Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 12 Purpose of Marriage 1

Xia Ruoxi's delicate white skin slightly shines the white luster under the light.

Tang Yu made a long whisper deep in his throat, which was the rhythm of desire. Xia Ruoxi, who could not ask for help, came to mind the scene of being humiliated by Ling Yi in her previous life. Now the same scene reappears. It was not Ling Yimo who created such abuse, but Tang Yu, who became a stranger at all...

Fate has really changed! In the pain that seemed to be torn, Xia Ruoxi was glad that it was not her enemy Ling Yimo got her for the first time, and the first step towards a woman was actually five years earlier...

When everything was calm, Tang Yu looked at the large red falling on the sofa in shock and was stunned.

Tang Yu's mind, which had been stirred by alcohol, is now suddenly awake.

He asked himself that he was not a good man, but he absolutely did not admit that he was a rogue. He had also bowed to female overlords. Most of those women pretended to be pure acting. When you provoke her, she is like an explosive mountain of flames, and she can't wait to consume you.

Now he actually raped/raised a virgin..., and a sense of guilt deeply oppressed Tang Yu.

When Xia Ruoxi saw Tang Yu facing her, she looked stunned and wanted to vomit disgustingly. What to install? Obviously, it is a beast. Pushing him away fiercely, Xia Ruoxi picked up Tang Yu's shirt on the carpet next to her, put on the cover of her body, and then went upstairs barefoot. She needed to find the bathroom to stain Tang Yu with her stain, wash it off, and wash it off fiercely.

After spending a long time in the bathroom, Xia Ruoxi almost broke the skin. In her heart, all emotions seem to have disappeared. She had long known that Tang Yu would change her fate. What she didn't know was whether he brought her good luck or another layer of bad luck.

"Miss Xia..., the clothes have been brought here." The voice of a Chinese woman sounded outside the bathroom.

Xia Ruoxi then put herself out of the bathtub, dried her body, and opened the bathroom door in Tang Yu's shirt. At this time, Xia Ruoxi found that it was already cold from the light of the room. Standing at the door is an extremely beautiful young woman, holding Xia Ruoxi's suit in her hand, waiting to be handed over to Xia Ruoxi.

At the first sight of Xia Ruoxi, the woman took a breath of cold air and looked unbelievable. God, how dare you wear Yu's clothes? The woman lost her voice and screamed.

Xia Ruoxi looked at the woman with a smile. Is it possible that Tang Yu is the emperor and his clothes are dragon robes? Anyone who wears it will be killed without mercy? That's ridiculous.

Xia Ruoxi took the dress from the woman's hand with a faint expression and turned back to the bathroom to put it on.

When I came out, the woman disappeared. Xia Ruoxi walked out of the bedroom. I heard that the woman downstairs was angry with Tang Yu in English.

"You actually asked her to use your bathroom? Wear your clothes? You like her, don't you? You actually gave the woman who looks like a sparrow that I have never been treated before?"

Ha, it's interesting. So that woman is also Tang Yu's woman? It's incredible. Knowing that her man slept with other women, she was not jealous that they had sex, but that she wore Tang Yu's clothes and used his bathroom?

"I said that she is my wife immediately. The wife uses her husband's things. Don't you think it's natural?" Tang Yu leaned against the sofa and said lazily that there was no anger or guilt, as if everything was taken for granted.

"What did you say to me at the beginning? Did you say you wanted to avenge your sister? So you have to torture that woman. Is that how you torture her now? Indulging her to enjoy treatment that I have never had before?" The woman's voice trembled a little, as if she was very angry.

"What is my bottom line? You'd better think about it for me. Don't think that you are the longest woman in my life and can control everything about me. Tang Yu yawned and seemed unwilling to talk to women any more. Although his voice did not smell harsh, it already contained some threats.

"You like her, don't you? What revenge tormented her? It's all a lie!" The woman's voice raised a few decibels, and the smell of crazy jealousy has been emitted in her voice.

"You forgot to look in the mirror this morning and forget who you are!" Tang Yu suddenly sat up and squinted at the woman in front of him. A grimace forced out of him like a lion full of danger.

"Tang Yu!" The woman's shoulders trembled and tears flowed down. How dare you talk to me like this."

"It is important for people to have self-knowledge. This Chinese old saying, you can go back and look up the Xinhua dictionary for me and figure it out. After staying with foreigners for a long time, you have forgotten that you are Chinese, right? Tang Yu stood up in disgust and turned upstairs. On the first level, she saw Xia Ruoxi standing on the second floor with a sneer, as if she regarded their conversation just now as a performance that made her laugh. An unknown fire rushed up from Tang Yu's heart. He didn't know why. When he saw Xia Ruoxi's eyes, he had an impulse to strangle her. He always felt that her eyes trampled on all his dignity and stepped on the soles of her feet.

"Tang Yu, you have gone too much..." The woman downstairs is still criticizing hysterically.

This is a stupid woman! Xia Ruoxi looked at the beautiful woman downstairs with a sneer. Tang Yu has said so clearly that she still can't understand what self-knowledge is. The result of causing a man's bottom line is to make him hate you more. In the face of Tang Yu's relationship with other women, he can tolerate it, so does it still annoy Tang Yu for trivial matters?

Jealousy is always a taboo for women. Although this is a woman's natural nature, even if you are jealous, don't expose it to others. Xia Ruoxi does not believe that that woman can endure Tang Yu's promiscuity for love. There must be some purpose to endure staying with Tang Yu like this. Then since she has a purpose, let alone let the word jealousy appear, which will destroy everything you are thinking about.

However, this seems to be a good thing for her.

Because this woman seems to be Xia Ruoxi's weapon to deal with Tang Yu.

When a woman is full of jealousy, her threat to a man is strong enough to be comparable to an atomic bomb.

Xia Ruoxi no longer watched the play, went downstairs and stopped beside Tang Yu. She didn't have to be annoyed that she couldn't speak now. You know that in many cases, silence is better than sound.