Reborn Princess Fairy Tale

Chapter 35 Traveling in a Crisis 3

Xia Ruoxi deliberately lost his temper, which made He Linbang have no intention to finish the phone call.

While responding, He Linbang stayed in the study for a while before coming out.

The old fox is an old fox, which is really calm. Xia Ruoxi snorted coldly. Continue to fall the plate unruly.

"Okay, baby, why are you so angry?" He Linbang came out of the study with a smile on his face and said gently to Xia Ruoxi's voice.

Who should I call? So mysterious? Hide it secretly and do something hide behind my back. Xia Ruoxi looked like a jealous woman and was mad at He Linbang.

"Who is so bold and doesn't know what's good or bad? I went to chop him..." He Linbang walked to Xia Ruoxi with a smile, pulled the chair and sat next to Xia Ruoxi, pulled Xia Ruoxi down from the chair and sat on his lap. "Come on, I'll feed my dear wife."

"Come on, you recruited me. Who are you calling?" Xia Ruoxi wanted to force He Linbang to tell the truth and tell the change of the owner of the new site of the logistics park. She had a good chance to interrupt.

"It's Manager Jin. Can you read the call records? So is this guy who doesn't have long eyes. But when we wait for dinner, he called to destroy my baby's interest. However, he can't be angry with him. It's not only you who are hungry and hurt the baby in my stomach." He Linbang comforted him with clever words.

"Well, since it's a call from Manager Jin, why don't you let me hear it? He gave me a position, let me fly in the air as a flag, get into trouble, and say that I am the most important. Who should I lie to? After saying that, Xia Ruoxi was so aggrieved that she burst into tears.

At first, Xia Ruoxi's words made He Linbang feel that Xia Ruoxi was jealous. At this time, she made trouble for no reason and he didn't take her seriously. He Linbang sighed helplessly. He was experienced. The pregnant woman's mood was capricious, and Xia Ruoxi's turn did not change much. Baby, how dare I lie to you? This meal can't be eaten. He Linbang directly hugged Xia Ruoxi and entered the study, softly and said softly. As long as you want, I will transfer all my property to your name, okay? If you think I have any strange feelings, just drive me out of the house. Don't cry, baby, it will crush my heart. He Linbang has the heart to gouge out and show it to Xia Ruoxi. He only wants her to be happy. He can do whatever he wants.

Xia Ruoxi's annoyance, she has already made what she said very clearly. As long as He Linbang followed her words and continued to say what Manager Jin said to him, she would save her from continuing to act. However, He Linbang just didn't answer the topic and made her so depressed. She didn't know whether to continue acting or That's all.

Think about it, the owner has changed Mo Shuhui, and she also heard He Linbang say that he would stop. There should be no more dark scenes. She'd better stop making trouble. It's too much, which will make He Linbang suspicious. So he said, "If I know that you are eating the bowl and looking at the pot, I will not forgive you. Don't think that if I am raising you now, I will let you be free. If you dare to cheat with me, I can't forgive you." It seems that she is jealous.

"Conscience of heaven and earth, it's too late to love you. How dare you have a different heart?" Seeing that Xia Ruoxi was jealous for no reason, He Linbang was much happier, because Xia Ruoxi began to care about him. Hug Xia Ruoxi and said softly for a while.

Xia Ruoxi smiled and squatted in He Linbang's arms. He enjoyed it very much, but she was thinking about how much He Linbang would doubt about the other side of the land.

She still needs to be careful. If He Linbang detects the flaw, then let him be prepared for her in the future, she can only become the bird in He Linbang's cage. He Linbang loved her so much, but she conspired to start a business and wanted to leave him. Such a different heart would arouse how much resentment He Linbang, which is really immeasurable.

The only way is to pester He Linbang and understand his every step.

This kind of entanglement can't let He Linbang see what she is thinking, so Xia Ruoxi can only act as if she is afraid of losing He Linbang, as if she really has feelings for him.

On He Linbang's side, everything is only caused by Xia Ruoxi's reaction is caused by pregnancy. He is willing to indulge, and he prefers Xia Ruoxi to be so sticky/tired with him, so that he can finally get Xia Ruoxi's heart and feel happy.

At the same time, He Linbang's thoughtfulness was also slowly touching Xia Ruoxi. He was more careful than Xia Ruoxi and knew that once a woman was pregnant, some places would develop twice. He helped Xia Ruoxi buy a bigger bra than her daily wear. Xia Ruoxi had always felt that her underwear had become tight before. She complained that it was uncomfortable, but she didn't expect it to be a secondary development. Seeing He Linbang buying her underwear so carefully, her inner kindness made her feel a little sorry for He Linbang.

What is she? Invest with He Linbang's money and then turn over to earn He Linbang's money? This night, Xia Ruoxi suddenly said emotionally--

"Linbang, I'm so bad, why am I still so good to me?" Xia Ruoxi really felt that her door of love has been closed, but she still has conscience and feelings. People's hearts are fleshy, which makes Xia Ruoxi ignore everything He Linbang has done for her. She really can't do it.

"Don't say that. I've been asking for it. My toad has eaten you, a swan." He Linbang smiled, gently rubbed Xia Ruoxi's head and held Xia Ruoxi in his arms. You are very good tonight, do you know?" His voice was full of/sexual/sensory whispering.


"In the past, when I held you, I always felt that your body was cold. Only tonight did I feel that you could also be hot, and your enthusiasm began to burn for me..."

Xia Ruoxi was speechless in an instant.

"Is it okay to do this in the future?" He Linbang hugged Xia Ruoxi tightly, and his voice was full of happiness.

Xia Ruoxi has always thought that men are beasts, just care about his desire/desire relief. I don't know if the woman's response will also make him feel important? Or is it a man's greed, hoping that his toys will be completely conquered by him and completely submit to him? Anyway, she can't do anything deliberately.

The only thing she did was to really achieve her goal--

Because the logistics park is a project next batch by the government and has a construction period limit, Huatai Company signed an agreement with Mo Shuhui to buy land in a few days.

80 million transactions.

Xia Ruoxi's heart was also completely put down.

That land was originally worth more than 90 million yuan. He Linbang bought 80 million yuan and didn't lose money at all. It was only before that he wanted to get huge profits before that he wanted to use some tricks. "No business, no traitor". This is definitely an ancient saying, which is realistic and true.

After He Linbang transferred 90 million to her account, Mo Shuhui immediately called Xia Ruoxi and asked her to meet her and asked Xia Ruoxi to bring her missing daughter to her. When she met someone, she would transfer the money to Xia Ruoxi's account.

I have known for a long time that it is not easy for Mo Shuhui to send, and Xia Ruoxi is also ready to reveal the reality she is unwilling to accept.

"Go to the hospital for a paternity test. I don't think you will just rely on what I said to determine that the person I'm talking about is your daughter. In order to avoid misidentification, it is necessary to have a paternity test." Xia Ruoxi said this after dating Mo Shuhui.

After Xia Ruoxi revised her revenge plan, she has now thought about another plan, which is to get 15% of the shares of Tianze Group held by Mo Shuhui.

She can't let Mo Shuyi return to Tianze Group, because as long as Mo Shuyi returns to Tianze Group, she will also return to Tianze Group on behalf of Ling Yimo. In the future, Tianze Group will slowly fall into Ling Yimo's hands, so her revenge on Ling Yimo will be really difficult.

Ling Yimo just wanted to control the Tianze Group, and then suppress and split the Xia family, forcing the Xia family to be desperate. Xia Ruoxi knew his move, and naturally the best way was to stop him from playing this move. He fought back, made all his efforts to endure humiliate and suffer from grievances, and then forced him to come to the end of the road, so that he could completely defeat him.

A few years ago, Xia Ruoxi had obtained a lot of evidence, and all the evidence pointed her to an answer. She was not Mo Shuyi's own child, but the daughter of Mo Shuhui and Xia Ze. She has been unwilling to admit or accept it. Now, she can only open this scene in order to revenge.

is also just to see if her guess is right. If she is mistaken, then her heart is stable, and it doesn't matter if she can't get Mo Shuhui's shares. She will think of other ways to defeat Ling Yimo. At worst, she will help Xia Jun and use Xia Jun. After killing Ling Yimo's demon, she will return to deal with Xia Jun and take back Tianze Group.

If..., Xia Ruoxi clenched her fist and frowned deeply, which is definitely not a good result, but it is also the most favorable result for her--

No need to say that Mo Shuhui would also make this request. At first, in order to find her daughter she had lost for 20 years, she was desperate, in order to have the opportunity to see her so-called 20-year-old daughter, so that she was willing to take advantage of Xia Ruoxi. No matter what Xia Ruoxi said, or how similar she feels after seeing her lost "daughter", it is not the most important thing. What is the evidence, irrefutable evidence, and undeniable evidence.

"Okay, this requires me to mention it if you don't tell me." Mo Shuhui nodded to Xia Ruoxi.

"But you are not suitable to see that girl now, so I will accompany you to the hospital to draw blood samples first, and then take the girl to the hospital." Xia Ruoxi blocked the words first and could not satisfy the opportunity to meet Mo Shuhui and the girl in her mouth. Because isn't the girl she said about herself?