Reborn Farmer's Field

65. Heart disease

If Wang Qian asked something else, maybe Wang Zhenhe didn't know much about it, but he really knew about it, because he arranged housing and meals according to the huā roster, so when the child asked, he remembered that there was really such a surname among them. At that time, another helper joked about the old man. It's true. What do you think his surname is not good, but his surname is left, which gives the impression that this person has a left-leaning trend.

Wang Zhenhe was so impressed with this sentence, "Daughter, you can really count. Today, an old man surnamed Zuo came. I don't know if it's the person you mentioned, but how do you know that there is a person surnamed Zuo in it?"

Wang Zhenhe didn't quite understand. Wang Qian made up words, "Dad, am I blind? Who knows it's right all of a sudden. Your daughter is really awesome."

She sat in her father's arms and praised herself with some pride. Wang Zhenhe saw the little girl's proud look and couldn't help kissing her fiercely.

"That's right, my daughter is the smartest." This father also echoed, and he didn't think it was too much at all.

Wang Qian has thought about it. She will go there early tomorrow morning to see if it is Zuo He's grandfather. If it's her, it's better to bring them a letter. Don't let the old lady continue to get angry at home.

"We're all back. Let's have dinner. The children are hungry." Zhang Lan said hello. Everyone came to help. They took the table, took the bowls and chopsticks, and served the food. The whole family was very busy for a while.

After dinner, Zhang Lan brought out the little girl on the pretext of taking the child out to wander. The other three did their homework at home, but Mingcheng agreed to teach her to read when her sister came back.

The two came to several families that greeted people during the day. The first one to go was her uncle's house. This was Wang Qian's first time to come here. The uncle lived in three tile houses. The people in the room had already eaten. The lobby brother and the second cousin were crazy in the yard.

Seeing them coming, I quickly ran over to say hello, "Cianqian, I haven't seen you for a long time. Why do I think you are getting more and more energetic?" The lobby took her hand and walked into the room and said, "Brother, I also think you are getting more and more promising, and that head has grown a lot taller."

When Wang Mingshan heard his little cousin say that he had grown up, he looked complacent. "I said I've grown up, but your aunt still doesn't believe it."

Wang Juan saw that the two of them were coming and quickly asked them to come and sit down. "Sister and sister, I have prepared all the eggs, and there are only 20 left at home."

Wang Juan brought the counted eggs to her mother, which happened to be twenty. Zhang Lan handed her 80 cents at the current price of each four cents. "Sister-in-law, I have to go to someone else's house to get some, so we won't do more."

Wang Qian was chatting with the lobby sister. Hearing Zhang Lan's words, she quickly slipped to the ground and followed her mother out of her uncle's house. Two cousins and one cousin kept telling her to come and play more if she had nothing to do.

Zhang Lan took her daughter to a few more houses, gathered a hundred eggs, put things in the space, and then walked back slowly.

"Jianqian, do you think this egg can be sold? You won't lose money by selling, will you?"

Zhang Lan was not sure, so she said the questions in her heart as she walked.

Wang Qian is not worried about this. The difference between urban and rural areas is not only in people's lifestyle and living conditions, but more importantly, the price is also a little worse. She just wants to make this difference, otherwise who is willing to go to the city to pour eggs in the future. At that time, the pouring army I also made a lot of money.

"Mom, I'm going to sell it. I definitely can't accompany you. We don't do the indemnity business."

The little girl's relaxed tone made Zhang Lan feel relieved, "Cianqian, if you can sell it, we will sell it. No one will buy it. At worst, if you take it back, we will sell it to the acquisition station."

Wang Qian remembered that the vegetables in the space had grown up a lot, so she asked, "Mom, the vegetables in the space don't need seedlings. I think they are bigger than those in our field."

Zhang Lan hasn't been in for several days. Listening to the child talking like this, she quickly took advantage of this time to go to the space to have a look.

I saw that the vegetables in the space were indeed much larger than those outside, and even the crops were much taller than those in the production team.

"Jianqian, how do I feel that the things here mature faster than those outside? We may not have to wait until autumn to harvest, so that our family's food may not be able to be connected to the upper stream."

Seeing that her mother was still worried about the food and drink at home, she took Zhang Lan's hand and comforted her, "Mom, you can definitely harvest it in advance. At that time, you can eat the steamed buns with white noodles."

Zhang Lan taught her daughter how to make vegetable seedlings. If the vegetables are too dense, it is easy to affect the growth. She gave the cabbage and rapeseed vegetable seedlings. She gave a share to the poor grandparents in the city for her daughter to bring, and the rest of them were ready to make some vegetable buns for the children to improve.

After finishing the work in the space, the mother and daughter swaggered home. Mingcheng continued to teach his sister to read, while Wang Zhenhe sat on the edge of the kang and rubbed the hemp rope in his hand. From time to time, he looked up at several children laughing alone there.

After dinner in the morning, Wang Qian went to the production team to arrange a place for those who were under transformation. These people cooked by themselves. They were all old men who had never done this job. After making a fire in the room, they began to choke smoke outside. Inside was smoke, and a group of people were choked out and coughing outside.

One of the old men with gray hair attracted her attention, and Zuo He's eyes looked very much like this old man's.

He came to the old man's side. "Grandpa, I want to ask if you know Zuo He."

The old man, who coughed into tears, suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the little girl who was not as tall as his legs. "You, how do you know my grandson?"

Niuniu knew that she had found the right person as soon as she saw this situation. She quietly pulled the old man aside and talked about how she knew Zuo He, but she picked up a good story and didn't dare to tell him the news of the old lady's illness, otherwise it would be a mess if she couldn't help.

"Grandpa Zuo, I'm going to see Zuo He today. If you have anything to do, I'll bring it to you."

The old man lowered his head and pondered for a long time before he said, "Doll, just say that I'm fine here. Let them not think about it. Grandpa, thank you first."

The old man's resolute eyes were full of gratitude. "Grandpa Zuo, you can walk around here after dinner in the evening. I'll come and give you a message in the evening. I have to take a bus to the city."

After saying goodbye to the old man, she went home to clean up first, took out some of the vegetable seedlings that her mother came down yesterday for her family to eat, tied it with a hemp rope for Zuo He's family, and went straight to the station as soon as the door was locked. Yesterday, she had discussed with her She can do it herself. Every day, someone gets on and off the bus at the station. She follows them behind them. Who knows what their relationship is, and it doesn't cause suspicion that they can get tickets free.

When she got to the city, she found a place where there was no one to take out the things to give to Zuo He. She turned the basket and walked to the alley of Zuo's house. Unexpectedly, Zuo He had already waited under the telegraph pole and stared at this way with a pair of big eyes.

When he saw her figure, the little guy ran over in surprise and complained, "Sister Qianqian, why did you come here? I've been waiting for you all morning."

When I looked at the little guy's face, it was already red in the sun.

"Brother Zuo He, I promise that I will definitely come today. Don't wait in the sun in the future. What if you get heatstroke? Is your grandma better?"

Zuo He nodded his little head seriously, "Grandma is much better. I gave grandma a hot meal yesterday, and grandma had a bowl of rice."

The two came to the yard and let Zuo He take the things they brought to the kitchen. She entered the old lady's room by herself.

"Grandma Zuo, how are you feeling better? I brought you medicine today." After saying that, I took out the oxytetracycline that Zhang Lan bought in her pocket.

The old lady got up from the kang and looked at the clever little girl in front of her with a kind face. "Qianqian is here. Grandma is much better. Thank you for the medicine."

She gave the old lady some medicine first, and then she sat on the edge of the kang and said mysteriously, "Grandma Zuo, I'll tell you some good news. I'm sure you'll be fine as you hear the disease immediately."

The old lady didn't believe what the child said. The little girl didn't know why she was sick, but she also cooperated and made an expression that she wanted to hear very much. "Cianqian, tell grandma, what's the good news?"

"Grandma, I saw Grandpa Zuo. He is working in our production team. I went to see it in the morning. He was very nice. He asked me to tell you that everything is fine and tell you don't worry about him."

When the old lady heard the news, tears came down. She had been holding back for so long that no one could talk to her. At this moment, she knew the whereabouts of her wife, and the depression in her heart was finally vented.

Zuo He came back from sending things and saw Grandma in tears, and tears came out in horror. "Grandma, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

After all, the child is still young. He doesn't know the feelings between adults, so the old lady was sick. He thought it was just a simple illness. He didn't expect that his grandmother was worried that his grandfather would fall ill.

The old lady saw that she scared her grandson to cry and quickly wiped her tears. "Zuo He, we have news about your grandpa. When grandma is in good health, let's go to see grandpa."

The old lady's news immediately coaxed Zuo He, who was crying, "Really grandma, can we go to see grandpa?" The little guy is closest to his grandparents. As soon as he heard that he could find him, he jumped up.

The old lady looked at her baby grandson with a smile. "Grandma Zuo, I have to go out to sell things later. I'll cook lunch for you when I come back. This time I'll bring some dishes. Let's eat this for lunch."

The old lady knew that it was not easy for the child's family, so she told him, "Jianqian, you should look around when you sell things. If someone with a cuff tag comes, you can run back quickly. Now you are not allowed to sell things casually."

Of course, Wang Qian knew this in her heart, but she still nodded with a smile and promised, "Grandma, I'll go first and wait for me to come back at noon."