Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 13 Plan to Start 1

Never give face to the man you love in front of a third person. This is a mistake that many women will make, or a momentary anger, or a momentary personality. No matter what the reason is, if you don't give face to the person you love, the biggest loss will only be yourself. If the person you love is a person with strong self-esteem, then if you don't save face and stab his self-esteem, what you lose is his love for you; if he is the kind of person who is afraid of girlfriends and stab his face, he may not be hurt, it is his evaluation in the eyes of others, and then others will laugh at you in turn, because You found an in ability man.

Don't think that if you downgrade the man you love, you can elevate yourself. Lovers are a whole. While you step down on the person you love, you also down on yourself.

Xia Ruoxi saw that Zhou Zhiqing was out of proportion and sneered in her heart. It's not wrong to cherish what you can say.

"Miss, how can you say that about your boyfriend? If there is an intention to help girls, are there any good men in the world? Xia Ruoxi has seen Xie Shaoxuan's face change because of Zhou Zhiqing's words and deliberately added fuel to the fire.

"Do you care so much? I will say whatever I would like to say. Don't pretend to be a good person here. Maybe you two are the same. Miss Zhou Zhiqing's temper came up. The consequence of unscrupulous words is to create trouble for herself. Originally, nothing was so sarcastic by her, and the waves also stirred up three feet of waves!

"Ha ha, your girlfriend, your words are so humorous." Xia Ruoxi turned to Xie Shaoxuan. If you are provocative, you have to choose from both sides, so that it can be effective.

Xie Shaoxuan's face was ugly, but it didn't take long for him to turn peaceful.

Xia Ruoxi knew that Xie Shaoxuan was really angry. He is the kind of person who gets more and more calm. Such a person is actually the most terrible. Because people only look at things on the surface, you think he is fine, but in fact, his flames have just burned. When you were unprepared, the fire burned, and you, who had no precautions, were burned to death by his fire without even a chance to escape.

Xia Ruoxi is the kind of person whose heart is as clear as a pool of water. It is clear how many small fish are swimming and how many water plants are growing in this pool of water. All her emotions are exposed on the surface, and her joys and sorrows can be seen at a glance. Unlike Xie Shaoxuan, Xie Shaoxuan is a deep sea and can tolerate a lot, but when he tolerates others, he also hides his emotions. Volcanoes and deep rare are at the bottom of his heart, but they will not be discovered by anyone.

After Xia Ruoxi was later betrayed by Xie Shaoxuan, she had been asking herself what she liked about Xie Shaoxuan? After repeated weighing, the answer is Xie Shaoxuan's tolerance. She always likes to lose her temper, and even has some princess diseases. These are all tolerated by Xie Shaoxuan, so she likes him and trusts him. She thinks that he is the only person in the world who spoils her and indulges her. However, everything is an illusion. The so-called tolerance is just Xie Shaoxuan's hypocrisy.

Love is something that is difficult to control. Once you fall in love, it is difficult to take it back. Even if you find that the person you love is not as perfect as you think, you will still have no hesitation.

"My car is over there, I'll help you over there." Xie Shaoxuan helped Xia Ruoxi to the parking lot. Zhou Zhiqing, who is still behind, doesn't care at all.

Even if she can't see Zhou Zhiqing's mood at this time, Xia Ruoxi can imagine her expression. You must be mad, haha.

Humph, this is just the beginning, and the most painful time has not yet come. Zhou Zhiqing, just wait slowly. I will return all the pain you gave me in my previous life. Wait and enjoy it.

Xia Ruoxi sneered loudly in her heart.

I suddenly realized why those bad women in ancient times got more favors from men--

Because bad women know how to bend themselves to cater to men's personalities. Always make them feel that they have supreme dignity and worship in front of women, and show off the vanity of big men. And such a woman usually does not live to love that man. Her eyes are on the interests behind those men that attract her. Just like she is now...

Sitting in Xie Shaoxuan's Ferrari, Xia Ruoxi's clothes have been wet. In fact, it is not so cold, but in front of Xie Shaoxuan, who is willing to be a big man, he does not show the weakness of the little woman. How can he be right?

Xia Ruoxi pretended to tremble, and then unexpectedly aroused Xie Shaoxuan's pity for Yu. He picked up the put-on coat from the back seat and put it on Xia Ruoxi. Are you feeling better?"

"Thank you." Xia Ruoxi smiled sweetly. Looking at Xie Shaoxuan, at such a close distance, I could see the handsome and elegant face clearly, but I don't know why. I used to tremble with excitement when I heard his voice, but now that I am so close, I don't feel anything. Have all the previous feelings been lost by hatred? Xia Ruoxi can't find the answer now. The only thing she knew was that she was so happy and excited to see the friction between him and Zhou Zhiqing. The heart that has become distorted...

"Let's go to the hospital first, and then I'll take you home." Xie Shaoxuan smiled faintly. There is no doubt that he is really a super perfect man. From head to toe, he exudes princely nobility, and people can't take back their eyes when they see him.

Unfortunately, such a perfect man is not perfect because he is still an ordinary man after all, and the common diseases of all men are inevitable in him.

"Just find a clinic by the roadside. It's troublesome to go to the hospital. I have to go to work tomorrow. I don't have a good rest. I don't have the energy to go to work tomorrow. I will be found by the boss and I will have no job.

"Oh, okay." Xie Shaoxuan slowed down and wanted to find a roadside clinic, but the rain was too heavy, and the wipers brushed away a wave of rain, and another wave of rain. Driving became a problem, not to mention looking at the roadside shops, which could not be seen clearly.

"Forget it, there is a pharmacy downstairs of my house. Just buy some medicinal wine there and rub it. My foot is not seriously injured. I know this myself."

"Oh, okay." Another repetition of such a sentence. Xie Shaoxuan is the kind of person who talks little. Just because of his like this, Xia Ruoxi once thought that he was different from those men who are good at rhetoric. In fact, men are men. Whether they are extravacious or not, it has something to do with people's hearts and has nothing to do with more words.

Some poor-mouthed men can still be infatuated. Those who are taciturn may not be really steady and reliable, but just differences in personality and have nothing to do with character.

It was about half an hour's drive, but it drove for more than an hour because of the rain.

Finally arrived at the downstairs of Xia Ruoxi's apartment. Roadside parking.

"Please go to the pharmacy to buy a bar for me. I can't walk." Xia Ruoxi attaches great importance to the tone of speech, which makes her voice deliberately soft. After she prepares for revenge, she has been training herself. Try to change the emphasis of speaking, deliberately add a little overseas accent, and then deliberately become thinner and lower. Even if you can't completely change her voice, the gentle, slow and soft voice basically has no trace of Xia Ruoxi's characteristics. Even if it can't change at all, because of the different appearance, it is not It will cause those who are familiar with her to suspect that it is not a strange thing at most because of people with similar voices.

After the last time she went to visit her mother and was heard her voice by Ling Yimo, Xia Ruoxi paid more attention to her voice. What she was afraid of was Zhou Zhiqing, who was most familiar with her.

"Well, I'll be back soon." After saying that, Xie Shaoxuan got out of the car.

Xia Ruoxi took this opportunity to make a small move on Xie Shaoxuan's car.

When Xie Shaoxuan bought the beating wine, Xia Ruoxi took the beating wine, entered the building with the help of Xie Shaoxuan, and said goodbye to Xie Shaoxuan.

"I'll take you upstairs. It's inconvenient for you to walk. Moreover, it will be very troublesome for you to rub the wine by yourself, and you should need me to help you. Xie Shaoxuan expressed great concern.

"It's okay. There's an elevator. You go. It's too late. It's so hard to walk on the road. As for anything else, don't worry. I can ask my family to help me wipe the medicinal wine.

'Oh, well, I'm leaving." Xie Shaoxuan said something more about his concern and then said goodbye and left.

Xia Ruoxi was not in a hurry to go upstairs. She waited there and watched Xie Shaoxuan leave. After a while, Xia Ruoxi saw the result she wanted. Xie Shaoxuan's car can't start.

For a long time, Ferrari was like a sick cow and refused to move on the road.

In fact, Xia Ruoxi's foot was not injured at all, but as an actress, she is not a professional and an extra now, so she limped out of the building without an umbrella, walked to Xie Shaoxuan's car in the rain and knocked on the window.

Xie Shaoxuan looked at Xia Ruoxi in the rain and hurriedly got out of the car and walked to her with an umbrella. The rain was heavy and his voice could not be heard. Xie Shaoxuan helped Xia Ruoxi back into the building. How can you get caught in the rain? You will get sick. Xie Shaoxuan frowned slightly and said worriedly.

"The car is no more on fire. What's the matter?" Xia Ruoxi asked.

"I don't know what's going on, but suddenly it won't start. You're caught in the rain. I'll take you upstairs and go home. Don't catch a cold again.

"Good." This time, Xia Ruoxi did not refuse. Let Xie Shaoxuan help her take the elevator upstairs.

At the ninth floor where Xia Ruoxi lived, Xia Ruoxi took the key to open the door and asked Xie Shaoxuan to go in first.

Seeing that the room was dark, Xie Shaoxuan whispered, "Your family is all asleep."

Xia Ruoxi turned on the light and said with a smile, "I live here by myself."

Xie Shaoxuan was slightly stunned, "Then you just said..."

"I didn't want to waste your time, so I said that on purpose." Xia Ruoxi smiled brightly. This smile is not only beautiful, but also sincere.