Reborn Farmer's Field

16. To the mountain

The family had nothing to say about this matter, so they simply didn't mention his grandmother's illness, but Mingcheng saw his uncle coming out to play with cookies in his back and came back to talk to his brothers and sisters.

Wang Qian saw the reticance on her brother's face and hurriedly comforted, "Brother, isn't it just a biscuit? Since we bought milk, it means that we have filial piety. It really can't help us to enter whose mouth. As long as she is willing to milk, forget it. Forget it's By the way, why is there no one to come and have a look at our second uncle's house?

Wang Qian hasn't seen the second uncles in her memory since she came here. Isn't it possible that they don't live here?

When Wang Xuan heard her sister mention the second uncle's family, she looked a little indifferent. "It's better for our second aunt not to come, otherwise your head will have to let her say that it's blown up. As soon as she meets her, she will keep saying how poor her family is and how food is not enough to eat. This person

When Wang Qian heard her sister say this, it was obvious that the second aunt did not give her a good impression of the eldest sister, otherwise the eldest sister, who had always been gentle and generous, would not have said that about her.

Well, it's good to see the second uncle's family, so he doesn't have to read the bag on his head again.

The next day, the brother and sister left a note at home and then went to the mountain with tools. Sure enough, as my sister said, it looks quite close from a distance, but it is not so comfortable to walk.

This time, Wang Qian also walked out of Tunzi for the first time. Only then did she know that there was a north-south canal under the river in the south. The terminal of the canal was a big river. Finally, it converged with their river and flowed to the sea. In the middle and northeast of the two rivers were the forests of their brigade, The river is the boundary of another brigade. After passing through Lijiatun, they quickly came to the foot of the mountain, where there were also several sparse families.

The brothers and sisters walked up the hillside. The mountain was very high, and there were hundreds of meters in sight, but for the sake of their family's livelihood, none of the children were tired.

They found several chestnut trees halfway up the mountain. The chestnuts had fallen to the ground, and the burrs on them would peel off with their feet.

"Chestnut, we'll pick it up." As soon as Mingcheng said, everyone began to search around. This mountain is relatively large, and few people come over, so there is no decent way. The children are slowly searching with their heads down on stones and barren grasses, but what makes everyone happy is that there are many chestnuts and cloth bags from Zi has already packed a whole bag. The rest of Mingcheng was put in the box, and some of the rotten and empty ones were removed by them.

Wang Qian looked around. There were a lot of baskets on the ground, but it would be very tiring to take this thing back, so she didn't mention it.

Mingyuan's eyes were not idle. When he saw the bird's nest on the tree, a happy smile appeared on his face. "Brother, look at the bird's nest, there must be bird eggs in it."

Speaking of the bird's egg, Mingyuan couldn't help drooling. Mingcheng looked at the height of the number, which should be no problem for him. "Brother, wait below, I'll take out the bird's eggs for you."

Mingcheng climbed up with the trunk in his arms. Several children looked nervously below. Mingcheng really found the bird's egg on it. There was nothing to pack. He took off the hat on his head, put the bird's egg in, put the hat back on his head, and then slipped down the trunk.

Mingyuan quickly came forward and asked, "Brother, how many eggs do you have?"

Mingcheng looked at his brother's anxious look, and a smile appeared on his rosy face. "Wait, I'll show it to you." After saying that, he lowered his head and took the hat off his head. The bird eggs inside appeared in front of everyone intact.

Mingyuan counted eight. "Brother, we can cook bird eggs at noon. That's great." Obviously, this number made Mingyuan very satisfied.

Suddenly, there was a sound behind them. Wang Qian turned her head and found that it was a big pheasant coming out for food. She made a comparison with everyone. None of the brothers and sisters made a sound and began to surround the pheasant. Mingcheng still held a basket in his hand, but even if she was careful about the pheas I have to run out.

However, the children surrounded them and couldn't run out. The pheasant began to flap its wings and wanted to fly away from the air. Mingcheng's eyes were quick, and the basket in his hand was thrown out, just hitting the pheasant's body. The unbalanced pheasant fell to the ground again. This time On the pheasant.

"I caught it, I caught it." Ming Yuan shouted excitedly. Catching the chicken means that they can eat meat.

The children excitedly tied the pheasant's legs and wings. With this chicken, they are worth the trip this time.

"Brother, let's look around and see what we can find. Let's put these things aside first. Don't go far," Wang Qian said.

"Akay, let's take a look again. At least we've gone so far. Can we get a little more?"

The boss spoke, and several children began to disperse around. Wang Qian was attracted by the rattan in front of her as she walked. There were brown bean grains on the rattan. In her previous life, she had seen this thing called yam bean, and it should be yam below.

"Brother, sister, come on, I found something good." Wang Qian immediately summoned the three brothers and sisters in the distance.

"What good things, let me see" Mingyuan is full of curiosity about his sister's good things.

"Brother, what do you think this is?"

Mingcheng and others shook their heads to show that they didn't know each other. Wang Qian estimated that people here rarely ate this food, so the children didn't know each other.

"Brother, this is a yam bean, and the root below is yam, which is similar to sweet potatoes. It's delicious. And you can also eat a full stomach."

The first goal of the Wang family is food and food.

"Sister, are you telling the truth? Why don't we know? Where did you hear about it? Mingcheng asked in the back.

"I heard from others, that is, what Wang Fang, who moved out before, said." Wang Qian remembered that there was a family in the village who moved away, so she put an excuse on them, which did not arouse everyone's suspicion.

But they don't have the tools to take advantage of the yam buried in the ground, and they have made a lot of things today, so they can't take it at all.

"Brother, let's pick the yam beans back first and come back to dig the yam. Remember where we came up today."

Mingcheng and Mingyuan began to search for their own markers everywhere. When they found them, they nodded to their sister.

Mingcheng carried a pocket, Wang Xuan carried the frame, Ming Yuan held a pheasant, Wang Qian carried a pocket containing yam beans, and the four people walked slowly down the uphill together. There was no ready-made road, so everyone had to move down carefully for fear of scattering things.

At the foot of the mountain, the sun is high in the middle. Sister. We have to go back quickly, or Dad and Mom will be in a hurry."

The children are in a hurry to go home, but after all, they still have things in their hands, and they can't travel so fast. The things on my back are getting heavier and heavier. I faintly heard someone calling their names in the distance.

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