Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 36 Confusion 1

"Why don't you let me meet that girl? Even if I make a mistake, I won't blame you. As long as you let me see that girl first, I will transfer the money to your account immediately." Mo Shuhui's face was impatient. She had been firm that her child was not dead, so that she had been muddle-headed for many years. When she slowly died and confirmed the fact that her heart was like stagnant water, someone suddenly ran over and told her that her child was still alive. Such a stimulus had resurrect her heart in an instant. What surged in her heart was expectations and extravagant hopes to see the girl immediately to see if it was her child.

At this time, Mo Shuhui's heart was no longer rational, only a stirring impulse.

"You and your child have been separated since she was born. At that time, even if you see her appearance, how much people have changed? How can you tell whether she is your child by your eyes? Let's talk about it after we get the evidence. You have been waiting for 20 years. Do you still care about waiting a few more days? Our two families are so close that I can't make a big mistake, which makes it difficult for us to meet in the future, so you can bear with it. After a few days and get the results of the paternity test, if you are really your own mother and daughter, then you will be happy to have a reunion. If not, then you will avoid disappointment and embarrasssment. Xia Ruoxi drank coffee leisurely. In fact, she was so depressed that only she knew.

Mo Shuhui has to endure. Many times, reason is one thing, and emotion is another. Reason is always easy to be controlled by emotions. It's really difficult to defeat emotions and let reason take the first place. It's also very uncomfortable to endure. Well, then we will do DNA identification today." Mo Shuhui is still in a hurry.

Xia Ruoxi smiled, "Why is it so casual? We need to find out which hospital can do this DNA test first, and then make an appointment. Anyway, don't worry. I'll call you when I find out.

Mo Shuhui could only nod.

On the third day, Xia Ruoxi asked Mo Shuhui to go to the First Affiliated Hospital of Municipal Medical University. She asked the doctor to take blood samples for her in advance and left the necessary conditions for DNA such as hair. When Mo Shuhui arrives, he will take blood and leave a sample for her.

The rest is to wait for the result.

Xia Ruoxi's current identity is not her real identity - Xia Ruoxi, nor the identity arranged by He Linbang - Jiang Yaoling, but Chinese-American Vicky Swift. If it is confirmed that she is the biological daughter of Mo Shuhui and Xia Ze after the final DNA identification results, she is not afraid of her identity leakage. . This identity of Vicky Swift can make her write an extremely touching story.

A few days later, Xia Ruoxi and Mo Shuhui got the results of DNA identification together, confirming the identity of her and Mo Shuhui's biological mother and daughter. Xia Ruoxi was not surprised by this result at all, but felt a little cold. She has never been loved by her biological mother, and when she was a child, she was particularly afraid of her. She was almost strangled to death. When she grew up, she would rebel. From time to time, she would be against Mo Shuhui. The two were enemies. Even now she knows that Mo Shuhui's biological mother identity is confirmed, her feelings for Mo Shuhui will not be comparable to that of Mo Shuhui. Appropriate.

However, what has changed slightly is that Xia Ruoxi no longer hates Mo Shuyi more than before she died and was reborn. It is great that she has been raised as her own mother for so many years. It is too late for her to repay Mo Shuyi's upbringing, and she is not qualified to hate. It's the same. Xia Ruoxi wants to protect Mo Shuyi more and more, and she doesn't want her to be hurt by Ling Yimo. After all, she will return to the predetermined road to death. In less than three years, what she wants to do is to make her favorite relatives live happily, and those sinful villains have been swept to Mars by her.

"Where's my daughter? What about my daughter? Let me see my daughter..." Mo Shuhui pulled Xia Ruoxi excitedly and shook her. She became a little crazy because of the confirmed DNA identification report.

"Do you want to see her?" Xia Ruoxi sneered and pushed away Mo Shuhui. Don't blame her cold-blooded. For so many years, she and her biological mother, who has been recognized as her aunt, only continued to hate and rejection, making her turn into gratitude for bringing her to this cruel world. It's really difficult. She is really sad.

"Of course..." Mo Shuhui's eyes were full of tears. She only saw her direct blood relationship with the girl named Vicky Swift in the submitted materials, but the photo was torn off. She didn't know what the girl named Vicky, her biological daughter, looked like. What else do you want me to do? Just say, as long as you let me see my daughter..." The situation suddenly turned sharp, and Mo Shuhui suddenly became a person who was taken by Xia Ruoxi.

"You have been waiting for 20 years, and this day is not bad." Xia Ruoxi is not in a hurry to recognize Mo Shuhui. Considering Mo Shuhui's mood and her history of mental illness, if she knows the real situation now, she is afraid that she will not be calm and will ruin her major events. You have been separated from her for so many years. Although she still wants to kiss her now, she must hate you, the mother who abandoned her. Give you some time with her, calm down with each other, and meet now. I'm afraid that good things will become bad things, and she won't forgive you. Isn't it not worth the loss?

", it's not that I don't want her..." Mo Shuhui cried like a tearful person. "After I gave birth to her, I only heard her crying, and then the hospital told me that my daughter died when she was born... It's not that I didn't want her. I always believed that she was still alive... But... But... I I can't find her..."

In the face of Mo Shuhui's miserable crying, Xia Ruoxi's heart still hurts. In the face of her biological mother who gave birth to her but did not raise her, her feelings will not suddenly become strong because of the truth, but her conscience can't sit still.

"What about her father? Can you tell me first and then I tell her?" Xia Ruoxi has long been basically aware of the relationship between Mo Shuhui and her father Xia Ze. They used the same pen to copy paintings for the donkey meat restaurant and the other for the topic. That relationship is enough to show that they used to be lovers. But in the end, what made them not come together, but Mo Shuyi, as Mo Shuhui's sister, became Xia Ze's wife. Xia Ze and Mo Shuyi's marriage was unhappy, which was witnessed by Xia Ruoxi. Why did two people who didn't love each other become husband and wife, but those who sincerely loved each other became sister-in-law? After marriage, Xia Ze also had an affair with her sister-in-law who had become a former lover, so that Mo Shuhui became pregnant, and then her biological daughter of Mo Shuhui, how Has she become the daughter of Mo Shuyi, who should be an aunt? All this is too messy. Xia Ruoxi still thought clearly whether Mo Shuyi robbed her sister Mo Shuhui's husband and her biological daughter, or did she have other grievances?

"Her father is dead. I'm always talking to my private affairs in front of my daughter, okay? It's about privacy. I really don't want too many people to know." Mo Shuhui is sure of this. She is not only unmarried and pregnant, but also gave birth to her so-called "brother-in-law" child. Such a thing is scandalous. How can she be willing to tell a third party?

"Well, don't spread this matter yet. Your daughter has her life now, and she doesn't want to disturb the rhythm of her life at once. Can you guarantee this? If you can't do it, it will be known to everyone. I'm afraid your daughter will refuse to meet you in order to protect her life. Mo Shuhui must keep her mouth shut. If this matter is exposed, her identity cannot be protected. Mo Shuyi naturally knows that Mo Shuhui has a biological daughter in this world, which is just Xia Ruoxi, whom she has raised for 20 years.

If her identity is leaked, how much resistance her revenge plan will be in the future. It can be imagined that what she could not do in the last life will still not be able to do in this life.

"Okay, I understand. I will shut up. Unless my daughter agrees, I won't reveal half a word. I won't say anything even if I die." Mo Shuhui vowed.

"The most important thing is to pay attention to your emotions and don't miss your relatives." Xia Ruoxi reminded Mo Shuhui again that she knew that Mo Shuhui had lost her mind in the past. Maybe she would become abnormal for this matter. If she was detected by her grandfather Mo Songbai, it would be another big trouble.

After all, her public identity is He Linbang's fiancee Jiang Yaoling, Mo Songbai, Mo Shuyi and others, all of whom have personally attended the wedding. At the wedding, He Linbang's intention to arrange her identity as a seat/table/lady. Everyone knows that if her real identity is investigated, it has been splashed. The dirty water on her head can't be washed off. At that time, she knows very well what will be embarrassed. Now she is most suitable for Jiang Yaoling, which is beneficial to her future revenge plans and gives her a position to operate everything she wants to do.

"I understand that I will stay in a hotel for a few days so that my family will not notice my mood changes and it is convenient for me to meet my daughter. Just the two of us, at that time, I will explain why we lost her..." Mo Shuhui's eyes had cried red, and his sad appearance also made Xia Ruoxi feel worried.

"Well, your daughter is still alive and was taken away by a kind-hearted person. You should feel happy that she did not end up with bad luck because she was abandoned by your biological mother. Since she is willing to do this DNA test to prove that she also wants to recognize you, don't worry, wait for her to slowly accept the reality and feel stable. Naturally, she will meet you happily, which is better than accusing you of abandoning her as soon as she sees you, making it more embarrassing for two people to meet.

"Well, I understand." Mo Shuhui nodded with a slight sob.