Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 11 Incident 2

Why is this so? There was a problem at Yue Jiayi's clothing press conference. It was not an accident that her clothes were destroyed. Now the house is on fire and burned. Is this also a man-made tragedy? Who is behind the scenes? Yue Jiayi's enemy? The answer is yes.

However, Xia Ruoxi and her mother Mo Shuyi did not meet Yue Jiayi much later, but they did not lose contact. I haven't heard of such a tragedy in Yue Jiayi's life.

Is it because of her? Xia Ruoxi suddenly realized.

Because she came to New York and her fate changed, the disaster was given to Yue Jiayi?

Xia Ruoxi had a kind of uneasiness in her heart and felt that things were probably caused by herself. How did it bring disaster?

Xia Ruoxi frowned and thought of a person in her heart. If everything that Yue Jiayi encounters today is because of her, then the person who made all this is most likely to be him, Tang Yu!

Such speculation can never be wrong.

Because of the words she wrote to Tang Lin at the airport, Tang Yu had earlier determined that she was the maker of all these tragedies.

She knew that even though Yue Jiayi decided to reconcile with Tang Yu's mother Li Shanni for her, Tang Yu was still prosecuted for crimes involving dangerous driving and obstructing public safety. She didn't pay attention to what happened later. Tang Yu's detention must be inevitable. His own sister died under her own eyes and was arrested by the police. Such an encounter will inevitably make Tang Yu psychologically stimulated and emotionally unbalanced, so...

Is there someone behind you? Xia Ruoxi suddenly reacted from thinking and looked back in panic. However, before she could see who it was, a dark curtain covered her, and then she was put into a big pocket, carried up and hurriedly taken away.

It seemed that she was thrown into the trunk. Xia Ruoxi felt that she had been thrown into a narrow space and heard the sound of the trunk door closing heavily.

She really guessed right. All this is Tang Yu is playing tricks. Apart from him, how can she have enemies in New York? It's sad that she was the benefactor who saved him from death, but he regarded her as the enemy of life and death.

She can't argue for herself. Even if she can speak, no one will believe that she is a reborn person, so she predicts that many things will happen.

The car stopped after driving for a long time. The trunk was opened, and Xia Ruoxi was carried out of the trunk and carried somewhere.

When Xia Ruoxi was released in someone's pocket, Xia Ruoxi found that she was placed in a living room. The first person she saw was Tang Yu sitting on the sofa.

It's really him. Xia Ruoxi stared at him angrily. This ignorant bastard!

"Young master, someone brought it." The person who arrested her reported to Tang Yu that she had completed the task.

"You all go down." Tang Yu's eyes are cold, and his originally handsome face is like a cold and horrible hell death at this moment.

Tang Yu's men all left, leaving Tang Yu and Xia Ruoxi.

What will happen to this man, the man who should have died in his previous life, now? Xia Ruoxi narrowed her eyes and stared at Tang Yu. She didn't know what the sudden waves of the sea of fate would bring her to.

"Sit down." Tang Yu glanced at Xia Ruoxi indifferently, and his tone was cold, but extremely peaceful, and there was no anger.

Xia Ruoxi was rude and sat on the sofa opposite Tang Yu.

"You can't talk, so I won't talk nonsense. Directly explain my purpose. Let's get married. That's the ring I ordered for you, and the bouquet of white ** is the bouquet I used to propose to you, and there are many props for how to propose. Tang Yu lazily adjusted a comfortable posture on the sofa, and then looked at Xia Ruoxi with cold eyes.

It's ridiculous. Is he crazy? Xia Ruoxi stared at Tang Yu in front of him in disbelief. Is there any colder joke in the world? It's okay to propose. The proposal is actually used for Bai** to go to the grave... When Xia Ruoxi saw Bai**, she suddenly realized something and looked at Tang Yu in shock. Bai** is for the dead. What does he mean? Let her die? Or can't let her live or die?

He wants to avenge her by marriage!

"Is there going to be something wrong with Yue Jiayi's clothing display? The clothes for the show were suddenly destroyed, and the house was also burned." Tang Yu slanted at Xia Ruoxi and yawned lazily.

If Xia Ruoxi can curse him in the truth, why should this despicable villain harm the innocent Yue Jiayi? What does all this have to do with Yue Jiayi? What does it have to do with her? She kindly reminded them to take precautions at the airport. Is he a brainless person? If she wants to hurt him, will she be stupid enough to tell him first? Tang Lin died, and she was damned in her previous life. Even Tang Yu in front of her was damned. It was she who saved him.

"There is also a 100 million US dollars check on the table. If you agree to propose, then that 100 million US dollars is the betrothal gift I gave you to Yue Jiayi. If you refuse, things like cars will explode, walk and fall will accidentally happen to Yue Jiayi. What do you think?"

This bastard threatens her? Xia Ruoxi was angry and full of righteous indignation. Her eyes fell on the check on the table. She really wanted to tear it up and throw away Tang Yu's face. Who did he think he was? Xia Ruoxi is worth more than ten times his check. Can he afford her?

When looking at the check, Xia Ruoxi accidentally saw the fruit knife placed on the fruit plate next to the check. She is not threatened by people full of evil. If he wants to threaten her with the people around her, then--

Xia Ruoxi stood up and walked to the other side where Tang Yu was sitting, and then bent down as if to take the check, but actually took the fruit knife. In the last life, she was threatened by the demon Ling Yimo, and then forced her to jump off the building to commit suicide. Now this despicable and shameless Tang Yu, in addition to experiencing the hardships of her previous life, do you want her to have more pain?

Go to hell, she would rather die than let the hateful fate come true. Xia Ruoxi grabbed the fruit knife, then quickly turned around and stabbed Tang Yu with the knife.

Tang Yu didn't expect that Xia Ruoxi, a girl with a weak appearance, would be so cruel that he thought of killing him. Shouldn't he face his threats, burst into tears of fear, and then be obedient?

Tang Yu had no precautions at all. When he found that Xia Ruoxi stabbed him with a knife, it was too late to dodge. His posture of half lying on the sofa was not conducive to his dodge at all. Even if he had reacted quickly enough, Xia Ruoxi's knife still stabbed his chest, bringing a stimulus to his skin. If he hadn't grabbed Xia Ruoxi's wrist in time, this knife would have pierced his heart.

"s/h/i/t!" Tang Yu roared and cursed, and there was a strong smell of alcohol in his big breath. He pushed his wrist and broke Xia Ruoxi's hand back, so that the knife stained with his blood in Xia Ruoxi's hand turned to Xia Ruoxi's heart under his strong strength.

Seeing that the knife gradually threatened her life, Xia Ruoxi was not afraid at all, but calmly endured it. If she dies now, her fate will be completely changed. She won the game at the cost of her death.

Tang Yu forced the knife to Xia Ruoxi's chest, but when he saw Xia Ruoxi's awe-inspiring and the knife approaching, his eyes showed a sense of desire for liberation.

Is she not afraid of death? Even want to die? Haha, how could he do as she wished? Killing people is to pay for his life. He is not so stupid. What he wants is for her to be in a life and death dilemma and live like hell forever. Tang Yu stroked the tip of the knife. Originally, he wanted to dodge Xia Ruoxi's chest, but the extremely sharp tip of the knife cut the clothes on Xia Ruoxi's chest.

In despair, Xia Ruoxi, who could not ask for help, came to her mind the scene of being silently abused by Ling Yi in her previous life. Now the same scene reappears, but she is not Ling Yimacit, but Tang Yu, who is a stranger at all...

Fate has really changed!

Xia Ruoxi is glad that she got her first time because she was not her enemy Ling Yimo, and this first step into a woman was actually five years ahead of schedule...

When everything was calm, Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi in shock, and the large area of red falling on the sofa was stunned.