Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 13 The Purpose of Marriage 2

When a woman is full of jealousy, her threat to a man is strong enough to be comparable to an atomic bomb.

Xia Ruoxi no longer watched the play and went downstairs and stopped beside Tang Yu. She didn't have to be annoyed that she couldn't speak now. She should know that in many cases, silence is better than sound.

Xia Ruoxi faced Tang Yu's slightly shy attention, and this shy and charming look was enough to make the woman fight and escalate.

Tang Yu's heart trembled because of Xia Ruoxi's eyes. This girl was not as simple as he thought. He knows what she wants to do. Well, it looks like it will be an interesting contest. There is no woman who can make something in his hand, so he will look at what is different about this woman who seems to be different from other women.

"Bring your own ring and we will go to church immediately." A cold smile appeared at the corners of Tang Yu's mouth.

Xia Ruoxi seemed to be very obedient. After listening to Tang Yu's words, she went to the coffee table, picked up the jewelry box on it, then opened it, put the ring inlaid with huge diamonds on the ring finger of her right hand, and then deliberately showed off to the beautiful woman next to her. This action is enough for any woman with a city to be crazy!

Xia Ruoxi saw that the woman's face was distorted and sneered in her heart.

Looking at a man he likes or likes for a certain benefit and gives the wedding ring to a woman other than himself, who can be determined to tell himself that it is not a topic and does not provoke jealousy and madness?

The beautiful woman collapsed and ran out of the house crying with her face covered.

"Master!" Tang Yu clapped behind Xia Ruoxi and said.

Xia Ruoxi raised her head with a smile and looked at Tang Yu. The most useless thing in the world is to cry, make your relatives suffer, and make your enemies only despise you more because of your crying. Only a smile is the most invincible, enough to make your relatives happy with your smile, and let your enemies see your strength clearly. Even if you don't have the strength to balance him, this smile is enough to tell him that he will never win your strength.

"I have heard Xia Ruoxi's name for a long time. Now that I really see it, I know it's extraordinary. It's really the best adjective on you!" Tang Yu hugged his hands and looked at Xia Ruoxi with his eyes.

He knows her name! Xia Ruoxi is actually not surprised. Because the woman who brought her clothes just now is already calling her "Miss Xia", which is enough to confirm that Tang Yu already knows everything about her. Or this is why he wanted to avenge her, but did not kill her directly, but used marriage.

Xia Ruoxi still smiled and smiled sweetly.

"There will be a lot of time in the future, and there will be many opportunities if you want to act. There is no need to waste time now. The priest is waiting to witness my wedding with you. After saying that, Tang Yu walked over, twisted Xia Ruoxi's wrist and dragged her out.

Hate can make people lose their minds, but Xia Ruoxi finally doesn't understand why this Tang Yu should use the wedding as a tool to revenge on her? It's too absurd. Does he marry the woman he hates for revenge? How sacred marriage is. If you just use it as a joke, the price of this joke is too expensive. The title of a woman's husband, even if he throws it away one day, he will never fall. In his life, he will always leave the sequelae of this joke.

It won't be that simple! Xia Ruoxi suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. Tang Yu already knows who she is and her identity, so will he have a bigger goal hidden behind the so-called revenge?

Xia Ruoxi's back seemed to be hit by the cold wind, which was bitterly cold.

A bad foreboding hovering in Xia Ruoxi's heart.

Following Tang Yu on the Bentley RV, followed by several Land Rovers, the car drove to the church.

There are white** outside the church. Is this a wedding? It's a funeral. Xia Ruoxi smiled and looked at those **. In fact, this ** is really useful, because this so-called wedding is to pave the way for her to take her to hell.

An hour later, Xia Ruoxi and Tang Yu became husband and wife at the witness of the priest. Yue Jiayi and Tao Bingjie were clearly coerced to attend this ridiculous wedding.

This is just a ridiculous farce! Xia Ruoxi is a Chinese citizen. At the age of 18, she is not qualified to get married at all, so this wedding is not counted at all. Since Tang Yu is also a descendant of Chinese descent, he won't understand this truth. Why did he do this? It's definitely not as simple as revenge!

Xia Ruoxi's heart was so immersed in the frying pan. What will the fate of this mutant chapter rewrite lead her to?

Xia Ruoxi is full of uneasiness for her unknown future.

"Ruoxi, Ruoxi..." Yue Jiayi shouted at Xia Ruoxi and tried to rush through the bodyguards in black and walked to Xia Ruoxi's side.

Xia Ruoxi waved her hand to Yue Jiayi, and her expression was full of nervousness and concern. She was afraid that the bodyguards would rudely hurt Yue Jiayi.

Looking at Tao Bingjie next to Yue Jiayi, Xia Ruoxi motioned her to comfort Yue Jiayi.

Tao Bingjie looked at Xia Ruoxi sadly. She didn't understand what had happened at all. Suddenly, Xia Ruoxi disappeared, and then a group of people in black rushed to them and coerced them to the church, waiting for such a gloomy wedding. Xia Ruoxi got married and met the man on the plane???

God, who can tell her why all this happened so ridiculously?

"Peter!" Tang Yu shouted at his men, and immediately someone invited the emotional Yue Jiayi and Tao Bingjie out of the church.

"I'm a Christian and won't divorce. If I want to marry another woman in the future, tell me how can I let you give up your wife's place?" Tang Yu looked at Xia Ruoxi with an evil smile on his face.

Is his purpose simply to want her life? If that's the case, then she will be relieved. Xia Ruoxi was slightly relieved and actually felt relaxed.

At this time, Xia Ruoxi seemed to understand why Tang Yu had such an absurd wedding with her. Whether this wedding is legal in China or not, it should be legal in the United States. Even if it is illegal, it doesn't help her pursue it.

If she becomes his wife and soon after her wife died of illness..., then he is the person who sympathizes with everyone. Who would have thought of pursuing him? Ha, it turns out that he is so shrewd. But how will he kill her? Xia Ruoxi smiled desolately. Her kindness to Qin Yao was to let her be betrayed by Qin Yao, but now her kindness to Tang's sister and brother has caused her current disaster! History cannot be broken. She tried to fight against fate, so now she is revenged by fate!

It's nothing. She is a person who has died once. Now she dies again and dies the most completely, then she is free.

This time, she no longer resisted fate and let her die well! Survival doesn't mean too wonderful to her, does it?

I didn't sleep all night last night, and now Xia Ruoxi is really a little sleepy. She is too lazy to think about anything more. Everything is according to fate.

Back to Tang Yu's residence, Xia Ruoxi was arranged to enter Tang Yu's bedroom to rest.

"Drink a glass of water and have a good sleep!" Tang Yu smiled and handed a glass of white water to Xia Ruoxi.

Xia Ruoxi looked at Tang Yu's smile. She was extremely intelligent and understood the message revealed by Tang Yu's strange smile. There must be something wrong with this glass of water.

When committing suicide, it was meaningless. To be honest, Xia Ruoxi was really gone at this time. Knowing that others were going to kill her, who could really accept it?

A struggle came from Xia Ruoxi's heart. She didn't want to die, at least she didn't want to be killed by Tang Yu. She was innocent. She even saved Tang Yu's life.

Xia Ruoxi did not pick up the glass of water, but slowly took off her clothes to Tang Yu. The white body was covered with kiss marks. After Tang Yu saw it, his heart trembled and remembered that last night...

Wait, there is no need to throw away such a delicious dish in such a hurry! Wait until he enjoys it and then deal with it.

Tang Yu suddenly threw away the water cup and gasped to push Xia Ruoxi down**.

She is so delicious...

It is said that heroes are sad about the beauty...

Tang Yu fell.

It's hard to imagine that you can have the ultimate intimacy with a strange man. Xia Ruoxi is already very tired, but she can't sleep. Tang Yu next to him seemed to fall asleep with his eyes closed and hugged her hand, but did not let go.

As long as Xia Ruoxi moves slightly, she can see Tang Yu's eyelids moving slightly. He didn't fall asleep! Xia Ruoxi knows.

How can an enemy who regards you as an enemy easily relax all his defenses and sleep peacefully in front of his enemies?

Isn't she able to do it?

Now it's only noon, and the light can still arrogantly sprinkle traces of light from the half-covered curtains. Xia Ruoxi looked at the roof and was stunned without any emotion. The future has become completely confused with her.

She is really not strong enough to protect herself. Why does she want to protect her relatives?

How can she save herself now? Let Tang Yu, who has a crazy hatred for himself, completely give up the idea of killing her?

Xia Ruoxi remembered the story of One Thousand and One Nights. Shan Ruyar, the king of the fierce Sassang Kingdom, was cruel by nature. He married a young girl every day and killed him the next day. In order to save the innocent girl, Shanruzod volunteered to marry him and told a story every night. Every time he told the most wonderful place, it was just dawn. The king wanted to finish the story, so he had to not kill her. After one thousand and one nights, the king finally fell in love with Shanruzod and lived together with her.

The moral of this story can actually be applied to Tang Yu. If Tang Yu has feelings for her, will he still bear to hurt her?

Or let Tang Yu fall in love with her is a more naive and ridiculous joke, but she must try hard to at least buy her time and get a chance to escape.