Reborn Farmer's Field

28. Bad news

It was very late when his mother went back. After Wang Zhenhe made dinner, he waited for them to come back. When he saw his mother entering the house, he asked curiously, "Where did you go today? Why did you come back so late?"

Zhang Lan, who had already made a confession with the children in the car, said to her husband with a smile, "I took the child to the hospital in the city today to see Qianqian's head. The doctor said that it should be a big deal."

"Oh, it's okay. I've been tired all day. Come over for dinner quickly." The children helped to clean up the food on the kang. For dinner, Wang Zhenhe steamed a bowl of salted radish with a little oil, and the soft cake and corn porridge were very fragrant.

"Dad, the food you cooked is really delicious," Mingyuan said vaguely.

In Wang Qian's opinion, the reason why the food is delicious is that on the one hand, they are hungry, and on the other hand, there is oily in it, and the children will feel very fragrant and delicious.

"Oh, by the way, I sold all the things in the cabinet today, as well as the snake skin, for a total of 15 yuan. This time my mother wants to eat cake again. I bought her a catty of money borrowed last time, and the little sister wants to buy 20 cents of snow cream, and there are still 13 yuan left. You can

Wang Zhenhe handed over all the remaining money in his hand, but his face was a little stunned. There was no way for him to see him pushing things out to sell, so he asked for it, and he couldn't refuse.

Zhang Lan sighed and collected the rest of the money. She felt a little upset. If the children hadn't dug an old mountain ginseng, otherwise their family would have continued like this, and she would have saved enough money to build a house.

Zhang Lan packed up the dishes and chopsticks and hid all the money sold today, otherwise if his man knew about it, it would be remembered again.

The family sat on the kang and talked, but Wang Zhi pushed the door and came in, "Third brother and third sister-in-law, our mother asked you to go there."

The couple don't know what will happen if they ask them to go there at this time. "Little sister, what's wrong with our mother looking for us? Don't skip words.

Zhang Lan also asked out of curiosity, but Wang Zhi did not answer directly. His eyes slipped around the room and said, "Don't you know when you go?"

As soon as she turned around, she went out. The third brother's small shed was so aggrieved that she was in a panic for a moment.

The couple asked the children to take the children at home, and they came to the main courtyard. The eldest and the second family came over.

Zhang Lan took Wang Juan and asked in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, do you know what you came to us for? Don't skip words.

Wang Juan also shook her head confusedly. "I don't know. Let's come over. I guess I'll say it later."

The old lady cleaned up the kitchen in other places, then returned to the kang and sat down. She glanced at her three sons with a dim oil lamp.

"I asked you to come here today. I have something to tell you that your uncle's family is moving here. I received a letter from them yesterday. How do you see how your uncle comes to our family?"

Brothers don't know what my arrangement means, but the second brother can't hold back soon. "Mom, it's a good thing that my uncle's family has come. I haven't seen them for many years. This time we move here, let's have a good treat."

The old lady nodded and said, "It's right to have a treat. Don't forget that your uncle hugged you when you were a child, and how to solve the place where your uncle moved in? Your uncle's letter said that we can help find a place to live. What do you think? "

Wang Zhenhai didn't understand what his mother meant. "Mom, if my uncle's family wants to move here, it's okay to buy a house or build a house. We can help him make a stubble and ask. At that time, he will pay for it. What's there to discuss?"

Can the old lady be more shrewd than them and not know the way of this, but his brother's letter was that he didn't mention the money. He only asked a few children to discuss it. She was only her own brother and came all the way to her. Can she not arrange it properly for the eldest brother's family?

The old lady was so angry that she glanced at her eldest son and said, "It's just nonsense. If your uncle wants you to withdraw money, why do I want you to come here? Isn't it that they don't have such a plan?"

Old 2 Wang Zhenjiang was reluctant to hear this, "Mom, what do you think uncle did? No one has an extra house to arrange their family. Anyway, you are always his own sister. Why don't you let them live here?"

The old lady was angry when she heard what Lao 2 said, "You son of a bitch, you have forgotten all your kindness at the beginning. When you were young, you ate a lot of sugar given by your uncle. They asked us when they were in trouble this time. Why don't you want to help each of you? Your wings are hard and you don'

The old lady began to cry in a low voice, "You ungrateful bastards, how kind your uncle was to you at the beginning."

The old lady choked and counted, and let her find out everything about Chen Zhima's rotten millet.

The old man sat on the kang, frowned and smoked dry smoke silently. Boss Wang Zhenhai looked at his mother who was crying disapprovingly.

"Mom, I don't remember that my uncle gave me candy. I only remember that he almost sold the third brother at the beginning."

Wang Zhenhai didn't mention this matter. Zhang Lan didn't know that his man had ever encountered such a thing. Looking at his man's expression, he was a little sad and sad.

The old lady choked her neck and shouted, "What's wrong with your uncle? Didn't you sell it? At the beginning, it was difficult for your uncle to be chased. Isn't there no way to do this?

The silent old man couldn't listen anymore. "Can't you sell my son secretly? Why doesn't he sell his child? If you want me to say that we should not talk to such a person, mix it up with him, and you will suffer."

When the old lady heard from the old man that her eldest brother was wrong, she didn't like to hear it. "My eldest brother is not good. Who gave my dowry at the beginning? Without the dowry I brought, your family will starve to death."

What the old lady said poked into the old man's painful place. "What do you bring? A few boxes and cabinets are still well placed at home. Does our family support you? Don't put your dowries on your mouth all day long. You know best what the situation is like."

The old lady's voice is higher this time, "What's wrong with the box cabinet? Do you have it? What did your family give me? I didn't even see a decent furniture. What else can I say?"

The old man can't say that the old lady continues to smoke. The boss can't see it. "Mom, Dad is right. We'd better not mix such people with them. If something happens then, don't say we didn't remind you."

. A different empress dowager, a legendary life

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