Reborn Farmer's Field

27. Selling ginseng

When the mother went outside, the sister and brother who were talking inside also followed.

"Comrade, please wait a moment. I want to ask, do you have ginseng to sell?"

Lao Li stopped them eagerly, "Uncle, do you want ginseng? Don't skip words. Wang Qian asked rhetorically, although there are not many bad people these days, they have to be guarded against it, especially those who have just come from the countryside and do not understand the situation, and dare not leak the bottom so quickly.

Wang Qian asked, and the sister and brother were both excited. They pulled them to a place with few people before saying, "Children, this grandma is waiting for the ginseng of the year to save her life. As long as your ginseng is old enough, we can negotiate the price."

Zhang Lan also looked at each other carefully, with straight eyes, not like a bad person. "This aunt, do you really want ginseng? I have one here. I don't know if it's what you want.

Lao Li and the old lady quickly pulled their mother to the place where they were carrying people. The old woman was a little sorry and said, "Big niece, don't mind. We can't buy ginseng openly on the street. If we are seen by the red soldier, it will be another crime."

The old lady's explanation, Zhang Lan can understand that now it is not allowed to trade freely, prefers the grass of socialism rather than the seedlings of capitalism. It is common for everyone to such things.

Mingcheng opened the burden of ginseng in his hand, and the sister and brother began to get excited when they saw the things in the children's hands. "Sister, this ginseng is really old. Although it is not more than a hundred years, it has been 50 or 60 years, and it is more than enough to treat Zheng Yuan'

The two excited people have not forgotten that this person does not belong to them. The old lady raised her eyes full of tears and looked at Zhang Lan.

"Big niece, how much do you sell ginseng?"

I don't know how much this thing is worth, but Wang Qian raised her head and asked Lao Li, "Grandpa, how much do you think we can worth? Let's see the price."

Zhang Lan and others knew that the old man should know this industry, so the children looked up at Lao Li.

After Li Chengde measured the ginseng, he said, "Big niece, I won't hide it from you. These days, the ginseng is sold to the acquisition station, and the price is only more than 300 yuan. Do you think this will work? We will pay 400 yuan, plus 20 catties of grain tickets. Do you think this

In Wang Qian's impression, it is estimated that this kind of old ginseng can be sold for at least hundreds of thousands of yuan in modern times, but in the 1970s, this thing was not worth the price, and their family also needed money.

The sister and brother looked at Zhang Lan's hesitation and hurriedly said, "Big niece, if the price is not suitable, we can still discuss it."

But to their surprise, Zhang Lan's answer was very surprising, "Auntie, I don't think there is less money. I think you gave a little too much. There are still patients in your family, so you can't give us all the money."

Zhang Lan's kindness moved the two old people very much, but the old man insisted on giving it to "big niece, it is said that the price of ginseng will be higher if it catches up with the good time these days, but now, hey, let's not talk about it, my aunt doesn't have so much money with her. It's a bad guy. My brother still works here."

The old woman is afraid that Zhang Lan and they don't believe in themselves. She quickly explained it first, but Zhang Lan is not as much as she thought. "Auntie, that's not what I mean. If your family is far away, I'm afraid that I can't catch the bus back. We live in The car.

The old woman finally understood this time. She was worried that she couldn't go back at night. "Big niece, my house is near the bus station. It doesn't matter. It's very close. I'm sure it won't delay your business."

Zhang Lan led several children to follow the old woman and get back on the bus to the place the old lady said, which was really close to the bus station.

Brothers and sisters carefully remember the route back.

The old lady took her mother to a two-story building in a Soviet-style building. "Big niece, this is my home. Come in quickly."

The mother followed the old lady into the building, and Wang Qian took a good look. Although the appearance of the house was very shabby, the interior was very uniquely decorated, showing that the owner had a good taste. Several people were waiting in the living room, and the old lady went back to the house to get the money.

When the old woman came down, her mother sat in a chair in a regular manner, or what she looked like when she left. She had a good impression on the family in front of her, and people who knew the rules were liked wherever they went. Unlike those relatives in their family, they start to look around if they don't pay attention.

When the old lady handed the money and food stamps to Zhang Lan, she only received 300 yuan and ten catties of food stamps. It's not that Zhang Lan didn't love money, but she also knew that there were patients at home who not only wanted money for medical treatment but also nutritious food. They took away all the food stamps today. The family probably didn'

"Aunch, I can't take the rest of the money and food stamps, and it's not easy for your family. You'd better keep it for the patient to take good care of your health."

Wang Qian also agrees with Zhang Lan's practice. She can't do nothing for money. Although their family is also short of money, there are patients in this family who are also eager to use the money. Although the family lives well, it is difficult to make money now, isn't it?

She took the old woman's hand, raised her little face and said, "Grandma, just take it. Although we can't help you, this is a little bit of our intention."

The old woman's eyes turned red and trembling to take back the rest of the money and food stamps. Today, she met a nobleman and could send ginseng to his family in time to save her grandson's life, and they didn't look like rich people, but she didn't charge extra money.

"Big niece, aunt, thank you. The aunt will take the money and food stamps first. If you come to the city again in the future, come to your aunt's house."

The old woman looked at the clock on the table and said, "There is another bus left at 4:30 p.m. when you go back. There is still some time. You might as well sit with me. Our mother also have a good chat. It is also fate that we can meet today. With ginseng, my grandson's life will be saved

After chatting at the old lady's house for a while, I learned that this family's surname is Wu. My grandson has a rare disease. I have seen many doctors and they haven't seen it. However, recently found a very famous Tulang to see it. The medicine is not difficult to match, but this medicine introduction is difficult to find. It must be Yao Yin, this family is looking for ginseng while taking out all the savings they have saved for many years, hoping to buy a good ginseng to save the child's life.

Zhang Lan also felt uncomfortable when ** heard that the child was sick. "Aunch, if my family hadn't been in a hurry to wait for money to build a house, I wouldn't have received this money."

Zhang Lan also briefly told the old woman about the situation of her family. Even the old woman felt sad about the Wang family. Several children drank a glass of water and saw that the clock time was almost up. Mingcheng reminded Zhang Lan, "Mom, it's almost time. We have to buy tickets in advance."

The old lady reluctantly sent her mother out, and kept telling them to come and play next time.

Zhang Lan carefully collected the money in her arms and hurried to the station with the children. After buying the ticket, she waited for a while and boarded the bus home.

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