Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 46 Soft

Ji Mingwei's face changed slightly and smiled, "Yes, I really forgot that's the truth. Zhiqing really loves me, and I really love her, so I should let Zhiqing feel my love. After saying that, Ji Mingwei pinched Zhou Zhiqing's face fiercely in front of Xia Ruoxi. After being pinched by him, a red mark immediately appeared on Zhou Zhiqing's white cheek.

Zhou Zhiqing's painful tears almost flowed down. She didn't expect Ji Mingwei to give her so much face that she actually fought back against Xia Ruoxi and made such a cruel hand. She was angry and hateful, but she couldn't let Xia Ruoxi see jokes. She had a bad temper. Then Ji Mingwei's words and fought back, "Mingwei, you really love me so much. I'm so moved. I must love you more." After saying that, he rudely fought back at Ji Mingwei's face and pinched him fiercely.

Ji Mingwei opened Zhou Zhiqing's hand painfully. He usually felt that Zhou Zhiqing was gentle and lovely. When he was injured and hospitalized, he couldn't help visiting him and giving him so much care. Compared with Xia Ruoxi, whose temper was as fickle as June's weather, he didn't know how many times better it was. Unexpectedly, she was not much better. She was usually in private. No matter how much trouble she made, it was impossible for Ji Mingwei not to be annoyed by the face of Xia Ruoxi. He is originally a young master's temper. In addition to not being able to provoke Xia Ruoxi, can he also afford to provoke Zhou Zhiqing?

Ji Mingwei stretched out his hand and hit Zhou Zhiqing in the face with a bang.

"Wow, Mingwei, you are great. It turns out that you love more deeply than Qingqing." Xia Ruoxi applauded. As long as she was not a fool, anyone would know that Xia Ruoxi was deliberately burning, but Zhou Zhiqing and Ji Mingwei, who had been forced by the situation, had no position to accuse her.

Zhou Zhiqing really turned against her face. She originally wanted to stimulate Xia Ruoxi, but she didn't expect Xia Ruoxi to see her joke. She was so angry that she waved Ji Mingwei and slapped Ji Mingwei loudly and said, "No, I want to love you more than you."

"No, I want to love you more." Ji Mingwei gritted his teeth and slapped Zhou Zhiqing.

"No, no, I want to love much more." Zhou Zhiqing raised her hand and slapped Ji Mingwei again.

Xia Ruoxi clapped her hands and laughed, "Well, I finally saw what true love is. Mingwei, you are still close. Qingqing loves you more deeply than you.

Ji Mingwei smiled, "Really? How can that work? I must love more than Zhiqing. After saying that, there were fierce eyes in his eyes, and he was about to hit Zhou Zhiqing.

Zhou Zhiqing saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, but Ji Mingwei reached out and grabbed her collar, "Ziqing, just feel my love." After saying that, he slapped Zhou Zhiqing twice.

Xia Ruoxi smiled and said, "Wow, Mingwei is still a man enough to love Qingqing so much. Qingqing, you still lost.

Knowing that Xia Ruoxi was making bad, Zhou Zhiqing gritted her teeth with hatred, but she could only bear it, "Mingwei, I want to love you more and more." After saying that, Zhou Zhiqing called Ji Mingwei again.

The people in the cafe were all attracted by the three of them at this time, and they were all stunned. They looked at two men and women who seemed to be a little couple, kept saying that they loved each other, and then slapped each other's faces, and a lively girl kept making silver bell-like crisp laughter.

is getting more and more interesting. Xia Ruoxi smiled back and forth. For the first time, she felt that the feeling of revenge was so pleasant.

Zhou Zhiqing, you owe me! Let's start to return it slowly now. Xia Ruoxi couldn't stop sneering in her heart.

Zhou Zhiqing and Ji Mingwei are still fighting each other. Both of them have been beaten by each other and their faces are blue and swollen. They have turned against each other and turned into hatred.

Xia Ruoxi, a spectator, is not interested in watching it any longer. If Zhou Zhiqing and Ji Mingwei fall out because of today's incident, then she will have no fun in the future. She is still waiting for Li 0 to deal with Zhou Zhiqing... that person. Well, I know you love each other. Don't stimulate me as a lonely person anymore. Xia Ruoxi seemed to be infinitely sad.

Zhou Zhiqing was so angry that she was about to spit blood. She really didn't expect Xia Ruoxi to retaliate against her by such a means. Originally, I thought I had defeated her, but I didn't expect to be tricked by her. This hatred was piled up in Zhou Zhiqing's heart. Caressing her swollen face like bread, Zhou Zhiqing endured the hot pain and forced a smile. She wanted to say a few words, but as soon as her mouth moved, she pulled her swollen face. The pain made her not cry, which proved that she was strong.

Zhou Zhiqing can bear it, but Ji Mingwei can't. Face is born to be a man's great love, especially in front of the people he once cared about. Such a thing is a great shame for him. In his heart, the domineering and wildness of the man came out. He stood up and grabbed Zhou Zhiqing's hair, dragged her down from the chair, and then rode on her. Last time I was beaten.

"Ah, Mingwei, what are you doing?" Xia Ruoxi jumped up from his seat and rushed to Ji Mingwei, trying to stop him. Even if Xia Ruoxi hates Zhou Zhiqing again, when she sees a man beating a woman like this, no matter who it is, Xia Ruoxi's instinctive sense of justice breeds, making her unable to look on coldly and rush over to save Zhou Zhiqing. Ji Mingwei, stop it quickly, or I will kill you!" Xia Ruoxi shouted.

The cafe became restless in an instant. At first, Zhou Zhiqing and Ji Mingwei fought with each other. The waiters in the cafe only dared to stand by and dare not intervene. Because they didn't understand the situation, now they look at the real fight. If the situation spreads, the loss to their cafe will be the first, so they all come here. Some of them persuaded Ji Mingwei and prevented him from continuing to commit violence.

Seventy-eight waiter drove Ji Mingwei away. Several others helped Zhou Zhiqing up and comforted her.

Zhou Zhiqing can no longer care about the image at this time. She spreads, tears on her face, crying and makeup, and looks embarrassed and miserable.

Xia Ruoxi knows Zhou Zhiqing's character and knows that if she comforts her at this time, she will definitely make Zhou Zhiqing think that she is gloating and will make the relationship stiff. Now she doesn't need to be too estranged from Zhou Zhiqing. The good play hasn't started yet, has it?

Xia Ruoxi asked the waiter to take care of Zhou Zhiqing temporarily, and she chased out of the cafe to find Ji Mingwei.

The good show hasn't started yet, and no one can think about it.

Finding Ji Mingwei outside who was ready to leave, Xia Ruoxi shouted and ran. Ji Mingwei heard Xia Ruoxi calling him, but he walked faster and faster.

When Xia Ruoxi was about to catch up with Ji Mingwei, she grabbed his hand. Ji Mingwei instinctively dodged. Xia Ruoxi took this opportunity to pretend to be caused by Ji Mingwei's strength and fell to the ground. "Oh," there was a scream.

Ji Mingwei stopped when he heard Xia Ruoxi's screams. Looking back, he saw Xia Ruoxi fall to the ground, take half a step back, and stopped hesitantly. Hearing Xia Ruoxi cry louder and louder, he finally couldn't bear to rush to Xia Ruoxi and helped Xia Ruoxi up.

"It hurts..., woo..." Xia Ruoxi suddenly found her talent for acting. The tears were actually like an open faucet, flowing constantly. Unlike Zhou Zhiqing, she didn't apply any fat powder. Her big eyes, which were already clear like a stream, were filled with tears, shining, so pitiful and pitiful.

Ji Mingwei has never had a chance to see such Xia Ruoxi. Xia Ruoxi, who was so delicate and infinitely lovable, grabbed a certain string of love in his heart, so that he couldn't help but fall in love with Xia Ruoxi for a long time and came back. Especially at this time, he held Xia Ruoxi. His slender body snuggled up to him so softly. The unique fresh body fragrance on the girl penetrated into every blood vessel from his nose, making his heart beat faster and his blood run wildly.

"Mingwei, don't be like this..." Xia Ruoxi muttered in tears and whispered to Ji Mingwei. The pleasant voice like a warbler, which is soft and sexy at this moment because of its extremely gentleness, and the shock to Ji Mingwei is irresistible to him.

Ji Mingwei was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were fixed on Xia Ruoxi's delicate face. Suddenly, there was a long regret. After all, this is the person he once liked. If it hadn't been Xia Ruoxi, the goddess, who was unintentional, how could he, the dreamy king of Xiang, turn to accept Zhou Zhiqing? Ruoxi..." Ji Mingwei muttered Xia Ruoxi's name and had an impulse to lower his head and kiss the rose petal-like lips, but after all, he still dared not. He is afraid of Xia Ruoxi. Always.

Ji Mingwei's almost thousands of emotional changes have been in Xia Ruoxi's eyes. A teenager who is only 17 years old, no matter how flowery he is, is clearer and purer than the heart of an adult man. Just like a small fish at the bottom of the stream, the swimming curve is clear and deadly.

Xia Ruoxi knew that as long as she wanted to grab Ji Mingwei from Zhou Zhiqing, it would be effort at all. But in that case, it doesn't mean anything to her. That's not what she wants.

"Mingwei, my feet hurt so much." Xia Ruoxi frowned slightly, and tears were still falling down.

"I'll take you to the doctor." After saying that, Ji Mingwei picked up Xia Ruoxi at once. This is really a good opportunity for him to get close to Xia Ruoxi. Holding Xia Ruoxi up, Ji Mingwei found that she was so light and soft. For a while, my mind felt a little erratic.

"Don't worry about me. Go and see Qingqing. She is crying so sad now. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. To be honest, when I saw you with her, I was jealous and stimulated, so I deliberately played tricks. I wanted to revenge on you. I didn't know that it was so uncontrollable now. I feel so guilty. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. Please hate me and blame me. Don't implicate Qingqing. Whoo..." Xia Ruoxi said delicately, and the voice was enough to conquer all the territory in the man's heart.