Reborn Farmer's Field

64. Whereabouts

The child's words made her a little sad. If it was before that, Wang Qian probably wouldn't be willing to let the child eat. It was all forced by life.

"Brother Zuo He, I'll come and bring you some tomorrow, so that you don't have to go out to buy it. Let's make do with it today."

After the white rice porridge in the pot was cooked, she slaughtered the fish and put it in the pot, put the seasoning, and waited for it to be cooked. Zuo He smelled the fragrant smell of rice, and his greedy saliva was about to flow out. In order to cover up his gaffe, the little guy turned around and went out on the pretext of taking care of his grandmother.

Wang Qian also feels funny in the house. It's a little interesting to have a doll. She will be embarrassed at a young age.

After the fish was stewed, Zuo He was brought to the old lady's room. "Grandma has eaten, and I don't know if it suits your appetite. You can try it first."

Wang Qian brought the porridge and fish to the old lady, took a small spoon and slowly fed them into the old lady's mouth.

"Um, it's so delicious. This is the best porridge I've ever had. Thank you, Qianqian." The old lady knew the name of the little girl from her grandson.

"Grandma, you're welcome. You eat slowly first, and I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Zuo He was also hungry for the past two days. He ate a bowl of porridge in a few bites. Seeing that the child had finished eating, Wang Qian asked him to serve it by himself. She fed the old lady first, and then ate a small bowl by herself. Zuo He tasted it carefully when he ate the second bowl of porridge.

When the old man was full, he sighed heavily, "Well, I don't know where our old man asked them to work. With him, we won't be like this."

Wang Qian estimated that the old lady's illness was related to his old man, which was probably caused by excessive internal heat, so she comforted softly, "Grandma, Grandpa Zuo has his own natural appearance, and it will definitely be fine. I have to go back in the afternoon. Grandma, there is leftovers in the kitchen, which is enough I'll come to see you again tomorrow."

The old lady is really indescribably grateful to this kind-hearted little girl. Such a small point can be so considerate.

"Zuo He, you go out to see off your sister. Qianqian will come tomorrow and go to grandma's house for dinner."

After saying goodbye to the old lady, Wang Qian gave Zuo He five yuan for the money to sell fish today. "Brother Zuo He, you take this money first. You can go to the store to buy some fruit for your grandmother to eat later. I guess she got sick because she got angry. Let her eat some pears or something to go to the fire Let's go."

stuffed the money into the little boy's pocket, but Zuo He took her hand and was reluctant to let her leave.

She can understand Zuo He's mind. The only thing he relies on is sick. There is only a child like him at home. When he meets himself, it's like finding another person he can rely on. "Brother Zuo He, your grandmother has to rely on you to take care of her. You go back first. I'll come tomorrow morning

The little guy reluctantly said goodbye to her. Wang Qian hurried to the station, otherwise she would miss the bus home.

Zhang Lan was absent-minded about her work this day. She was really worried that the child went out alone, and she was still a little older child. When the car was about to come in the afternoon, she couldn't help it. She said hello to others and ran to the station.

When Wang Qian got out of the car, she saw her mother looking around anxiously below, "Mom, I'm back." After staying out for a day, she was really homesick. When she saw Zhang Lan, she threw herself into her arms.

Seeing that the girl had to come back, Zhang Lan's heart after a day was finally put back in her stomach.

"Good daughter, how about it? Are you afraid to go to the city?" Zhang Lan picked up her little baby and asked softly.

"Mom, I'm not afraid. The fish have been sold." Wang Qian told her mother about meeting Zuo He today.

Zhang Lan didn't expect that her child could encounter such a thing when she went out to sell fish, but she was kind-hearted and thought that the old lady who was seriously ill was still unbearable. She quickly took the child to the medical point to buy some oxytetracycline for the old lady, which was regarded as anti-inflammatory.

Wang Qian handed Zhang Lan the remaining eleven yuan and sixty cents in her hand. "Mom, this is the rest of the money. You can praise it to pay off the debt."

Zhang Lan didn't expect that the child would make so much money once he entered the city, and it was not even five yuan for others, which was much more than what they earned in the previous year.

Wang Qian told her mother the idea of getting some eggs to sell in the city. Zhang Lan was a little hesitant. It's okay to sell some fish. If the eggs are even sold, it's not good if they are caught.

"Mom, I'm a child. Who will catch me? And I have no evidence when I collect the eggs. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Wang Qian can come back safely the first time she enters the city, which makes Zhang Lan feel a lot relieved about this child. "Cianqian, you go home and dig some wild vegetables first. Mom will go to work first. I will tell you about the eggs."

After the mother and daughter separated, Wang Qian went home and took the tools to dig wild vegetables on the hillside. Today, she focused on digging some bitter vegetables, which was the fire, and the dandelion was also cured. When the basket was full, she received the space and continued to dig a basket full of baskets to keep it for her own food.

After that, she went to the reservoir and flowed around. When she saw that the soil in the space was a little dry, she collected some water and wanted to get more fish by the way. Today, she found that the ring space seemed to be attractive to those fish. They gathered around them one by one, which just finished her heart and collected a lot more.

Walking slowly back with the basket, the vegetables grown in the self-retained field have grown, but their speed is slower than the vegetables planted in the space, and the space is already half a large vegetable seedlings. She explored the space with mental strength and found that the fish were still jumping happily. In order not to let the fish**, she had to go back and put them all away.

She took out the key for herself, quickly opened the door and entered the house, locked it into the space and began to pick up the fish. Today, it was really good to collect a lot of fish. She separated the big fish and the small fish, and the small fish simply sold them in the city. I don't know who wants to buy this. The mushrooms in the space grew out again, and she picked the mushrooms one by one and put them in one place.

When Zhang Lan came back from work, the child had already picked and washed all the wild vegetables and was about to cook. The little man pouted his buttocks on the small bench and brushed the pot there. She was so scared that she quickly picked up the child up. "Little ancestor, if you are hot, what can you ask your mother to do? The mother will Go to the kang and rest for a while."

Of course, Wang Qian is not happy to cook. To be honest, it is really troublesome to brush her pot. She is short. If she is reluctant to cook, it is really a test for her.

But it's not necessary to rest on the kang. She talked to her mother about selling fish on a small bench. While cooking, Zhang Lan listened to the little girl talking about going to the city. She felt that her child's fish could be sold and there was someone to help.

"Tianqian, after dinner, let's go to collect the eggs. Mom told them that it's your grandma's house that needs it because we have something to do. Let's not talk about splitting at that time."

The egg has fallen, which indicates that she can make a small amount of money tomorrow. Although she earns less money today, this little money may be a big deal in the 1970s, because prices are also low at this time.

Dinner is ready. Mingcheng and Mingyuan hold some branches in their hands, while Wang Xuan carries a pocket in her hand, which contains wild vegetables picked for chickens. Putting down her schoolbag, she began to chop vegetables for the chickens, and the task was handed over to her every day.

Mingyuan put down the firewood and ran to the edge of the water tank and scooped a large ladle of water and began to drink it.

After drinking the water, I had a hiccup. "I'm so thirsty, Mom, do we have a wine bottle? I have to bring some water tomorrow, otherwise there will be no water to drink at school."

Zhang Lan looked at the child drinking water and asked sadly, "Mingcheng, don't your school give water to drink?"

Mingcheng explained, "Mom, there are wells in the school. We in the lower grades can't shake the rickle at all, so we have no water to drink. The rapping water in the seniors is not strong enough for themselves, so every day we can only wait for school to drink water until we go home."

The Great Wall said that Zhang Lan and Wang Qian were so distressed. You said that if you didn't have enough to eat, it was because there was not enough food. If you didn't drink water, you wouldn't let people live.

"Brother, wait. I'll buy you a kettle tomorrow, and then we'll bring water from home to school to drink."

Zhang Lan began to pick up the corner outside, found a few drunken wine bottles, washed them and filled the children with water. "Mingcheng, you can take this to school tomorrow, and we will change it when the kettle is bought."

For the sake of the child, Zhang Lan doesn't care about money. Besides, her daughter will go to the city to sell eggs tomorrow. Even if the couple suffer a little and earn more work to pay off the debt, she will not let the children suffer this.

The family waited until very late, and Wang Zhenhe hurried back. Wang Qian rarely saw his father come back so late. She asked curiously, "Dad, what did you do today? When you come back so late, our stomachs are almost hungry."

Wang Zhenhe picked up the little girl with an apologetic face. "Tianqian, I really don't blame my father today. When I was about to finish work, I sent a few labor reformers from the city. Your father asked the captain to catch the office and help them arrange accommodation for these people. At this time, I'm so hungry

Wang Zhenhe's words have no reaction from others. Such things often happen here, and people don't pay as much attention to it as before. However, Wang Qian thinks of Zuo He's grandfather. Isn't that old man is also among them?

"Dad, do you know if there is an old man surnamed Zuo among those people?"

Recommend the book "Rebirth of Nongmenjiao" at the end of 99

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