Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 47 Dirty

When he picked up Xia Ruoxi, Ji Mingwei found that she was so light and soft. For a while, my mind felt a little erratic.

"Don't worry about me. Go and see Qingqing. She is crying so sad now. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. To be honest, when I saw you with her, I was jealous and stimulated, so I deliberately played tricks. I wanted to revenge on you. I didn't know that it was so uncontrollable now. I feel so guilty. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. Please hate me and blame me. Don't implicate Qingqing. Whoo..." Xia Ruoxi said delicately, and the voice was enough to conquer all the territory in the man's heart.

Ji Mingwei is not a fool. Xia Ruoxi naturally saw the little trick he started like a mirror in his heart. However, he never expected Xia Ruoxi to admit it generously, and the reason was that he was jealous because he had feelings for him, which made him ecstatic. I don't mind Xia Ruoxi's bad intentions at all, but there is more heartwarming ecstasy. Don't cry, Ruoxi, when you cry, my heart hurts. The more he cares, the less he dares to show selfishness. If Xia Ruoxi had the same personality as Zhou Zhiqing, Ji Mingwei knew that he couldn't help kissing Xia Ruoxi.

Because Xia Ruoxi is Xia Ruoxi, not Zhou Zhiqing, Ji Mingwei can only lick his lips regretfully and then suppress the impulse in his heart.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Go back to see if Qingqing is okay. She is so sad. I'm so worried about her. I have always regarded Qingqing as my best friend. Even if she took you away, which made me feel so sad and disappointed in her, how can I bear to blame her? It was my negligence that I never cherished you well, so I let you go, so I swallowed this bitter fruit by myself, and I accepted everything. I'm begging you, don't treat Qingqing like this, okay? Otherwise, I will never talk to you." At this time, Xia Ruoxi was pitiful, and her words were kind and generous. Not to mention Ji Mingwei, who was only 17 years old, nor Ji Mingwei, who was 27 years old, could not bear it.

"But..." Ji Mingwei regretted that he did not resist Zhou Zhiqing's approach and gave up his favorite Xia Ruoxi. Now he almost wanted to cut himself with a knife. Why was he so unwilling to accept Zhou Zhiqing?

"I am so persistent in love. If I love a person, no matter how painful it is, I will love without regret, but I can't accept my intervention in other people's emotions. When a third party and a man I hate to abandon my lover, I can't wait to kill him. Only a man who is hurt and betrayed by a woman makes me feel particularly sorry. I will use all my love to heal his wounded heart. Xia Ruoxi hinted at Ji Mingwei that she could help her achieve her goal.

After listening to Xia Ruoxi's words, Ji Mingwei's eyes shone like a bright lamp. A kind of joy wandered in his eyes. He seems to understand something." Ruoxi, are you sure you are really fine?"

Xia Ruoxi wiped her tears and nodded vigorously, "Mingwei, go and see Qingqing. If there is a day when Qingqing doesn't love you anymore, please remember that I'm still waiting for you.

After listening to Xia Ruoxi's explicit expression, Ji Mingwei was as excited as chicken blood, and let Zhou Zhiqing say goodbye to him first. Can't he control her with his mind? Gently putting down Xia Ruoxi, Ji Mingwei looked deeply at Xia Ruoxi again, and then walked back to the cafe with a sense of generous rushing to the execution ground.

Fool! Xia Ruoxi stood still, with a cold snorting in her eyes. Then she turned back to her hotel.

It was really an unexpected thing for Xia Ruoxi to meet Zhou Zhiqing and Ji Mingwei at the resort. At present, for Xia Ruoxi, Zhou Zhiqing is not the object of her focus on, so she refuses to focus on Zhou Zhiqing now. The interest in the resort was also disturbed by Zhou Zhiqing. Xia Ruoxi decided to return to the city.

The plan has been completed for a long time, and Xia Ruoxi has implemented smoothly.

In the first step, Xia Ruoxi went to the Holiday Hotel of Tianze Group to ask for a presidential suite. When Xia Ruoxi saw the people at the front desk and saw her surprised expression, she knew that when she walked into the elevator, the phone call informing her mother Mo Shuyi would be made, and her whereabouts would be known by her mother immediately.

In the second step, she called Ling Yimo by phone from the hotel.

"Ruoxi? Where have you been these days? As soon as Ling Yimo heard Xia Ruoxi's voice, his voice roared at her trembling and excitedly. Even if the voice was a little rude, Xia Ruoxi could hear how much concern there was in the voice.

"I'm at the Holiday Inn. Come here. I have something to say." After saying that, Xia Ruoxi hung up the phone, and Ling Yimo called again and ignored it.

The second step has also been arranged.

The third step is to wait. Xia Ruoxi took the three digital cameras prepared in advance and put them hidden under the bed, in the potted plants, and behind the curtains. As long as a camera caught the scene of her mother and Ling Yimo in the hotel room at the same time, she won.

Xia Ruoxi is not sure what the chance of winning is. Everything can only be put aside, wait!

Xia Ruoxi was secretly hiding at the door of the safe exit, waiting for her mother Mo Shuyi and Ling Yimo to appear. After waiting for a while, it suddenly occurred to her that what if a person between her mother and Ling Yimo arrived at the hotel early and saw no one, he would go out again?

No, she can't let the plan fail. Xia Ruoxi immediately returned to the hotel and prepared to leave a note so that her mother Mo Shuyi and Ling Yimo, no matter who arrived first, could stay and wait for others because of the message.

As soon as she entered the room, she heard someone talking loudly in the corridor, "Which room?" This is Ling Yimo's voice.

Are you here so soon? Xia Ruoxi had no chance to go out again. In a hurry, she had to hide under the bed.

"Ruoxi, Ruoxi..." This is Mo Shuyi's voice.

They actually came here at the same time? Xia Ruoxi immediately tightened her eyebrows, so they have been together? Without her eye-catching light bulb, do they all live together these days? Awry spread quickly in Xia Ruoxi's heart like wildfire. Did her mother still be interested in falling in love when she disappeared? Is this the gesture a mother should have?

Xia Ruoxi was extremely angry, but at this time, she had to hold back and listened to her mother Mo Shuyi and Ling Yimo open the door of the room with the help of the waiter. Entering the room, Mo Shuyi shouted and looked, "Ruoxi, Ruoxi, where are you? Why did you suddenly disappear? It scared my mother to death. Mo Shuyi cried as he spoke, and his pain and sadness were fully expressed.

"Auntie, don't worry, Ruoxi will be fine." Ling Yimo comforted Mo Shuyi and asked the waiter, "Is Miss here by herself?" How long have you been here? Have you seen her go out?

Aunt? When Xia Ruoxi heard Ling Yimo calling Mo Shuyi like this, she felt a little puzzled. How could he call her mother Mo Shuyi like this? Aren't they lovers? Even if it is due to the presence of the waiter, there is no need to call it that.

"The young lady came alone. We all paid attention to it and didn't see the young lady go out." The waiter said so.

"Well, okay, I see. You go out first and pay more attention in the lobby. If you see the young lady going out, help us stop her and inform us in time." Ling Yimo sent the waiter out.

"Ruoxi, Ruoxi..." Mo Shuyi was still walking around a little crazy.

"Auntie, don't worry, Ruoxi must still be here. You can be quiet, or she just go out..." Ling Yimo was obviously much calmer. After walking around the suite a few times, he turned to the bedside. Coincidentally, he stepped on Xia Ruoxi's fingers with the sheets and looked out.

Xia Ruoxi was in a cold sweat. But he didn't dare to shout and wanted to pull back his finger, but Ling Yimo refused to lift his feet again.

The plan is about to fail, and Xia Ruoxi is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. But it was when she was annoyed that Ling Yi raised her foot silently.

Xia Ruoxi only cared about the pain and didn't realize what Ling Yimo had just said. What was the reason?

She has been exposed, but she doesn't know it at all.

Ling Yi looked at the bottom of the bed silently, and his eyes were as deep as the sea. He noticed that there was someone under the bed, but he was not in a hurry to puncture it, because he also saw something more interesting. A digital camera was hidden under the bed. He keenly felt something. After a period of investigation in the suite, he found the other two cameras hidden by Xia Ruoxi.

Things seem to have become more interesting. Ling Yimo's lips showed a cold and enchanting smile. After a little thought, he followed up with Mo Shuyi who walked into the bathroom. Then he knocked Mo Shuyi unconscious with a slap in his back. Then he picked up Mo Shuyi and shouted Mo Shuyi's name as he walked out of the bathroom. Shu Yi, Ruoxi must have left again. As I said before, she must know about us, so she was angry and avoided us. Forget it, she figured out in a few days and would definitely come back.

Xia Ruoxi completely hid under the bed this time and dared not peep, so she couldn't see the scene in the room at all.

She listened to Ling Yi silently shouting her mother Mo Shuyi's name and sneered loudly in her heart. The fox's tail was still exposed.

There is no danger. Xia Ruoxi was quite satisfied at this time. As long as Ling Yimo and her mother Mo Shuyi left, she could capture the camera, turn it into a photo, and then secretly give it to Lian Jingfen to take the photo to threaten her mother. She took advantage of the opportunity to use the will left by her father Xia Ze to coerce her mother to name. The shares were transferred to her. As long as she gets her mother's shares in Tianze Group, no one wants to shake her position in Tianze Group.

Xia Ruoxi felt comfortable in her heart and felt that her plan had been successfully achieved. But it didn't take long for her to feel that something was wrong. Because she heard the sound of taking off her shoes, someone slept until **.

"Shu Yi, you won't accompany me for Ruoxi these days. This time you should rest assured that Ruoxi is fine."

"Hmm..." The extremely light woman moaned.