Reborn Farmer's Field

17. Preparedness

When the children heard the shouts, they opened their eyes wide and looked around. Sure enough, a figure came from a distance to pick up the child Wang Zhenhe.

When the couple returned home, none of the children in the cold pot and cold stove were at home. Zhang Lan quickly went to the house to look for it. His children would not be gone for no reason. There must be a letter left. Sure enough, he found the note left by his son on the kang.

Wang Zhenhe just found it and saw the children bent and hunched from afar. Then he spread his legs and strode over

, I didn't see clearly that the children were still carrying things in front of them.

Especially the pheasant in Mingyuan's hand attracted his attention. Good boy, these children in his family are capable enough to catch pheasants when they go up the mountain.

"Good son, Dad, carry it on your back. What are you doing? It's so heavy." When you took all the things over, it felt really heavy. No wonder the children bent down.

"Dad, we picked up a lot of chestnuts today. Ha ha, we don't have to worry about our family this time. From now on, we will come to pick them every day," Mingyuan said happily.

The master said as he walked, and soon arrived in the village. From afar, he saw a figure shaking at the door of the nurse's house, as if his aunt had come back.

Quickly pull the other people aside. "Brother, sister, I seem to have seen my aunt just now. Let's not take this chicken back, or she will see it and it will be bad."

Both of them agree with her brother's opinion. Wang Qian doesn't quite understand where the chicken can be put if she doesn't take it back.

Ming Yuan took her hand and coaxed, "Sister, how do you think we sell the chicken? I'll catch a chicken and come back to eat it for you next time, okay?"

Although Wang Qian didn't know where to sell it, she still knew to protect her own property, especially the aunt who came back must not be a good thing.

A little head, "Brother, you can sell it. I don't want chicken. Let's catch it next time. Let's go quickly. Don't let your aunt see you."

Wang Zhenhe, who was walking in front of him, never dreamed that several children would make a decision in the back. Mingyuan and Mingcheng left with pheasants. The two sisters followed with things. When they arrived at home, they found that two were missing.

"Xian'er, where is your brother and your brother? Aren't they the two who went with you?"

The two sisters just smiled at him and said, "Dad, we'll tell you when we get into the house."

Zhang Lan, who was looking out at the door, saw that the three of her grandfathers came back, missing two sons, and saw the girl's smiling face. I guess nothing happened to the child. He should have done something else.

"Daughter-in-law, come and have a look. Our child has a bumper harvest again today. You see so many things."

Put down the pocket in your hand, Zhang Lan also took the basket in the eldest girl's hand, "Ah, so many, children, hurry up and have a rest, and we will have dinner as soon as they come back."

Wang Zhenhe still remembers his son's stubble, "Daughter, where did your brother go?"

"Dad, go to the livestock product acquisition station and prepare to sell the chicken to make two money."

Hearing this news, Wang Zhenhe's face suddenly collapsed. "The two stinky boy didn't discuss it with me. Today is your aunt's birthday, and I'm going to use this chicken to add a dish for her."

Zhang Lan was unwilling to hear him say, "What are you talking about? Our child has worked hard to catch a chicken and you are still going to give it away. You are really a good brother. If you don't see that our family can't even eat, you just think about which sister you are, our child's birthday When I think about adding a meal to my child, I have never seen you as a father like this.

Zhang Lan's words made Wang Zhenhe suddenly stop. He had never thought of this problem before. When he was in the group, everyone in the family relied on his brother and sister. After a long time, he was used to it. After a long time, he still regarded his brother and sister as a child. After his daughter-in-law's words, The son really ignored it for too long. It's not that he doesn't love his children, but that his children rarely fight with his uncle and aunt for a bite. After a long time, he regarded his children as adults, forgetting that his children are still dolls under the age of ten, and his younger brothers and sisters have already grown into adults.

Wang Zhenhe picked up his daughter with some guilt and said, "Baby, it's all Dad's fault. Dad will love you well in the future."

Wang Qian didn't wait to open her mouth, but Wang Xuan said, "Dad, eat one more bite less and you can't die. We don't care, but you have to treat my mother well. Look at the scar on her face. When you see the scar, I want to slap my aunt's big mouth. Without such Auntie, try it. If you have twitched her for a long time, you dare to bully my mother."

Zhang Lan's words made Zhang Lan shed tears. Although his children usually don't say anything, they know it in their hearts.

Wang Zhenhe was completely defeated by his girl this time. No wonder the child has not talked much these days, and he still remembers hatred in his heart. "Well, Xuan'er, your aunt is confused. We don't have the same experience as her. At least she is an elder. You can't do this. If it spreads,

Wang Xuan pouted and didn't squeak again, but Wang Qian quit. "Dad, is my aunt also confused? How could she watch her aunt beat my mother with her aunt?"

Zhang Lan and her mother couldn't help cheering for her words. This girl is so powerful that she can hit the point at the critical moment.

Wang Zhenhe now knows that these children in their family are going to be liquidated today. He can't say that his mother is confused, and he can't answer the child's question, so he has to say, "Baby, let's live our own life, and we don't have to pay too much attention to others."

Wang Qian also remembered one thing, "Mom, hurry up and hide everything we picked up. If someone comes later, we can't save it."

She is afraid that the milkman will come, and the things they have worked so hard to pick up today will be easily taken away.

before ** could do it, Wang Xuan was the first to go down and open the door of the big cabinet and put a pocket of chestnuts in. As soon as the door was closed, the door of their cabin was pushed open.

Wang Zhi's chubby round face appeared, "Brother, my elder sister came over and let you sit down."

Entering the Wang family's hut, Wang Zhi's eyes were not idle. This was the first time she entered his brother's hut. When she saw a basket of chestnuts on the ground, she was immediately happy. "Brother, you are still good. I know I love to eat chestnuts, so I'm not polite." After saying that,

"Slow, if you don't ask who it is, you have to take it away. Sister-in-law, you are a little too much." Wang Qian saw that her parents couldn't speak, so she came to face.

Wang Zhi was stopped by his little niece, but he still looked back at his brother, with a pitiful look. "Brother, didn't you take this for me? Don't jump.

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