Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 12 The plan is about to begin 3

When the waiter saw Xia Ruoxi coming back, he returned the bag he had helped put away to Xia Ruoxi.

When Xia Ruoxi left the cafe again, Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan also left at the right time.

Three people left the cafe with their front and back feet.

Xia Ruoxi walked slowly in front of her, but she was already planning in her heart. Now is a rare opportunity to meet Xie Shaoxuan and Zhou Zhiqing as Vicki Swift.

Xia Ruoxi listened to the footsteps behind her and felt that it was almost close. Xia Ruoxi suddenly stopped walking, so that Xie Shaoxuan, who happened to walk behind her and did not prevent her from stopping, suddenly hit her body. Xia Ruoxi pretended to stand unsteadily by this collision, and then fell to the ground with a "bang".

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Xie Shaoxuan hurriedly apologized. The magnetic and pleasant voice penetrated into Xia Ruoxi's ear, but gave her a thunderous blow, making her heartbeat suddenly accelerated strongly.

The big hands gently held Xia Ruoxi's arm and tried to lift her up from the ground.

"It's her own carelessness. What does it matter to you? Why do you apologize?" Zhou Zhiqing said fiercely in the back.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault. I want to call a taxi with my mobile phone..." Xia Ruoxi apologized first without waiting for Xie Shaoxuan to speak. She is too familiar with Xie Shaoxuan's personality and knows that his hypocrisy will not let him lose his bottom and ignore her who has fallen to the ground. He pretended to try to get up again, but it seemed that his ankle was sprained, and he let out a sad moan.

Xie Shaoxuan looked at Zhou Zhiqing and frowned slightly, as if he didn't believe that he could say such cold-blooded words from Zhou Zhiqing's mouth. Instead, he asked Xia Ruoxi softly, "Did you sprain your foot? I'll take you to the hospital."

"No, I can go by myself." Xia Ruoxi said forcefully, then tried to stand up, and then sat back on the ground with a painful cry. Xia Ruoxi finally knew today that she could also act.

"It must be a sprain. No, I'll take you to the hospital." Xie Shaoxuan's handsome face was full of sadness.

"No, you go. I was careless, so it's none of your business..." Xia Ruoxi struggled to stand up again.

"No." Xie Shaoxuan helped Xia Ruoxi up and said resolutely.

"It really doesn't matter... I'm fine... Is it a taxi over there? I'm going to stop the car. My home is far away, and it will not be easy to find a car later. Thank you for your kindness. I'm really fine..." Xia Ruoxi knows that the more she says so, the more energetic Xie Shaoxuan will be. His stubborn temper, the more others refuse. , the more he is, the more he is.

In her previous life, Zhou Zhiqing also acted like this, but instead of pretending to fall, she was drunk.

The more stubborn Zhou Zhiqing performs, the more worried Xie Shaoxuan will be. In his eyes, this maleistic man has always only weak women. All women's strength are hypocritical and stubborn. He does not accept women's protection. The more he rejects him, the more stubborn he will be and blindly regards him as a patron saint, as if the sky has fallen down, and only he can help carry it.

Now, Xia Ruoxi has become the person who controls everything. She knows every weakness of her opponent, just like a hunter who catches snakes, and she is familiar with the seven inches of the snake.

"Well, she said it's okay. Just call a taxi for her." Zhou Zhiqing saw Xia Ruoxi's body close to Xie Shaoxuan, and a sense of crisis jumped. And after she saw Xia Ruoxi's current appearance, her defense became more strict. No woman is willing to let the person she likes have a chance to get close to a woman who is obviously more beautiful than herself.

Zhou Zhiqing's guard is very cautious. In comparison, Xia Ruoxi thought about herself in her previous life. At that time, she was really too simple. Because Zhou Zhiqing was disappointed in love, she has been following her on a date with Xie Shaoxuan in order to relieve this good friend.

And at that time, she was really stupid. She always inadvertently told Xie Shaoxuan that Zhou Zhiqing was good. For example, Xie Shaoxuan praised her hair for being black and bright, but she would say that Zhou Zhiqing's hair and hair quality were fine...

Later, she learned that don't sincerely praise other women in front of any man, because they will be moved by this and admit it, and it will have an emotional catalytic effect. This is also a disguised way to lure wolves into the house. It was you who recruited the wolf for yourself and ate your most precious thing.

At this time, Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan must have developed an extraordinary relationship. Xia Ruoxi was jealous and burned in her heart. Otherwise, how could Zhou Zhiqing's best hypocrisy forget to show her? Such a direct expression of her disgust, and she is not afraid that her cold blood will cause Xie Shaoxuan's disgust.

What does she hurt? She should be happy. The closer the relationship between Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan, the more beneficial it is to her, isn't it? In this way, she can hurt each other deeply. If they don't have a deep affection, she will lose, won't she?

But, but, why? Her heart hurts when she thinks that Xie Shaoxuan and Zhou Zhiqing have developed a close relationship.

Bug! B bitch! Xia Ruoxi scolded herself fiercely in her heart. She should now return her hatred to Zhou Zhiqing and Xie Shaoxuan little by little, not here.

"Yes, I'm really fine. Your girlfriend seems to be unable to wait. You'd better go with her. Don't catch a cold in such a weather, and don't let your girlfriend because I'm angry. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, then I'm unforgivable. Don't the ancients say that it's better to demolish ten temples than destroy a family. Thank you for your kindness. I'm really fine... Don't make your girlfriend angry..." If you add ice in the boiled water, it's ice water, honey is honey, and poison, that is Poisonous water, sometimes, does not affect people's essence, but your intentions. When your intentions are ice, there will be the result of ice; when it is poison, it will have the effect of poison. Now Xia Ruoxi has been poisoned by her intentions. What is poisonous is Xie Shaoxuan, whom she misses, and Xie Shaoxuan, who hates bitterly!

"We are just ordinary friends, not the kind you think." Xie Shaoxuan began to get rid of his relationship with Zhou Zhiqing, because he had been poisoned by Xia Ruoxi. Men have a good face, especially male chauvinism like Xie Shaoxuan. Although he is gentle on the surface, Xia Ruoxi has long been familiar with how ruthless he is. No matter how she compromises, she will not get his grievances.

Sometimes, it is not that others are unwilling to pay or repay, but that they put the bottom line too low. Many people will always feel that they can be happy with some compromise, some, and tolerance, but the lower your bottom line, the lower the result you get. Don't always complain that the people you meet are unreliable. If others always treat you like this, then you must have taught others to treat you in this way. Love is equal and can give more and love him more, but it is by no means compromise, compromise and tolerance.

Xia Ruoxi exchanged these truths with endless pain.

Her compromise, her particularity, and her tolerance only put her bottom line lower and lower, which also made Xie Shaoxuan more and more care about her minefield. If you don't care, you don't care. If you don't care, where else can you talk about feelings?

I once thought that since love was love, love was enough, but later, Xia Ruoxi knew that love should not only have love, but also respect. A person who has no boundaries of dignity in love naturally does not get the fullest and most respected treatment.

You always lower yourself in front of him, the so-called standard and bottom line of self-esteem, to the bottom line of a maid, then you will naturally only get the treatment that the maid deserves. Although the queen and the maid are both women, the last word is different, which is the treatment of heaven and earth.

"You..." Zhou Zhiqing was annoyed when she heard Xie Shaoxuan say this, and her voice trembled a little.

"I have a car over there. I'll take you to the hospital first, and then I'll take you home." Xie Shaoxuan ignored Zhou Zhiqing's reaction and said softly to Xia Ruoxi.

"Well, okay. Then I'll bother you, but, seriously, if you fall out with your friends because of me, it's really not worth it. She is the most important person in your life who has nothing to do with you..." It's just the difference between wanting and not wanting to. Xia Ruoxi sneered in her heart. It was really rare for her to get this opportunity to revenge in this life, which not only made her experience death, but also suffered endless pain. If she didn't revenge on her enemies, she would really be very sorry for this magical fate.

"Ha ha, what you said is too serious. Since I bumped into someone, I have to be responsible. This is the basic morality of being a man. In Xie Shaoxuan's ears, all he heard was Xia Ruoxi's kindness and generousness. How could he be hit and sprained his foot, but he was still blindly considering the person who hit her, afraid that she would affect the life of the perpetrator?

lies are often the most beautiful, and the truth is the most hurtful. Since ancient times, the reason why treacherous ministers have appeared in those feudal dynasties is not those who blindly pursue the comfort of their ears as emperors and want to be spoken by their hearts. Those loyal ministers, because they always love to cut the emperor's flesh and stab the emperor's heart, but the loyal ministers have no good reward, and the disaster is in one mouth.

"I'm sorry, your boyfriend is too kind. I really haven't met such a kind person..." Xia Ruoxi said to Zhou Zhiqing's angry face on one side, deliberately close to Xie Shaoxuan. It provoked a little ambiguous angle.

"Humph, where is he my boyfriend? However, this young lady, I advise you to think carefully about whether you have met a kind person or a particularly thoughtful person..." Zhou Zhiqing's sharp and mean nature was revealed, and she was jealous.