material of the agate seems to be different, the sculptor is actually very similar, or Xia Ruoxi can't distinguish the carved pattern at all. What's the difference in style.

In ancient times, was it doomed to the fate of the pen wash she held in her hand today, so someone specially carved two identical pen washes? Then wait for her to smash the second painting teacher? It's so incredible!

Xia Ruoxi can't believe it. Her fate has been quietly changing since she was smashed, but today she finds such a horrible thing that it is one thing, and disappointment in the future is the biggest blow.

No, she has to figure out the matter of pen washing.

In Xia Ruoxi's heart at this time, she couldn't believe that there was such a coincidence that such an antique could be found casually by her mother.

"Go find a bag and wash the two pens." Xia Ruoxi didn't want to believe that fate joked with her like this and made her reborn in order to make her suffer poison again. In the end, she was like Wang Xifeng, a joy and sadness. It's hard to decide the world!

Fang Yan answered, and then hurriedly found a packaging bag, put the two pens together and gave them to Xia Ruoxi.

"I'll go to my grandfather's house. Tell my mother not to wait for me to have lunch together." After saying that, Xia Ruoxi left home with the bag with a pen and took a taxi to the house of her grandfather Mo Songbai.

For the antique jade side, Xia Ruoxi's grandfather Mo Songbai is a first-class connoator.

Mosongbai's home is a traditional Chinese quadrangle courtyard, which belongs to the ancestral property of the Mo family and features a bright gate, which is the symbol of the Mo family's ancestors who once served as officials in the Qing court.

It belongs to the four-door courtyard. In the first courtyard after entering the gate, there is a row of north-facing houses in the south, called inverted seats, which are usually used as guests, books and schools. In ancient times, they were mostly used by male servants or as miscellaneous rooms. Since then, I have entered the main courtyard through the hanging flower door. This hanging flower door is the most gorgeously decorated door in the quadrangle courtyard, and it is also the boundary gate from the outer courtyard to the main courtyard.

In the main courtyard, the small hanging flower door and the lotus jar, potted flowers, etc. in front of it constitute an interesting courtyard picture. In the main courtyard, the north room is the main house to the south. The opening of the house is deeper, and the platform is higher, mostly for the elders. The east-west wing room is smaller in depth, and the platform foundation is also shorter, often for the younger generation. The main room, the wing room and the hanging flower door are connected by a corridor to form a regular courtyard, forming the core space of the whole quadrangle courtyard.

Back after the main room, it is the backyard. This is another floor courtyard. There is a row of smaller houses facing south, called the back room. In ancient times, it was mostly inhabited by maids, or warehouses and miscellaneous rooms.

Xia Ruoxi listened to her mother Mo Shuyi say that the ancestors of the Mo family were famous Confucian officials in the Qing court.

So even after liberation, Mo Songbai integrated into the great era and made progress in thought, I have to say that there are still Confucian thoughts in his bones.

Just like Mo Shuyi's traditional idea of "getting from father at home and marrying from husband", it is the result of Mo Songbai's imperceptible.

Only, Xia Ruoxi's aunt Mo Shuhui is an exception. I heard that when she was young, although it was also a good era of reform and opening up, after all, her ideology was not as open and free as it is now. Mo Shuhui is dressed in fashion and alternative clothes, and she specialized in oil painting in art college, once invited her major naked in the college. Because of the low salary and the strike, Mo Shuhui, a student, actually took the initiative to act as a nude model, which caused a sensation at that time and almost pissed off the conservative Mo Songbai to death.

Compared with Xia Ruoxi's mother Mo Shuyi, Mo Shuyi is a decent girl, but Mo Shuhui is a witch, born rebellious and stubborn.

Xia Ruoxi didn't like her aunt since she was a child, not only because Mo Shuhui had been crazy, but also because she couldn't stand her strange temper. Some relatives said that Xia Ruoxi also had many places that were particularly like Mo Shuhui, especially his temper. Every time he talked about this topic, not only Xia Ruoxi was unhappy, but also Mo Songbai and Mo Shuyi looked very bad.

Especially since Mo Shuyi's stubbornness with that demon in her previous life, Xia Ruoxi realized that her personality was basically following her mother, because her mother seemed to be a good girl. In fact, she was also extremely rebellious in her bones, but she was good-tempered and generous. It was not something she decided. She was too lazy to care about and argue. What to take. Once it is determined that it is against the whole world, there will be no hesitation.

Seeing Xia Ruoxi coming, Aunt Fu was overjoyed, "Ah, little lady, in the morning, the old minister also talked about you. I don't know how you are recovering now. When I miss you, you come."

Xia Ruoxi politely called people. For Aunt Fu, although Xia Ruoxi had some grudge against Aunt Fu because of some things in her previous life, she could even forgive Zhou Zhiqing for her betrayed friendship. What's more, Aunt Fu, who watched her grow up since she was a child, Xia Ruoxi still has a lot of feelings and a sense of affection for Aunt Fu.

"Old Minister, who do you see?" Aunt Fu led the way and shouted at the house.

"Ha ha, it's Xi'er, right?" Mo Songbai was playing with his bird in the courtyard at this time. Listening to Aunt Fu's shouts, he guessed who was coming.

Aunt Fu sighed, "Every time someone comes, I want the old minister to guess, and every time I get guessed."

Xia Ruoxi smiled and said, "It's not Grandpa's wisdom, it's Aunt Fu. You've leaked the bottom at all. Your shouting is who will be in the future. It was revealed to Grandpa early in the morning, isn't it, Grandpa." Xia Ruoxi's relationship with her grandfather is unusual. In the past and present life, Mo Songbai is the one who spoils Xia Ruoxi the most. As he spoke, Xia Ruoxi walked affectionately to Mo Songbai and hugged one of his arms.

Mo Songbai looked at Xia Ruoxi with admiration, "Our Xier is a little ghost."

At this time, Xia Ruoxi smelled the smell of meat in the yard and said, "Ah, Grandpa, am I here just in time? There is spicy mutton to eat."

Mo Songbai stroked Xia Ruoxi's head with a smile, "Go and wash your hands. It's just ripe." After saying that, he said to Aunt Fu, "Let's eat."

Although living in a huge yard, the servants in Mo Songbai's family are only Aunt Fu and his wife. Aunt Fu's husband, Uncle Fu, used to be a clerk of Mo Songbai when he was young, but now he has dual positions, both as a chef and a driver.

Xia Ruoxi's grandmother passed away before Xia Ruoxi was born, and because Aunt Fu's family had served Mo Songbai for so many years, she was already emotionally the same as her relatives.

Aunt Fu has no children and has adopted a child from her brother's family. Now she works in other places and comes back from the Spring Festival. She also lives in Mo Songbai's house and honors Mo Songbai as a grandfather.

Aunt Fu is from Hunan. She cooks spicy food, which is a beautiful flavor that can't be eaten in any restaurant outside. Xia Ruoxi loves to eat Aunt Fu's dishes very much, and she doesn't even care that eating more peppers will make her angry and her face will have pimples.

Xia Ruoxi was afraid to see the little aunt Mo Shuhui she didn't like. She asked if she knew that Mo Shuhui was not at home, and then she felt secretly happy.

Several people had lunch together. Aunt Fu and his wife cleaned up the table, and Xia Ruoxi and Mo Songbai sat in the living room drinking tea.

At this time, Xia Ruoxi gave the two pens she brought to her grandfather.

When Mo Songbai saw the pen wash, he immediately said, "How did you get the pen wash back?"

This sentence confused Xia Ruoxi, "Is it recognized that this pen wash?" Listening to Grandpa Mo Songbai's tone, it seems that this pen wash is Mo's thing.

Mo Songbai nodded, "I used to have only this kind of pen wash, which was really handed down from the Ming Dynasty. Your aunt liked it very much and has always been used by her. Later, I don't know why the pen wash was broken. She cried for several days, and I couldn't do anything about it. One day, she came back with a happy smile, holding the same pen wash in her hand as the broken pen wash. She was not happy to even look at someone like a baby. Later, one day she was bored and washed the pen for her cat as a water basin. After a long time, she forgot to wash this pen, so I washed it and put it away.